The Moon is in Taurus today, exalted, and her ruler Venus is also exalted. Following yesterday's post, here are five things we can learn from Venus' exaltation in Pisces.* Venus in Pisces is like that moment where even an awkward American feels natural when greeting friends with a kiss. Because why wouldn't we smooch in the streets or put our arms around each other? Venus in Pisces reminds us that affection is the currency of love. Affection foots the bill for all our worries and fears, and no …
5 Teachings for Taurus
The Moon is in Taurus today. Here are 5 simple truths we can learn from the sign of the bull:* Simplicity is one of the safest, most durable, loyal, easy, and supportive qualities of nature. If we want to experience happiness in any phase of life then we might consider simplifying our expectations, or habits and routines and methods.* When you follow a routine and you make sure to include time for resting and playing or small pleasures, then your experiences becomes both stable and enjoyable. …
A Weekend Forecast
The Moon is in late Aries this morning and will shortly enter her exaltation in Taurus. Last night Mercury was conjunct Neptune in Pisces, and I had a strange sleep adventure which I wrote about here on facebook at around 3am. It was so striking I had to write it down, and this morning I am still struck by the magic of the experience.In short, I was having a lucid dream about looking into my daughter's eyes and wondering what was "behind" or "within" them. What does she see when she looks at me …
A 3am Mercury/Neptune Experience
It's 3am, and I'm in a strange hypnagogic state tonight after taking some cold medicine made from plants of the Amazon. A friend sent me some he made from Peru and said "in case you feel a cold coming on this winter." Its been unseasonably warm and today I started feeling that uh oh tickle when I swallowed. So I took some of the plant medicine and fell asleep only to be woken up by a loud crashing. It was the same tension rod holding up the same curtain that likes to fall down once in a …
Mercury/Neptune Seeing through the Veil
The Moon is in Aries today, engaging the Pluto/Uranus square and also making a trine to Saturn in Sagittarius. Meanwhile Mercury is conjoining Neptune.Here's what to watch for:* The ghost in the machine (Mercury/Neptune)* Omens, powerful synchronicities, hidden messages (Mercury/Neptune)* Lucid dreaming, spirits, seeing through the veil (Mercury/Neptune)* Delusions, illusions, intoxication, confusion (Mercury/Neptune)* Communication from another realm or world (Mercury/Neptune)* Highly …
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American Politics and the Tail of the Tiger
The Moon is in Pisces today, soon to enter Aries. Meanwhile the Jupiter/Saturn square is nearly exact and will be intensifying as we reach the Spring equinox and our full moon/lunar eclipse in the next few weeks.Let's look at the Jupiter/Saturn square from a new angle today. This morning while meditating on the Jupiter/Saturn square, especially in light of the wave of anti-establishment enthusiasm on both the left and right wings of American politics, I recalled the 10th hexagram of the I Ching, …
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Tonight’s Solar Eclipse Forecast
Happy New Moon and Solar Eclipse today Everyone!!It's a big one. Today's eclipse takes place in a broad conjunction to Neptune and a tight square to Saturn and a nearly exact opposition to Jupiter. There are a variety of ways to look at eclipses so let's run through some of the different themes that stand out in tonight's event.* The places on earth where eclipses happen at important angles of the sky become potential areas of interest or concern. For example today's eclipse takes place …
The Passion of Mars in Sagittarius
The Moon is in late Aquarius this morning, about to enter Pisces. Meanwhile, Mars has entered Sagittarius and our solar eclipse is rapidly approaching.Given the mutable t-square, along with the entry of Mars into Sagittarius and the solar eclipse, let's talk for a moment today about the subject of passion.The word passion comes from the latin word "passio" which means "suffering and enduring." There is also a tie to the word "hurt" and to the Greek word "pathos," which also means "suffering" or …
A Dry Jupiter Ruling the Watery Eclipse
The Moon is in Aquarius today, moving toward sextiles with Saturn and Uranus. Meanwhile Mars has entered Sagittarius and the Sun is moving into an opposition with Jupiter.A few more interesting things to consider about the upcoming eclipse:* The upcoming eclipse will take place in Jupiter's sign, and Jupiter is engaging both Saturn and Neptune as well as the Sun and the Moon. With Jupiter in the dry earth sign of Virgo, opposite Neptune, the contrast between water and earth is highlighted. The …
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Eclipse Predictions and Environmental Warning Signs
The Moon is just entering Aquarius today.For the sake of practice this morning I hand calculated where the upcoming Spring Equinox and Solar eclipse will occur at exactly the MC of a location somewhere on earth. I came up with Hong Kong China as the largest city I could find where the Equinox/Aries Ingress happens at nearly the exact position of the MC (please feel free to check my calculations). However, further south the Sun will be at the MC in various cities throughout Indonesia. My horary …
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The Planets Speaking Out
The Moon is in Capricorn today, and there are plenty of aspects intensifying right now. A big weekend, heading toward our eclipse. Here's what to watch for:* Mercury and Mars are heading toward an exact square by late tonight/early tomorrow. Watch for aggressive communication, bullying, intimidation, idealistic angry rhetoric, exposure, disclosure, public embarrassment, humiliation, fear mongering, explosions of temper or emotion, tongue lashings, difficult news or communication or negotiating, …
Mercury/Mars Square Heating Up
The Moon is in Capricorn today. Several planetary aspects are intensifying as we head toward next week's eclipse.Here's what to watch for:* With Mercury closing in on a square to Mars keep your eye open for aggressive, violent, domineering, communication tactics. Watch for bullying, intimidation and persuasion techniques that involve deception, dishonesty, or anger as the rallying cry. Watch also for difficult conversations or confrontations that involve public forms of humiliation, exposure, …