Jupiter in Libra is now just a few days away from its exact opposition to Uranus in Aries.* The 21st hexagram of the I Ching is called "Biting Through," and it depicts fire and thunder co-mingled.* The image of the hexagram represents an open mouth with an object between the teeth, blocking the mouth from coming together to speak, utter, chew, or digest.* The teaching of the 21st hexagram revolves around the idea that at a certain time forces in nature forcibly remove obstacles to the flow of …
New Fall Courses Open for Registration!
Dear Readers,I'm please to announce the starting dates of our next online astrology courses, this fall. Beginning on Tuesday nights, starting November 28th, we begin our next one year long natal astrology course, called "Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic," and starting Wednesday, December 6th, we begin our new Horary Astrology course, which meets on alternating Wednesday nights for a full year! To learn more about our new programs, and for registration information, please visit the …
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Mercury Square Saturn Today
Mercury is square to Saturn today, and meanwhile, Mars is just past its opposition to Neptune. Jupiter is closing in on its opposition to Uranus.* As Mars opposite Neptune perfected this weekend we saw a wave of controversy in the professional sports world in the United States. It was just one of many Mars/Neptune type events happening around the world but an impressively literal turn of events. Mars is the athlete and warrior, and numerous teams around the NFL chose to sit, kneel, …
Mars Opposite Neptune
Mercury is moving into a square with Saturn, Mars into an opposition with Neptune, and Jupiter into an opposition with Uranus.Here's what to watch for:* Mercury's square to Saturn brings form, structure, commitment, discipline, gravity, sobriety, and focus to all mental or communicative activities right now. Mercury and Saturn reflect the process of ideas taking shape, of plans crystalizing, and of serious conversations that require honesty, tact, flexibility, patience, and yet...firmness.* …
The Gateway of the Fall Equinox
Happy Fall Equinox Everyone!* The fall equinox happens as the Sun crosses the celestial equator while descending in its daily path in the sky, from summer solstice to winter solstice. The fall equinox is the gateway into the dark half of the solar year, where there is more darkness in a twenty-four hour period than light.* The guardian of this gateway is the sign of the scales, a symbol of balance, judgment, and justice.* As the Sun enters Libra, moving into the underworld, it is said to be in …
Jupiter/Uranus and Mars/Neptune: An I Ching Meditation
Jupiter is closing in on its opposition to Uranus and meanwhile, Mars is approaching its opposition to Neptune.Today an I Ching Meditation on our current transits:* The 51st hexagram of the I Ching is called "thunder," and it involves the image of rolling waves of thunder, or arousing energy.* The 51st hexagram is often associated with shocking or awe-inspiring events, and sometimes with natural disasters.* The judgment reads, "Shock brings success. Shock comes, oh oh! Laughing words - ha, ha! …
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New Moon, Neptune, and the Objects of Eternity
Happy New Moon Everyone! Today Mercury and Mars are opposite Neptune and Venus has just entered Virgo and will also slowly move toward its own opposition to Neptune in the weeks ahead.Here's what to watch for:* Of all the planets, Neptune is perhaps the most archetypal of the bunch. It's as though Neptune's job is to broadly represent the symbolic presence of something divine or eternal within our everyday lives. This doesn't mean that all of the other planets don't reflect eternity in their own …
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Mercury and Mars Opposite Neptune
It's a New Moon late tonight, and meanwhile, Mercury and Mars are moving into an opposition with Neptune.Here's what to watch for:* With Mercury and Mars opposite Neptune it's easy to fight, argue, analyze, and debate in relation to our ideas or our beliefs.* Mercury and Mars together can easily take apart, cut back, analyze, dissect, strip back, cut into, contest, and criticize the opposition right now, which may be an ideal, a dream, a fantasy, a belief, a dogma, or even a wish.* Mercury and …
Venus on the Eclipse Point
Venus is on the eclipse point today. Meanwhile, it's dark Moon time and Jupiter is nearing its opposition to Uranus.Here's what to watch for:* Anytime that any planet conjoins with eclipse degrees within the first few months of a powerful eclipse, it's normal to see destined events cropping up in different areas of our lives, usually relative to the themes of the particular planet who is making the eclipse.* Today, Venus is conjoining the eclipse degree, so it's possible that we see events …
Jupiter/Uranus: Waiting on a Breakthrough
As the Jupiter/Uranus opposition closes in, here are a few more things to consider:* I've heard more than a few people comment that they feel like they are on the brink of a significant change in their lives, but that they feel, for the moment, stuck in a holding pattern. If this is something you're experiencing, then you may find this helpful. Although Jupiter and Uranus opposed to one another signify things like growth, expansion, breadth of vision, opportunity, revolution, inventiveness, and …
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Venus Trine Saturn Today
Venus is moving into a trine with Saturn today. Mercury is with Mars (both as morning stars rising), and Jupiter is moving into an opposition with Uranus.Here's what to watch for:Venus/Saturn* Saying no to something we want or desire* Being told that we should limit ourselves* Productivity and success, vanity and appearances* Setting an example that is attractive to follow* Maturity and love* Age, time, wisdom, and beauty* Jealousy and attraction to what we don't have* Heartache, longing, and …
Jupiter/Uranus Strengthening, along with Mars and Mercury
Jupiter is inching closer to its opposition with Uranus at the end of this month. Meanwhile, Mercury and Mars are now together in the sign of Virgo.Here's what to watch for:* As Jupiter and Uranus oppose one another we will see a period of revolution and disruption coupled with themes of liberation, growth, expansion and the restoral or renewal of our faith.* Jupiter and Uranus together, in dynamic opposition, ask us to consider that the contractions we are seeing around us in the world right …
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