Happy Monday, everybody! Today, we're going to take a look at all the astrological transits for the week ahead. There are several transits to review, and as we do that, I'll be spending a little extra time on the Mercury-Jupiter trine that’s coming through today.
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Hey everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology [ https://nightlightastrology.com/ ]. Happy Monday, everybody! Today, we're going to take a look at all of the astrological transits for the week ahead. There are a number of them we're going to look at today.
As I do that, I'm also going to be spending a little bit of extra time on the Mercury-Jupiter Trine that is coming through today. I want to make sure that I devote a little extra time to that transit. Since it's actually occurring today, on Monday, I'll go through all the transits for the week, and then circle back around to Mercury-Jupiter at the end.
I’m also going to talk a little bit about the presence of Venus in Aries. I'll spend a touch more time on that one and touch on how that's going to impact the cardinal signs this week. This is a significant transit that will include an upcoming retrograde from Venus in Aries. The cardinal signs are going to feel this moving into one of your angular houses this week. So, I'll talk a little bit about that for those four signs and which houses are going to be activated. That’ll be one of the horoscopic features I focus on today as well.
Also, I have to tell you all that I am very excited to welcome another guest onto the show. You may remember last week my older daughter really wanted to come to work with me, so she asked if Lovey could come to work with me. While my younger daughter, Summer, saw that episode with Lovey, got very excited—maybe a touch jealous—and asked if Bunny, her beloved stuffy, could come on as well. So, fair is fair. We have one more cameo to add to the “Take Your Kid to School” theme that I've been working with early this year.
I deeply appreciate all of you for listening to these guest astrologers. It’s a little break from the routine. But as a dad and someone who is raising my kids with astrology, I really appreciate how receptive and open you all were to Lovey appearing. And now Bunny is going to appear today, add a few thoughts, and maybe ask a few questions too.
Anyway, that is our agenda for today. Before we get into it, remember to like and subscribe. You can find the transcript of any of these daily talks, including today’s, on the website, NightlightAstrology.com. I want to take you over there because there are a few things coming up that I think you’ll enjoy. Go to the events page, click on live talks, and you’ll see that on February 20, I’m giving a talk on Venus Retrogrades. It’s called “Venus through the Fire: Unlocking the Mysteries and Magic of Venus Retrogrades.”
You will find that talk and the registration link under the live talks page. If you can’t make it live, you’ll get the recording. Then, you'll see the webinars for March and April are posted as well. I hope to see some of you there. It’s going to be a really good talk to prep us for the Venus retrograde. I’ll be saying a little bit more about Venus in Aries today as well because we are about to get a whirlwind of astrological transits appearing in the sign of Aries, especially in the month of March. I’ll say a little bit about that in a minute.
Anyhow, with that intro done, let’s turn our attention to the real-time clock, and I’m going to welcome Bunny onto the show. So, this is Bunny, and I’ll show you. This is Bunny. Bunny is Summer’s lovey that she has had since she was very little. Her stuffy, I should say. Bunny is going to sit here, and Bunny is also quiet, you know, like she doesn’t say a whole lot, but she’s very smart when it comes to astrology. She knows a lot, and she has some questions I think she’s probably going to ask because she loves to ask questions about astrology. She also has some insights because she’s starting to form some of her own ideas, which is really cool.
I’m so happy to have Bunny here today. I’m also so thankful for all of you for being open-minded to letting my kids have a little connection to what I do.
Alright, now, let’s get started. Fair is fair. If one stuffy is coming on, and the other one’s left out, how fair would that be, right? So, okay, now let’s take a look at the astrology for the week ahead. I’m going to go over it first in order.
Yeah, they can see you. They know you’re here. Yep, they can... the camera is right there, but you're in it because it’s kind of widescreen. Yeah, they can see you. Well, I would put you in my shirt, but it’s too... it’s too hard. Lovey was a little smaller. You’re so big. You want me to try? Okay, I can try. Let’s see... see if I can get you in there. I don’t know. It’s kind of tough. Okay, no, you're right. You can... I guess you can kind of make another... you are... yeah, now you can talk right into my ear too. This works. Alright, let’s take a look.
So, we start the week off on February 3, and we are looking at a trine from Mercury to Jupiter to start the week. Now, like I said, I’m going to circle around to this one at the end because it is a transit of the day. I’m going to spend a little bit of extra time with it after I go through all the other transits for the week. Since this is our transit of the day, Mercury’s trine to Jupiter is airy, and it’s happening as Jupiter is stationing and turning direct. This is a really consequential trine between these two planets. It comes right after the Sun trine Jupiter last week, so there’s a nice little airy connection here that could signal a lot of nice things for us. I’ll come back to that.
