While I was on vacation last week I was bit on the left foot by a poisonous bug, snake, or spider while walking in the woods (bare foot after a swim). The bite instantly swelled up and got hard below the surface, though I never saw what bit me. This evening I finally sat down to study my transits, after my wife's constant treatment of yarrow and other herbs finally has the wound draining after nearly 10 days and a lot of pain, and I found that at the time of the bite the Sun and Mars were both …
On Deck: Venus/Jupiter Square Saturn
The Moon is in Taurus today, making a number of aspects from the position of its exaltation. Though the Moon's light is almost gone and we're heading toward New Moon by early next week, it's a day of resolutions. The Moon today should have enough juice left from Taurus to push things through to exactly where they need to be by the new moon!Meanwhile, the Venus/Jupiter conjunction is slowly separating and Venus and Jupiter are both now applying to a square of Saturn retrograde in Scorpio. Let's …
Last Quarter Harvesting Time
It's last quarter Moon today, as the Moon in Aries squares the Sun in Cancer. Simultaneously, the Moon in Aries will be engaging her mutual reception with Mars in Cancer, and squaring Pluto in Capricorn.Here's a list of what to watch for given these signatures in the sky right now:* Role reversals and changes of power or position* The weak becoming strong and the strong becoming weak* Generational transformation* Mutually beneficial strategies* Healing wisdom transferred from one generation to …
A Warrior/Mother Last Quarter Moon
The Moon is in late Pisces and about to enter Aries where she will begin her last quarter aspect to the Moon. Over the next two days the first Moon cycle of summer will begin disseminating her gifts and learning lessons. As the last quarter Moon will be in the sign of Aries, and the Sun in Cancer, this disseminating moment will likely bring up the Moon/Mars mutual reception between the Moon and Mars in each other's signs. In horary astrology there are certain conditions in which this aspect …
Moon/Venus: Beware the Killjoy
The Moon is in Scorpio today, applying to a square of Venus and Jupiter by this evening. The reception between the Moon and Venus today is challenging. While Venus is strong in conjunction with Jupiter, the Moon in Scorpio is in its fall and also in the sign of Venus' detriment. It's a planetary exchange we might think about with a few different phrases:* a killjoy* don't let something rain on your parade* saving faceFor example, as the social media feeds have blown up with the celebration of …
Same Sex Marriage Legalized: Venus and Jupiter Conjoin!
The Moon is in Libra this morning, a Venus ruled sign, and just as Venus and Jupiter are coming together in the sky, like two crowning jewels, same sex marriage has been legalized nation wide here in the USA. A crowning achievement for human consciousness at the end of our most recent Pluto/Uranus era. A hard fought victory (Jupiter/Venus) in the most basic sign of individual dignity (the lion/Leo). Congratulations to all of us, and especially to those who have been on the front lines of this …
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Daily Forecast Plus a Sneak Preview of Jupiter into Virgo
First quarter Moon today, and the Moon is in Libra, applyling now to conjoin the north node and then trine Mercury in Gemini....Mercury who has also just moved past the square to Neptune for the last time. Meanwhile Mars is still combust the Sun and has also just entered Cancer, the sign where it is said to be "fallen," (which is sort of like a place of intense discomfort for Mars; that's how I like to think about it).Translation:It's the kind of day where you might start off feeling conflicted …
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Previewing the Summer’s Astrology: Venus Retrograde
The Moon is in Virgo today, applying to square Mars in Gemini and then sextile Saturn retrograde in Scorpio. It's one of those "devils in the details" kind of days. The kind of day where we are both delivered by and restricted by the small or happenstance truths that start to add up and point us through a tricky situation. Or its the kind of day where we have to show a certain amount of patience, tact, strategic inventiveness, or reliance upon our wits to navigate a complex dynamic. Modesty will …
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Cancer: A Sweetness Unto Death
Happy beginning of Summer everyone! Today the Sun is in the first degree of Cancer and meanwhile the Moon is traveling through Virgo and will trine Pluto later this afternoon. First a brief meditation on the sign of Cancer and then an overview of this summer's upcoming astrology.To start with Cancer is a complex time of year because it carries a number of mixed qualities based on its traditional associations with the summer season in the northern hemisphere. As the first sign of the season, …
Summer Solstice Time!
The Moon is in Leo today, and it's the last day of spring. Summer Solstice is here!It's therefore a good day to remind ourselves of the basic light cycles that are at the foundation of our day, week, month, and year. Each week is compromised of seven days, named after the seven traditional planets, and each day contains roughly 24 hours from sunrise to sunset and back to sunrise. Each month is comprised of roughly four weeks, and the word "month" comes from the word "moon." From our perspective, …
The Summer Lion’s Preview
The Moon is in Leo this morning, applying to Mercury in Gemini, and then the nodes of the Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus. A busy day of aspects!Before we get into what to watch for, it's important that we take note of the immediate presence of Saturn's retrograde into Scorpio. We've seen a racially motivated mass murder at a church service in the US, as well as the Pope's progressive global statements about climate change (remember that Saturn's entrance into Scorpio began with Hurricane …
Cool Blue Into Deep Dark
The Moon is in Cancer today, applying to a trine of Saturn retrograde in Scorpio by late tonight.Here's what to watch for:* Unclear thinking, wishy washy decisions, excuses, delusion, illusion, brain fog (Mercury square Neptune)* Trickery, deception, lies, manipulation, (Mercury square Neptune)* Omens, oracles, signs, symbols, dream interpretation, decoding messages, communications more than they seem or say (Mercury square Neptune)* The limits of the rational mind, or the rational mind in …