As Mars approaches its opposition to Saturn, you may feel like...* Nothing is moving quite the way you want it to* Blockages are causing pain, fear, anxiety* The worst case scenario is unfoldingOr, you may feel:* Laser sharp, focused, concentrated* Disciplined, militant, conservative* Frugal, content in the chaos, self-restrainedBe careful of:* Tears, strains, separations* Pushing too hard results in injury, accident, or misfortune* Bursting or ripping apart or openIt's a good time for:* A …
New Moon in Gemini
Happy New Moon Everyone!This New Moon in Gemini beholds Saturn by opposition, while Mars moves into a degree-based opposition with Saturn. Let's imagine the image of the wind working slowly to shape massive pieces of land, like mountains.* The mountain (Saturn) is an image of a long-standing principle, or the crystallization of an idea, or the solidification of our understanding of something.* The mountain (Saturn) is an image of non-action, of an obstacle, of a "no," of a difficulty, or …
Venus/Pluto and Mars/Saturn: Obstacles to Union
Venus is moving into a square with Pluto while Mars and Saturn are moving into an opposition.Here's what to watch for:* Speaking up or speaking out about something in order to remove blocks in relationships or tricky situations (Venus/Pluto)* Forcibly removing obstacles to union (Venus/Pluto)* Clarifying roles and boundaries (Venus/Pluto with Mars/Saturn)* The truth is more important than wishes (Venus/Pluto with Mars/Saturn)* Judgment, feeling judged, feeling thwarted or opposed (Venus/Pluto …
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Mars/Saturn: Reaching Plateaus
As Mars is closing in on the opposition to Saturn, let's continue to meditate on this transit, exploring its opportunity for spiritual growth...* The 53rd hexagram of the I Ching is sometimes called "Gradual Development," and it depicts a tree growing slowly on the side of a mountain.* For a tree to grow into its full flower on the side of a mountain, it has to learn how to grow with an awareness of its roots and its precarious "hold," in every moment.* The 53rd hexagram also depicts the proper …
Uranus/Saturn and Mars/Saturn: The Wanderer
The darkening Moon is in Aries today, moving toward Mars, Saturn, and Uranus and activating the dynamics between these planets today.An I Ching Meditation to further illuminate the Mars/Saturn opposition and simultaneous Saturn/Uranus trine:* The 56th hexagram of the I Ching is called "The Wanderer," and it depicts a time of transition, traveling, and uncertainty* The 56th hexagram also denotes times after an abundance of activity, or gain...after these times there is an immediate period of …
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Saturn trine Uranus
Saturn and Uranus are just separating, and Mars is applying to oppose Saturn by next Sunday.You may recognize some of the following themes:* Revolution and the implementation of that revolution into lasting structures or strong foundations (Saturn trine Uranus)* The revolutionary momentum slows, invites a time of concentration and deepening before moving forward again (Saturn trine Uranus)* For real change to be long lasting it has to be accompanied by focus, commitment, and discipline …
Angels as Bad Guys in Disguise
It's Saturn's Day!!! Woohoo!As Mars approaches it's opposition to Saturn, Saturn approaches it's opposition to Mars, so you might hear the singing of these two malefics...angels as bad guys in disguise..pressing their issues...* the anger says, YOU LEFT ME, the heart says, "thank you."* the resentment says, IT. IS. NOT. FAIR., the heart says, "thank you."* the soul says, I AM SO SAD, the heart says, "I pray for others."* the desire says, I WANT IT NOW!, the heart says, "God help me. I …
Diplomacy and Discipline in the Stars
Venus is just separating from Jupiter while Mars is closing in on an opposition to Saturn.Here's what to watch for:* The continued tensions and transformational dynamics between teachers and students, higher ups and those they are dependent upon, masters and emissaries, rulers and diplomats, ambassadors or representatives and their causes..* The issues of whether or not a good idea is really good for everyone... (Jupiter in Venus sign, Venus opposed in her detriment)* Blunders, errors, and …
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Mars/Saturn and Venus/Jupiter
Happy Last Quarter Moon Everyone!What to watch for:* Last quarter Moons are times of completing, integrating, releasing, and the beginning of the end of things as we know them.* The love and admiration or animosity and tension between teachers and students, leaders and emissaries, bosses and employees, higher ups and lower downs, etc. (Venus opp Jupiter with Jupiter in Venus' sign).* The need to recognize, value, and lift up that which we rely upon for support (Venus opp Jupiter with Jupiter in …
Mars/Saturn and the Spirit of Denial
As Mars approaches its opposition to Saturn, and Saturn approaches its opposition to Mars...Today we invite the word "denial" into our hearts and minds.* The etymology of the word "denial," brings up the image of turning away from, saying no, refusing, or repudiating.* The psychological use of the word "denial" is related to the willful but often unconscious turning away of "painful or embarrassing feelings or thoughts."* Consider that we covet those things that harm us, those ideas of ourselves …
Mars and Saturn Moving into an Opposition
As Venus closes in on an opposition to Jupiter (see yesterday's horoscope), Mars is also closing in on an opposition to Saturn.Let's call on the I Ching to reflect on the applying Mars/Saturn dynamic.* The 2nd hexagram of the I Ching is called "The Receptive." It is the only hexagram of the I Ching to feature all yin lines. It is the quintessential "yin" of the 64 hexagram sequence, and it follows after the 1st hexagram of the 64, called "The Creative," which is made up of all yang lines.* The …
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Venus and Jupiter Opposed
Mercury is entering Taurus today after a long time conjunct with Uranus in Aries. Meanwhile, Venus is moving into an opposition with Jupiter and Saturn is heading toward an opposition with Mars.Today we explore the symbolic meaning of the Venus/Jupiter opposition...* Jupiter and Venus moving into an opposition may point toward the desire for things that we do not need, or for things that we do not yet have the resources to afford* The Jupiter/Venus opposition is also about the blindness of …