So, that’s the first transit of the week, happening today, Monday. Tomorrow, the big shift that’s happening is Venus into Aries. On one hand, this change of dignity for Venus could be a little problematic. Venus moving into Aries means she’s in Mars’s sign. Mars, in some ways, is polar opposite to Venus, and so Venus has to express herself in an environment of the Zodiac that is sort of opposite to her own nature. That can lead to some interesting compromises and interesting synthesis, and we’ll talk about that at length tomorrow because we’ll be previewing Venus’s upcoming retrograde.
We have a Mercury retrograde that’s coming up in Aries, a solar eclipse in Aries, and Neptune entering Aries, all in the month of March. So, we’ll spend more time on that one tomorrow as the week goes on. But initially, what I want to say about Venus in Aries is that, on the positive side, we have one of the most constructive expressions. In other words, we have the goddess now in the sign of the warrior. All feminine warrior archetypes are often strongly expressed when Venus enters Aries.
You have women who are strong, fierce, independent, bold, pioneering—those kinds of images of the feminine, in healthy relation with its masculinity. Or it doesn’t even have to be literal gender, right? You can think about it as Yang, or you can think about it as a kind of centrifugal force. Venus becomes forceful, more assertive, more aggressive. She becomes more fiery, animated. She is capable of advocating for things that she believes are desirable or beautiful.
What’s that? Ah, Bunny, yes, very good point. Bunny is making a very good point here, which is that my younger daughter, Summer, started doing karate a couple of years ago. When she started doing karate, one of the questions that she had was, “Can girls do karate?” I remember we had this conversation. And I remember we told Summer—and Bunny, you probably remember this too—that girls can do anything that they want to do. If a girl likes sports, or she likes things that look like only boys can do it, that’s totally fine. She can do it too. And it turns out that Summer’s very good at karate. In fact, when they had a little sparring session the other day, she was really taking this little boy to task. I’ll tell you that—she was kicking some serious butt!
But, yeah, Summer’s interest in karate... very Venus in Aries. In fact, Summer’s Venus is in Mars’s sign, and she has Mars in her first house, which means that she’s very athletic and likes that kind of stuff a lot. So, yeah, Venus in Aries.
You know, what’s interesting, Bunny, is that Ashley—that’s my wife, that would be Bunny’s mommy and Summer’s mommy—was born with Venus in Aries. One of the things that’s funny about that is that she worked with a lot of women in entrepreneurial settings, where she helped set up new businesses, until she finally started her own business. So, one of the things Venus in Aries is really good at is giving women the strength and incentive to do what they want to do—be strong, maybe start their own business, or be very athletic.
So, Venus in Aries can be wonderful for those things. I’m glad you brought that up, Bunny. That was a good association.
So, the other thing Venus in Aries can bring up on the shadow side, aside from all those nice feminine warrior motifs I really like for Venus in Aries... is that Venus in Aries can struggle with things like being hyper-aggressive, independent, belligerent, selfish, fiery, impulsive, or impatient at the cost of harmony, peace, beauty, and likability. That’s the tension, right? How do we let Venus do Mars things while retaining something of the harmonizing nature of Venus? That’s where the tension occurs.
I like to use the analogy of a dimmer switch. So, a good way of thinking about it—in karate, for example, when Summer does her karate in the context of sparring, you bring out all that aggressive energy and you fight, show your moves, defend, and do all of that. But when it’s over, you bow politely to the other person.
So, there’s also an element of harmony that has to be part of it because if you just ran around the world hitting and kicking people all the time, that wouldn’t be very good. And in karate, they say it’s for self-defense, which means you tap into those energies only when you really need to. That’s something like what Venus in Aries is always working with—the tension. We might need to do things that are a little uncomfortable, assert ourselves more than we are used to, be pioneering, brave, courageous, bold... but then do we have the ability to step back and know when we’re being too aggressive or when it’s time to bow and be peaceful?
That tension becomes more pronounced. Venus in Aries is trying to hold those two things at the same time. Very nice connections here, and thank you, Bunny, for that great association.
Okay, so let’s move on now. The same day, Jupiter is turning direct. We talked a little bit about Jupiter turning direct last week. That is another really good question!
Bunny is asking if planets actually move backward in the sky. When you say a planet is retrograde and then when it goes direct, does that mean that planets sometimes really move backward in the sky?
