Today we will look at one of this week's major aspects, which is the square perfecting between Venus and Mars. I'll share five ways of interpreting this combination given that Mars is in the superior position, both planets are in signs of Mercury, and Mercury is retrograde.
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Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology, and today we're going to take a look at one of the major aspects of the week, which is the square that is perfecting between Venus and Mars. Venus is in Virgo Mars is in the sign of Gemini. Mars turns out to be in the superior position, which means it has a little bit more of a dominant influence. We're going to talk about five different ways of interpreting this combination given that Mars is in the superior position, that they are both in signs of Mercury, that Mercury is retrograde, and so on and so forth. So we'll try to really contextualize the specifics of this Venus-Mars transit while giving you some archetypal insights into the pairing overall, and hopefully, this will help you identify it a little bit more easily in your life this week.
So before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe. Share your comments as you are listening; I would love to hear from you guys. If you have a story to share this week. Drop it into the comments section using the hashtag grabbed or emailed grabbed If you prefer to be even more anonymous, don't share anything that you don't want us to potentially feature in one of our grabbed episodes, but we love to hear how the planets are showing up in your life unexpectedly. And that series is dedicated to sharing all of your stories, which I love reading, even though we can't feature all of them there. It's really, really cool to see what you guys are up to, so All right, well before I dive in, I also want to direct you to my website
It is enrollment season for the next section of my year one course Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic. If you click on the first-year course, you're going to scroll down and learn you can learn more about my first-year program. This is a really thorough and deep dive into ancient Hellenistic astrology with a kind of modern archetypal influence. I'm someone who loves Jung and Hillman and depth psychology. But I'm also someone who's just really, really excited about ancient Hellenistic astrology. So the two were kind of blended together in the way that I teach and present the material. It's a really nicely structured program; there are 30 classes on the year, and you can listen to what some of our alumni have said about their experience by watching a video we have up there. There are 30 classes in the year that I lead; they're all two to three hours each. The class starts on November 12, that's Saturdays, starting on November 12. And we meet for two to three hours at a time; everything's recorded. If you can't make it live, you can go at your own pace; you get to keep all the material for good. It never expires. You have breakout study sessions in between our major units. In addition to those 30 webinars, led by my staff, there's a group forum discussion that has tutoring staff in it that answers questions as well year-round; you can email me anytime with questions. There's lots of bonus material; we have 12 additional guest lectures that come in outside of the 30 classes and breakout tutoring sessions.
So it's a year worth of really amazing content. And it is like it's sort of my magnum opus; I'm most proud of this, that I've built this, you know, at least as an astrologer. This is the class that I have put all of my heart and soul into. And I think that it's a great program. During the last part of the program, we invite live clients in, and you'll see me read for them and implement everything we've been studying. And then you can ask questions about it. It's a really hands-on immersive program; there's an early bird payment you can take advantage of, saving about $500 off, and there's a payment plan that you can use as well. And then there's tuition assistance if you need any extra help. We do have a limited number of those available in every section. So just be sure if you are going to use the need-based tuition. And please, if you need any help to make it happen, take advantage of that. And just know that the earlier you get that application and for need-based tuition, the easier it is for us to make sure that we get everybody in so. Yep. So that being said, I hope to see some of you in class soon. And if you have any questions about the program, email us info
All right, well, the big transit of the week is Venus in Virgo is squaring Mars in Gemini. Let's go ahead and put the real-time clock up and take a look at this so you can get a visual of it. So here we are. It's funny; my art it's Mercury is about to turn retrograde in Libra, and my artistic drawing tool, when I turn it on, is causing both of my screens to go black. Isn't that just such a mercury in Venus's sign kind of thing? That's funny; I guess the gods don't want me to use that right now. So I'm just going to go ahead and screen share. Let's see. I'm going to try again; nope, it does the same exact thing for some reason; it turns both of my screens black. Well, you can see it right here. I'm just gonna go ahead and circle it; here is Venus in Virgo on Friday, September 16. And here is Mars in Gemini, also at 14 degrees, Friday, September 16. So the square happens on Friday, you're going to be feeling it this whole week, and through the weekend, you should be feeling it as well; give it till about Monday.
So that transit means, you know, we're seeing the lovers Aries and Aphrodite, we're seeing them come together and in a square which is of the nature of Mars. Now in this chart, and I can't draw it because my drawing tool is having a tantrum today. But, you can see that Mars is on the right-hand side if you were to draw a line straight into the center of the wheel from Mars. The aspect to Venus is to Mars is right, which means Mars is in the superior or dominant position. That means that Mars has a little bit more, you know, it's a Venus-Mars mix with a dominant Mars note. They're both in Mercury signs Gemini and Virgo are birth Mercury signs Mercury and Venus are in mutual reception. Venus is in the sign of its fall. Mercury is retrograde right now. What could that mean?
