Continue Reading about Beginningless Karma and the Nodes of the Moon Part 2
SoundCloud Audio Edition …
Today, Venus and Mars are conjunct in the sign of Virgo, though both are under the beams of the Sun, and Venus is in its fall.We can watch for:* Marriage and sexuality* Gender, gender-bending, gender blending* Where gender and sex are lost, blurred, combined, or no longer* When our relationships come under scrutiny or public criticism* The voice of someone defending their dysfunction...everything is fine, perfect, normal, together, happy, and organized here, nothing to see, and if you try to …
Continue Reading about Venus Conjunct Mars in Virgo (Written Edition)
Mercury in Leo is square to Uranus in Taurus today...Here's what to watch for:* A conversation that should be peaceful and easy by nature, oddly disruptive, electric, eclectic* Sudden ideas, remarks, outbursts* Technology snafus* An original idea* Electric intellects* A sudden and unexpected piece of news or information* A shocking announcement* A controversial statement* Communication that is striking, honest, and possibly defiant* Fast, clever, witty, surprising words* …
Venus in Leo is at the heart of the Sun today...Here's what to watch for:* Romance and bravado* Stars and star power * The empowered woman* The queen* Favors to/from the King * An intensified sense of personal beauty, importance, and pride* People who are magnetic, intensely attractive, alluring, for better and worse* Women and leadership* Those who are insiders, popular, accepted, and those who aren't* Privilege, dislike or jealousy of those with privilege, and the desire to …
Continue Reading about Venus Cazimi: In Search of Real Beauty
SoundCloud Audio Edition …
1st Quarter Moon/Uranus opposition reflection this evening...People sometimes ask me, "What was the most remarkable vision you ever had while drinking ayahuasca for so many years? Or what is the most powerful thing you've taken away from all the times you drank ayahuasca?"Understandably, people ask this question because they know I drank a lot of ayahuasca and because they know that it's a very powerful visionary experience. However, my answer is, I think, pretty simple and I imagine pretty …
SoundCloud Audio Edition We're approaching the first quarter Moon, just as the Sun and Venus in Leo are making trines with Jupiter, and just as Jupiter is stationing to turn direct in the next week.Here's what to watch for:* First of all, we've been riding an intense wave of heavy astrological influences since eclipse season began in July, and although this new Moon cycle appears significantly lighter, we can't forget that it was toned by a square to Uranus at its opening. This first quarter …
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