The Moon is in Scorpio today, moving slowly into an opposition with Mars. Meanwhile, the Sun is moving into a conjunction with Uranus.Here's what to watch for:With the Sun and Uranus...* Sudden or unexpected acts of bravery, courage, or aggression* The impulse to move, act, plow forward, or make a snap choice or judgment * Breakthroughs, insight and moments of clarity, enthusiasm, the start of a revolutionary event or moment * The illumination of an idea or concept* The erratic, …
Sun Moving Toward Uranus in Aries
The Moon is just past Full in Libra.Here's what to watch for:* Venus and Saturn's square continues and will stay tightly configured for the rest of this month. The themes of maturity, respect, duty, seriousness, commitment, focus, labor, age, time, and gravity in love, beauty, and relationships of all kinds is amplified right now. Along with this are the more challenging themes of death, difficulty, obstruction, decay, separation, hardship, alienation, loneliness, ignorance, and loss in the same …
Full Moon Today!
Happy Full Moon Everyone! Mercury is also turning retrograde today.Here's what to watch for:* The Full Moon is taking place today just after the Moon conjoins with Jupiter and just as Mercury is turning retrograde. The Sun is also square to Pluto, opposite Juptier, and moving into a conjunction with Uranus.* This is an incredibly pivotal time on the global level, so watch as the news cycle this week erupts with more powerful events, especially tonight and tomorrow, and watch for those events to …
Saturn Stationing to Turn Retrograde is Like…
Saturn stationing to turn retrograde is like...* Stopping something before you get in over your head* Biding your time* Strategizing for a later advance* Thinking it over* A breakdown of rules, structures, and forms of conduct* A reconsideration or revisioning of forms, structures, and rules* Releasing an embittered or dogmatic perspective* Shutting down rather than opening up* Melancholia on the rise* Facing the inevitable* The destabilization of foundations or the ruin, decay, or …
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Venus/Saturn Square: Fate and Ignorance
A lot going on in the next week. Let's refresh on the Venus/Saturn square as Saturn is stationing to turn retrograde today.* In ancient Greek philosophy the concept of necessity, Ananke, and the planet Saturn (Kronos) were closely related. Astrological philosopher Robert Schmidt has often suggested that within the Greek conceptualization of fate there were several different "kinds" of fate. With ananke, or necessity, there were two notions in particular. On the one hand you have events that are …
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Reading the Portents of the Sun
The Sun is approaching a square to Pluto...An I Ching lesson on the approach of the Sun into the t-square between Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto.* Hexagram 24 is often called "Return," and it depicts one yang line and five yin above it. Because the lines move from bottom to top, the hexagram is a picture of yang energy returning and climbing upward again.* Hexagram 24 depicts the light returning after a period of darkness.* My favorite translated, Alfred Huang writes of hexagram 24 that "This …
A Busy Astrological Week
What a week of astrological transits we have in front of us...Here's what to watch for:* Over the next week + the Sun will oppose Jupiter, square Pluto, and conjoin Uranus.* Over the next week Saturn will station and turn retrograde* In a little over a week Venus will station and turn direct* In the next week Venus will exactly square Saturn and then station and slowly turn direct while Saturn is doing the same thing, making for a kind of ongoing standoff between the two planets all month.* It's …
A Long Venus/Saturn Square Coming
The Moon is just about to enter its home sign of Cancer, and tonight Venus will retrograde out of Aries and into Pisces...Here's what to watch for:* Venus is retrograding out of Aries and into Pisces by this evening, which means that Venus will begin a square to Saturn that will be in effect for the rest of April as Venus stations and slowly turns direct again.* Venus' square to Saturn brings up issues of trust and doubt in relationships. Venus in her exaltation wears down the doubt, mistrust, …
The Sun Enters the T-Square
Jupiter and Pluto are still in a tight square, but now just separating.Here's what to watch for:* Over the next two weeks the Sun in Aries will walk through the cross hairs of the t-square between Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. The Sun in Aries is exalted, but every exaltation is closely related to its opposite condition, which we call "fall" or "depression." The exaltation of the Sun in Aries points to leaders, heads of state, rulers, powerful people, executives, those with the power to judge or …
Jupiter/Pluto: An I Ching Lesson
Jupiter and Pluto are exactly square today.An I Ching Lesson for today's transit:* The 56th hexagram of the I Ching is sometimes called "the Wanderer," and it has to do with being in a transitional or liminal state, a state of exile or departure, or a state of being an outsider or the foreigner.* Such positions indicate that whatever power we may have inside, it is not capable of being fully expressed outside because of the situation we find ourselves in.* When we aren't playing on our home …
Mercury Trine Saturn: The Wise Man Speaks
The Moon is about to enter Taurus today...Here's what to watch for:* Mercury is trine to Saturn. You are: thoughtful, serious, committed, focused, disciplined, strict, harsh, severe, limiting your words, careful with your thoughts, finishing or finalizing an agreement, trying to cut down or cut back on something, pruning or editing, speaking with conviction, arguing with a brick wall, thinking about age, death, and mortality, finding support from an elder or words of encouragement from someone …
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Power, Judgment, and Reform
The new Moon in Aries is moving toward an opposition with Jupiter and square to Pluto today.Let's take a closer look at the Jupiter/Pluto square, which is tightening right now.* The last time that Jupiter and Pluto were square to one another from Libra and Capricorn it was between 1767 and 1768, during the time that the Townshend Acts were being passed in the American colonies. The Townshend acts were a new series of taxes levied on the colonies by the British Empire, and they were met with …