Well, today, what I'm going to try to do is outline five different possible archetypal or symbolic interpretations of all of that context. It's really important that when we're reading a transit oftentimes, you know, the first level is just getting a feel of what's Venus and Mars all about, and we will talk about that today. But what does it mean that Venus and Mars are squaring each other while in Mercury sign while Venus is in its fall while Mars is superior? And while Mercury hosts both Venus and Mars, being in a Mercury ruled sign is also retrograde? When you put all of that together, what are the kinds of things that you should watch for?
Well, one would be Mars stuff dominating Venus stuff. Mars is in the superior square to Venus; Venus is in her fall. So you have kind of a Venus falling on hard times as she's getting dominated by Mars. Well, what would that mean? Well, that could mean a huge variety; I would suggest looking at the whole sign houses in your birth chart, for example, look at the house of Venus and look at the house of Mars. That will give you a lot of useful information. What I mean by that is sorry, the house of Venus and Mars would be Gemini and Virgo in this case. So those topics of those houses may get activated through the inherent tension and the Mars in Geminis house in your birth chart; the topics of that area may have a dominant or dominating effect over Venus's topics in Virgo.
So that would be one way of like taking this little template and applying it to your birth chart. Mars dominating Venus, though, would mean that, like let's say, you know, just to put it at a really relatable level, let's say you're at a dance club, and you're dancing with someone. And let's say that person, you're just wanting to have fun and harmonize with your moves. But you know, Mars is getting a little too sexual or a little too aggressive or a little domineering, or a little too physical, a little too close for company, leave a little space for Jesus. So, so it could be the kind of thing where Mars is dominant. Could that actually mean violence towards women? Or could that translate toward something around the Mars topics now Mars and Mercury sign could be words that hurt or ideas that hurt or even transactions or agreements or something around the marketplace, or money or contracts or something like that, that have a dominating and negative effect over Venus.
Now, I know that's not like what everyone probably wants to hear. But Mars is in the superior square. So this is like, now, if you're down with getting dominated, if you're like, Hey, I like being I like the submissive position, then maybe this is just the fun transit, you know, and it's not like Venus and Mars go back and forth dominating each other through their dance in the zodiac. They take turns, just like the Yin is sometimes stronger than the Yang, and the Yang is sometimes stronger than the Yin. So could this dominating effect be playful, flirtatious? I think that's a possibility as well but watch for Mars sort of dominating Venus stuff, where there should be harmony or pleasant things or desirable things or more feminine things. You have a more masculine, in particularly a more mental masculine quality or verbal, mental, rational ideological presence that might be dominating something that's more Venusian and earthy and sensual. Venus is in an earth sign. So that would be one thing to watch for.
Two would be Venus, overcome by mercurial strife. Now, why do I say that? Because Venus is in Mercury sign in her fall dominated by Mars, who is in Mercury sign? So you know, the other thing might be to specify a little bit more than the strife Mars being the general ruler of strife is persecuting Venus or harming Venus or overwhelming Venus, was something super mercurial. For example, if you are the kind of person who doesn't like to deal with lots of heady stuff and details, this could really, you know, be a buzzkill to have, you know, Mars and Gemini pounding at your door being like, hey, you need to do this or that, or there's that, you know, there's a specific, it's kind of like, you know, what I think of when I think of this, I think of when I was in graduate school, one of the things that made me go into an MFA in Creative Writing, rather than a Ph.D., was the simple fact that I did not like that I didn't like feeling dominated by the structure and rigidity of academic paper writing. I liked the creative space. The creative space was much more Venusian. So, you know, Mars and Mars in Gemini is like the editor coming in and saying, are you doing this by the MLA format? And I was like, Did you even read what I wrote? You know, you know, so I watch for mercurial strife, potentially overcoming Venus.
Now, when it comes to the next one, I think this one's a little bit more potentially playful, and I want to try to include something that might be more exciting. Mars could be seducing or pursuing Venus. By this, I just mean that there's a tango between; these are lovers, they're illicit lovers too. They're like adulterous lovers in Greek mythology. So what are we being attracted or drawn to? Does it feel sacred or maybe profane, you know, the idea of Mars, mentally, verbally, intellectually, trying to talk Venus into something comes to mind, but maybe it's fun, and maybe Venus needs to let go. Maybe there's also a sense in which Venus and Mars are in a kind of tango, and Venus is being overwhelmed by the pursuer, you know? And that could be really like that could be artistic and creative and sexual and romantic and, and chemically combustive in a really fun way this week, so I don't want to give the impression that, you know, it's all just a bummer that Mars is in the superior position. And really, this is gender-neutral. Like when I, you know, Mars and Venus could represent a pursuer and a pursued in any kind of relationship whatsoever, with people identifying in any way whatsoever.