Well, from our perspective, Bunny, they really do look like they’re moving backward. And from our perspective, we take that meaning symbolically. But actually, out in space, they never stop moving in the same direction. It’s just because of our perspective on Earth that it looks like an optical illusion, where something looks like something, but it’s actually something else.
So yeah, from our perspective, it looks like they're moving backwards. They're actually not moving backwards. But because of how the earth is moving, and the rotation of the earth on its axis, and the way we're traveling through space, it looks from our perspective, like they're traveling backward. So not really, but it has a lot of symbolic value that backward movement in astrology.
And so when it turns direct, there's also a symbolic meaning to that. And the symbolic meaning of Jupiter turning direct is usually that a phase of revision, reflection, refinement, delays, setbacks, reversals, is now concluding, and we will start moving with forward motion again. Symbolically speaking, that might mean that delays are over, setbacks are over. Integration has occurred, and we're ready to start making progress again.
A refinement or a period of reflection now leads to integration, and there's a feeling of starting to gain traction with something again. The other things that can happen with Jupiter turning direct are just an expression of wisdom, insight and understanding that's been gained since the planet turned retrograde.
So let's look back at when this planet turned retrograde, because that will give us a little sense of what where we've been since this occurred. So if we go back to Libra season, when the sun Trine Jupiter in the sign of Libra, right around that time, in October, about October 10, Jupiter turned retrograde.
So if you stretch it out from October to right about now, that is the period of time where this, this reflection, revision, refinement, has been taking place. That's been taking place in the whole sign house of Gemini in your chart, which we looked at last week.
So this is a big day this week, because they're really for many of us who pay attention and track the planets, you'll start to feel like you're making progress again, which is, you know, there's really nothing better than feeling like you're starting to after maybe a period of feeling a little stuck, or like there's been delays or setbacks or revision. It's nice to feel like you're moving ahead again.
So that takes place tomorrow. That's a big transit. Very good question. Love you had about asking if planets really move backward or not. They don't really move backward. But again, isn't it cool that our perspective of what the heavens look like from a symbolic level is very important.
Okay, let's go to February 7. So on February 7, Venus is going to sextile Pluto. This is a little transit, not the biggest deal in the world, but Venus sextiles to Pluto bring together the realm of beauty and relationships, love and our connections, our romantic connections with other people, or our friendships, or even things like relationships with women or sisters, very all Venusian topics into contact with Pluto, the.
Ruler of the underworld. Sometimes that means that we have to look at things that are a little bit more difficult or maybe a little darker within relationships, and yet that can be very healing. And in a sextile might be a very positive thing. There might be a little bit you might have an easier time resolving conflicts or looking at things you don't really want to look at, for example, our girls like they get into fights about going into each other's bedroom. I don't want you in my bedroom, get out of my bedroom like that.
And sometimes we have to sit down and talk about those things. And it's not always easy, and feelings can get hurt. And sometimes you just, it's just like, I don't want to look as I don't want to do this. But when we take a little bit of time to care for each other and look at the conflicts that we have, then all of a sudden we love each other more, and we learn how to deal with difficulties that exist in relationships. Because all relationships have some things where you know, some periods where you may not get along and but to care for those things.
And are, and Bunny is bringing this up in my ear right now, which I this is so cool. So both of our girls like to take they have this, this clay, and they like to make artwork out of the clay. Well, Venus loves to make artwork. Venus loves to do things that are creative, and perform dance. It could be painting any kind of artwork.
When it gets in contact with Pluto is a little bit darker or weirder stranger. We need to sometimes creatively get in touch with things that are a little strange or weird or dark. So for example, money reminding me of the fact with Venus Pluto that our our girls and summer is really good at this too. They take clay and they make weird little things.
For example, there is a character that tells Bedtime Stories whose name is Earl, and he is a little clay piece of poop with an eyeball. And they absolutely summer, especially, she will giggle and laugh so hard when Earl comes out the one eyed poop clay ball, and then they started making all sorts of other weird, strange, gross stuff. We have a clay piece of earwax that has a googly eyeball. We have a teardrop. It's kind of a sad character that comes along, and we have a booger, so we have booger, earwax, poop and teardrop in our little clan of storytelling, weird, gross things that may seem like really weird, but the thing is, is that Venus and Pluto together sometimes like to laugh or take joy in things that are weird or gross or strange or dark or just a little subversive.
Somehow subversive means sort of like, it's edgy. It doesn't it makes you feel a little like, ooh, should I be laughing at this? Or should I Is it okay to make art like this? Sometimes it is, you know, so Venus Pluto lovey, very good point is connected to things like that artwork that the girls make Venus Pluto contact because it's harmonious.
