The Heart of the Sun
The Moon is in late Libra this morning, moving toward a sextile with Jupiter in Leo before going void of course and then making our first quarter Moon by this evening. Meanwhile Venus is stationing and will turn retrograde by Saturday, and both the Sun and Mercury have entered Leo. Mercury will be cazimi with Leo shortly.This is some good news. The sun is now in his rulership, and Mercury is at the heart of the Sun. Also, even though Venus is stationing in her fall in Virgo, she is situated on …
Prayer to the Gods of Summer
The Moon in Libra has just entered the via combusta and is about to square Mars in Cancer before opposing Uranus in Aries.A brief run down of the upcoming aspects...I couldn't make my morning horoscope because I was in the mix of them as soon as I woke up. What to watch for:* Emotional conflicts, manipulation, someone working on behalf of several people who are all acting irrationally* Trying to uphold ideals of peace and tranquility but falling short over and over again* Needing time out …
Working through Planetary Obstacles
The Moon has just entered Libra where it will apply to a conjunction of the north node, and then gradually make its way toward squares of Mars and Mercury as it enters the via combusta again. First quarter Moon by Friday.It's looking a little rugged right now in the planetary lineup. Mars in fall, Mercury combust the Sun, Venus in fall and about to go retrograde, Saturn slowing down in retrograde in Scorpio, Jupiter moving toward a square of Saturn and then entering its detriment, and the Moon …
A Messenger in Our Midst
The Moon is in Virgo today, just separating from a sextile to Mars and now applying to a sextile of Mercury and creating a mutual reception between the Moon and Mercury. Then the Moon will sextile the Sun and then Saturn. A fascinating series of aspects that may signify a variety of interesting events today.What to watch for:* Disaster averted because of the intervention of a special rule, special exception, negotiation, law, or mediator* Translating or carrying an important message or series of …
Attending the Orders of Importance
The Moon is culminating in Leo today, just past a conjunction to Jupiter and now to the square of Saturn before both Venus and the Moon will enter Virgo, the sign of Venus' fall. Meanwhile, Jupiter is getting closer to the square of Saturn.What to watch for:* The mind consumed by the irrational, worst case scenarios, fear, hastiness, rash estimations, suspicions, secrets, etc (Mercury combust and conjoined with Mars in fall in Cancer)* The growing tension between young and old, old and new, …
The Sick King
The Moon is in Leo today, and Venus is about to enter Virgo as she is conjunct fixed star regulus, the heart of the lion. Meanwhile Jupiter and Saturn are closing in on the square.There is a hexagram in the Iching called Li and it is an image of fire over fire, flames as bright as the sun. The image is a lot like fixed star regulus or jupiter in leo...an image of heart, courage, life, power, confidence, royalty and maybe even hubris. In the 3rd line of the hexagram the line tells the story …
New Moon in Cancer
New Moon today! Yay!It's a powerful one, too. Featuring a Mercury/Mars opposition to Pluto, and the new moon square to Uranus in Aries. Not to mention the grand water trine that's loosely formed between Saturn, Neptune, and the four planets in Cancer. OR the Venus/Jupiter to Saturn square. Or the upcoming Venus retrograde. No. Not much going on right now at all!Well, what are some of the themes we get when combining all of these planetary archetypes? One big one has to do with ancestral or …
A First Look at Invisible Pluto
The Moon is in Cancer today, squaring the nodes of the Moon right now and then heading toward a trine with Neptune, and then conjunction with Mercury and Mars while opposing Pluto, and then finally making the square to Uranus and the new moon conjunction to the Sun by tomorrow morning.Before looking at what to watch for today let's take a moment to reflect on NASA's first ever flyby of the planet Pluto, which is happening right now after nearly ten years of flight.In addition to the beautiful …
Overcoming Saturn’s Limitations
The dark Moon is in Gemini today, applying to Jupiter and Venus by sextile by this afternoon. Meanwhile Venus is squaring Saturn exactly today, and Mars has finally moved out of its combustion with the Sun, though its still in its fall and considered "under the rays of the Sun" until early August.Here's a list of what to watch for today and as some of the upcoming transits continue to heat up this week:* Convincing, charismatic, persuasive (Moon in Gemini trine Jupiter in Leo)* Searching …
Prohibiting Desires
Today the dark Moon is in Gemini, not making any aspects until tomorrow afternoon, though currently Mercury and the Moon are in mutual reception (in each other's home signs). This might indicate a certain ease or flow in communication, mental or emotional states mirroring each other closely, or people working on behalf of one another's interests. We might also be feeling social or communicative while simultaneously preferring the comfort of our own home or family. Or we might be attracted …
Saturn/Algol: The Dung of the Devil
The Moon is in Taurus about to oppose Saturn in Scorpio. The fixed star, Algol, is highlighted in this fast moving alignment and adds testimony to the CNN headline that today reads, 'Dung of the Devil: Pope calls for end of unfettered pursuit of money.'As Venus and Jupiter in Leo prepare to square Saturn in Scorpio (and will do so as Saturn stations because of Venus' retrograde and Saturn's slower movement), we're looking at the theme or subjects of royal wealth and accumulation (Jupiter/Venus …