The fluidity, especially with Mars in Gemini and Venus in Mercury sign of Virgo, is tremendous with this combination. So you could also see really fun and interesting flip flops between the people who in any kind of relationship are typically more aggressive, and those that are typically more receptive or passive isn't quite the right word, more receptive, those things could flip, and there could be quite an interesting dance going on because this is Mercury. These are Mercury signs, and Mercury likes to flip-flop. Also, the idea of there being a Venus being overcome by multiple different pursuers or outcomes or ideas and feeling confused and trying to juggle different desires and temptations and wishes and, and stuff like that could be really interesting considering they're both in double-bodied signs. And again, some of this can be really playful, and the results creatively, you know, remarkable. So trying to make sure it's not all negative here.
Number four would be tension between Mars and Venus, for better or worse, that would just translate into like, standard like masculine, feminine yin yang dynamics energetically speaking across the board. So you know, just like there's a push, and there's a pull, Venus tends to pull things in naturally, without having to go out and do or get Mars tends to go and get. So those two energies just combining and mingling could make for just tension at the workplace in relationships and negotiations in trying to in, and I believe because Mercury is retrograde in Venus's sign right now and going through the back through that opposition with Jupiter in Aries that it's likely that you're trying to revise, mend, you know mediate something and that there's you know, there's probably some tension and working out a place where everyone's happy and that you know, that is not only Mercury retrograde and Venus the sign, with Venus in its fall it's like oh of opposite Jupiter in Aries.
Right, you get this feeling of ideological conflict. I'm different than you are. You're different than me. We have to somehow figure something out. Mars opposite Mars square Venus at the same time is, you know, it's there's a lot of the feeling of relational tension. Right? It's interesting that what we resist persists. That's a truth that so many different traditions teach us and also that what we that we're there is it's really important to understand the shadows of what we exude as our sense, like whatever we value in the way we just try to show that to the world there are usually shadows in that attraction, like, whatever I put on my shelf in life to say, this is what I love, this is what I find beautiful. Make sure you explore the shadows of those things and be aware of them because if you're not, they'll come in in ways that are more often more destructive.
So becoming aware of what we love and why we love it. Also, becoming aware of why we don't like someone or something, and really exploring it and being really open and curious about it doesn't mean that we have to turn it into rainbows. Just staying curious about our dislikes and trying to open them up and find multidimensionality within what we don't like or what we resist or are averse to. That's also really important. And this transit will bring those things up. Reactionary thinking is not going to work. So patience.
Number five leads to the final thing I have to say, which is that there's a diplomatic not that might be, you know, the harder you pull on it with the will and the desire to win, the tighter it gets, whereas the more curious and careful and thoughtful and in inserting patience and nuance and care, as well as will if you're just doing that slowly and gently. It's like you're going to untangle this situation and find that there is a compromise existing for everyone. So that's my hope anyway.
But I do think that you have to look at this as a diplomatic knot because you've got Venus square Mars, which in and of itself presents relational tension. While Mercury is retrograde, right? And Mercury rules the signs that both Mars and Venus are in. And Mercury is opposing Jupiter in Aries. Right? And Venus is in its fall, too, so the harmonizer is having a difficult time. That's why I say there's a bit of a diplomatic knot that has got to be worked out; I think it will be it's just be more interested in a happy outcome for everyone than you are in winning and be easy to let go of the feeling of being offended. And I think everyone gets through this just fine. That's my two cents.
So I hope that this helps you guys this week and that you find it to be a useful little talk. Tell me your stories again if you have a story this week. Use the hashtag grabbed or email us grabbed@nightlight love to collect your stories and share them. Don't forget to also check out the new enrollment period for my upcoming class, Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic starts on November 12. I think it was the 12th. Let me just check here. Yeah, it starts on November 12. And I'm really happy to see some of you in class, and you can make sure to check out the need-based tuition and apply for that early to make sure that we get you in there. All right. Well, that's what we've got for today, and we'll see you again tomorrow. Bye, everyone.
Thank you Sir for the wonderful article on Mars Square Venus natal aspect.
I do have a question about the aspect and I want to hear your insight Sir.
My husband natal has 5th house Scorpio Mars (Domicile), Scorpio Saturn, and Scorpio Pluto, all three Square his Aquarius Venus 8th house. Scorpio Mars Square his Venus the hardest EXACT at 0 orb, while her ruler Scorpio Saturn square too but wider orb (I leave the generational Pluto out of this).
His Venus is in Mars Bound/term. Being Square by Mars at 0 orb, and the Scorpio planets in 5th rises before Aquarius Venus in 8th. So Mars dominant the square, and she also in Mars Bound/term.
I’m with him 15 years already and I never see his Venus show up, I only see his Mars traits show up, romantically speaking as I’m his wife.
Is this just how it suppose to be with the bad condition of his Venus? As I never see Venus, only see Mars and Saturn.