Venus and Neptune Forming an Antiscion
Venus is moving into a lesser-known traditional aspect, called an antiscion, with Neptune today.Here's what to watch for (first a few technical explanations, which you can skip past if you already understand the concepts!):* Antiscia are formed between planets in signs that carry an equal amount of light and shadow in the twenty-four hour day.* Antiscia are formed between Cancer and Gemini, Leo and Taurus, Virgo and Aries, as well as Capricorn and Sagittarius, Aquarius and Scorpio, and Pisces …
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Weekend Astrology Update
Happy first quarter Moon, and happy Jupiter trine Neptune day today. Plus, bonus material, Venus and Mercury are sextile today as Mercury is stationing to turn direct!!Here's what to watch for, and then stay tuned to my YouTube channel today because I'm also providing a brief video blog covering the same transits:* First quarter Moon's represent important turning points in each monthly lunation cycle. The first quarter Moon reflects a moment of "yang breakthrough," where the Moon is becoming …
An Auspicious Waxing Crescent Moon
The waxing crescent Moon is in Libra today, moving into a conjunction with Venus, which you should be able to see for a brief while in the western sky tonight, just after sunset, and above Venus and the Moon, Jupiter! When these three are close together, it's really a beautiful thing to see, so don't miss it. You'll also be able to see Saturn and Mars in the eastern sky tonight, so it's going to be quite a lineup.Meanwhile, Jupiter is closing in on a trine to Neptune, perfecting over the …
An Abundance of Earth Energy Coming Soon!
Mars has left Aquarius and entered Capricorn through its retrograde, meanwhile, Saturn and Uranus are in a tight trine with each other.A few things to watch for:* The sudden emphasis on "earth" is notable, especially as Leo season is now winding down and Virgo season is upon us.*Because Virgo season marks the preparation for the harvest and the entry into the yin/dark half of the year, it is a good time for making many nuts and bolts changes, checking items off the "to-do" list, and essentially …
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Solar Eclipse Today!
Happy Solar Eclipse!The solar eclipse in Leo just took place early this morning, eastern time, and was only visible from "most of Asian, far northern Europe, Iceland and Greenland, as well as a slice of northern and eastern Canada."If you missed my discussion of the solar eclipse on my video blog, be sure to check it out on the home page. Just scroll down a few posts and you'll see it!Meanwhile, here are some things to remember/watch for:* Eclipses in Leo are essentially about solar things. In …