In this series, I explore the ancient philosophy of the Hermetica and its relation to the spiritual practice of astrology. Check out the Audio Edition here! …
Q&A: The Twelfth House
Check out the audio edition of this talk on my SoundCloud page, here. …
Venus in Capricorn and Don’t Sleep on Mars and Pluto
Venus is entering Capricorn. And don't fall asleep on Mars and Pluto.* Remember that planets within three degrees of perfecting their aspect are engaging. Then the two planets perfect the aspect. Then the planets separate.* The separation of the planets within three more degrees is often like the fruits of the transit falling of the tree.* We are moving through a dark Moon period, but the New Moon comes through tomorrow. Look for the confrontational and cathartic energy of Mars/Pluto to …
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Sun and Rising Sign Horoscopes, Written, Video, and Audio Editions
Click Here for the Audio Editions on SoundCloudClick Here for the Written Editionsor Visit the Video Below to Check Out This Month's Horoscope PlayList on YouTube! …
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The Astrology of February Written Edition
Here's your astrological overview for the month of February, 2019:* February is toned by the culmination of Uranus in the last, anaretic degree of Aries. Even though Uranus and Pluto aren't creating an exact square, this is the last time you will see these two planets in a whole sign square between Aries and Capricorn, and that is significant. We've been watching these two planets dance together for the better part of the last decade, and Uranus' culmination in the final degree of Aries will …
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The Astrology of February Audio and Video Editions
Check out my new SOUNDCLOUD audio station for the audio edition of all of my talks. …
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The Last Quarter Moon
It's the last quarter Moon today.* With the Moon in her fall in Scorpio and the Sun in its exile in Aquarius, today presents us with the analysis of what is no longer working, of where the problems lie and of how they came to exist.* With Mars and Saturn hosting the lights right now, and just separating from a square, we are getting a glimpse of the limits of our power or control. If we have over-endeavored, we might be feeling a vague sense of shame from not being able to live up to our …
The Uranus/Pluto Grand Finale
In the month ahead, Uranus and Pluto finish their long dance between the signs of Aries and Capricorn.Here's what to watch for:* When Uranus enters the last "anaretic" degree (sometimes called the 'killing' degree) of Aries, it will be effectively finishing 8 years worth of a square to Pluto in Capricorn by whole sign.* Meanwhile, Saturn is quickly approaching its conjunction with Pluto, which will finally perfect next winter.* We are reaching the end of an era of upheaval, revolution, and …