The Moon is in Pisces today, about to sextile the Sun in Taurus before going void of course for the rest of the day. Meanwhile, Mars is opposing Saturn, Mercury is slowing down to station, and Venus is moving into a trine with Neptune while it simultaneously squares the nodes of the Moon.Most of the current aspects will really heat up after the new moon, once the moon starts waxing again. In the meantime, here's a list of what to watch for:* Ideological, religious, or philosophical conflicts, …
Negotiating Not Just Winning Our Truth
The Moon is in Pisces today, applying to conjoin Neptune in Pisces by later this afternoon. Meanwhile, Mars has entered Gemini and is about to oppose Saturn in Sagittarius, while Venus in Cancer is steadily applying to oppose Pluto in Capricorn.What to watch for:* Flaking out, dreamy, romantic, escapist, delusional, imaginative, victimy, private, needy, sweet, moods and atmospheres (Moon/Neptune Pisces + Venus in Cancer)* A family crisis or transformation brewing (Venus in Cancer moving to …
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Teaching and Learning Together
Void of course Moon in Aquarius today, and Mars finally leaves Taurus and enters Gemini. Over the next month of Mercury's retrograde we're going to have a whole lot of action between Saturn, Neptune, and Mercury, Mars and the Sun in the mutable signs of Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Let's take a look at some of the themes that will likely show up during this time.* With Mercury retrograde in its own sign we might be trying to figure something out while simultaneously changing our mind back …
Mercury Retrograde and Toothpaste
A story about Mercury retrogrades, and Mercury/Neptune contacts (we'll have 3 over this upcoming retrograde period):When I was a kid my mom used to teach some of our youth group meetings at the church. One day she did this lesson for us where she brought all these tubes of tooth paste and had us squeeze out as much as we wanted, but she told us in advance to really think about how much we wanted to squeeze out before we did it. Then afterward she told us to try and get all the toothpaste we …
Mercury/Neptune Fog Rolling In
The Moon is in Capricorn today, applying to conjoin Pluto and then square Uranus by this evening.What to watch for:With the Moon in the sign of Capricorn and Saturn in Sagittarius we might feel as though we can't get away with something any longer. The effects of consistently immature decisions might feel heavier, the consequences less avoidable or undeniably heavy and instructive. Isn't it funny how consequences aren't just consequences but also the voice of instruction? Isn't that why both …
How to Read the Daily Weather
The Moon is in Sagittarius this morning, opposing Venus in Gemini, right before Venus enters the sign of Cancer and then the Moon enters Capricorn. Meanwhile, Mercury has entered its shadow phase before retrograde on the 18th, and Mars is preparing to leave Taurus and enter Gemini next week.What to watch for:* Extravagance, indulgence, and entitlement (Moon opp Venus)* Conflicts or tension in relationships (Moon opp Venus)* Differing views or philosophies (Moon opp Venus in Sag/Gemini)* The …
A Note from Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius
An imagined note from Saturn retrograde in an imagined audience of students:* If you're not involved in ongoing study or practice of some kind, any kind, then it's not likely that much of any part of your life will change in the ways you hope or dream. It's not that studying "makes us better," it's that it makes us different, and difference leads to of the essential ingredients for the pursuit of our dreams and the health of our imagination.* Don't let someone tell …
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Beltane Approaching
The Moon is in Libra today, and quickly applying to pass over the eclipse points from last month. It's a big day of momentum building and transition as we approach the full moon this weekend. Mercury is about to enter its home sign of Gemini where it will quickly enter the shadow phase of its upcoming retrograde.What to watch for:* Suddenly the mind feels ready to get moving again (Mercury entering Gemini)* The slow mind begins multi-tasking (Mercury entering Gemini)* A sudden curiosity or …
Pluto/Uranus Aftershocks
The Moon is in Virgo this morning, applying to trine the Sun in Taurus and then oppose Neptune in Pisces.A series of shock waves heard around the world. Natural disasters and plates moving, peaceful protests against police brutality and simultaneous city riots, a transgender athlete coming out of the closet, and same sex marriage arguments before the supreme court. Though we can always make the case that the media creates or distorts these epics, or we can say that we simply see what we want to …
Pluto Retrograde: Reflections on Fate
The Moon is squaring Mercury this morning and then goes void of course for the rest of the day until moving into Virgo tonight.Reflections on Pluto moving retrograde:* Fate means never having to say, "I told you so." Because when we've really understood fate, then we understand that it's not a matter of prediction or advice. It's not a simple matter of instructions not followed, as though fate is a punishment, and it's not about the early bird catching the worm or any other protestant work ethic …
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In Defense of Planetary Debilities
Lately I've gotten a number of emails asking me why I use the essential dignities when describing the planetary weather (for example, Mars is in its detriment in Taurus or Venus is exalted in Pisces). The general concern goes like this, "Isn't the language sort of negative? Isn't it too narrow or prescriptive to use words like fallen or debilitated?"I don't think so, and I'll try to explain why as simply as possible.Before I do that I feel like I should acknowledge the concern about the negative …
A strong weekend coming…
The Moon is in Cancer today, applying to trine Neptune as it squares the nodal axis later this afternoon. Then it will move into the Pluto/Uranus square by opposing Pluto and squaring Uranus. A busy day of aspects.What to watch for:* Contentious discussions about values, plans, resources, goals, finances, and the future (Mars/Mercury conj in Taurus)* Inflamed or aggressive communication dynamics (Mars/Mercury conj in Taurus)* Financial hardship (Mars in Taurus)* Hard work pays off (Mars in …