Can mean that the meeting of these darker energies is constructive. Now a shadow of this combination, because sextiles are of the nature of Venus and like to bring things together. Could be about, for example, thinking to yourself, I want to be friends with that person, because they're powerful and they'll get me. And they'll get me something, even if maybe there's something about this that's not so nice. For example, I want to be friends with the popular kids, or I want to be friends with the ones that everyone likes, because I want to be really liked.
That can be a Venus Pluto dynamic, where the choices you make in relationships are based on subtle things that you want or desire that maybe aren't so healthy or good. So Venus Pluto has to be careful of unseen or hidden motivations and power dynamics in relationships and power trips or power plays that are subtle and may appear as though they're good or harmonious.
Like you could go up to a friend at school and say, hey, I want to be your best friend, because, you know, I just really like you, but secretly you're thinking, I don't even know if I like them, but I know that they everyone else likes them, so I should try to be friends with them, right? Something like that. You have to be a little bit careful of with Venus and Pluto
All right. So a good transit to look at now, on the ninth we go two days forward, and we have a Mercury cazimi. So Mercury cazimi are the exact conjunctions of mercury and the sun, placing Mercury at the heart of the Sun. This is a temporarily empowered position for mercury.
So one of the things that happens is you will find that some of the most interesting messages, forms of communication, ideas, epiphanies, realizations, insights will come about during this time. You may also find that someone is being empowered, or someone is being given a special degree of authority or privilege.
Sometimes Mercury at the heart of the Sun is talked about as seen. Seated on the throne of the king or queen and being given the seal of the king or queen like an ambassador who can go to another country and make decisions on behalf of the ruler. So Mercury becomes especially empowered on this day, and it's really good for solving problems or for understanding something.
Yes, Bunny is making the very good point that when summer has been learning to read, she's learning to put words together and read words. And there's this moment of excitement that you can see on her face when she's reading, and she starts going, oh my gosh, I can read these words. There's a feeling of like I'm getting smarter. I'm getting, I'm understanding something better, the lights turning on in my head, and I can start to do something that I couldn't do before any kind of insight or aha moment while you're learning is related to the symbolism of mercury in Venus.
So maybe there'll be some exciting learning experiences this week. What do you think about that bunny? Yeah, yeah. That's a really good point, yeah.
And the other thing bunny is mentioning is how good it feels to read for other people, and they can see that you're doing it. They can see, oh my gosh, she's reading. And to everyone gets excited about it when you read. And that is, that is a very Mercury sun like moment, because you start feeling like other people celebrating the fact that I'm learning and growing makes me feel good about myself.
Yeah, yeah, for sure, that's a good one. Bunny.
Okay. Finally, we and so mercury. Watch for an empowered moment around mind, Speech Communication, watch for the messenger archetype being sort of brilliantly infused with light and power. And that would be again on Sunday. And then on Sunday we also have Mars trine to Saturn, the final transit that I'm going to talk about. And then we'll circle back around to Mercury trine Jupiter for today. So we have the here we go. Where am I? Okay, here's Mars in Cancer, retrograding into the trine with Saturn.
That's happening Sunday at the very end of the week. And trines between Mars and Saturn are very good when it comes to combining the qualities of maturity, discipline, wisdom, time, age, sort of that Veteran Experience of Saturn, time, age, wisdom, experience, maturity, stick to itiveness, discipline and then Mars, which is effort and action. And when you put them together in a Trine, they can act very constructively to accomplish things that are hard or to focus or concentrate and get actions done that require patient, careful, thoughtful, maturity. So the best combination of these two planets is going to be about doing hard things, patiently, wisely, effectively and in water signs, this means with greater emotional maturity as well. Yes, that's that is exactly right. Bunny is mentioning that summer lately has been doing a really good job, amazing, actually, of sometimes when it's time to say sorry for something, like if she did something that what she shouldn't have done, or maybe said something that hurt someone's feelings, she's been, I've really been noticing. She's been stopping and going, I'm sorry. And that is so hard to do. It's so hard to do, but it's such a good thing that we all have to learn how to do. That's a very Mars Saturn thing, to do something difficult emotionally, it's hard. It requires us to grow up a little bit to do something hard like that, because we have our own feelings too, and and also, a lot of the times when we do something wrong, we didn't really mean to do it, or we we didn't do it because we're a bad person. And so it feels like, oh, I shouldn't have to apologize. I'm not a bad person. And apologizing usually isn't about being a bad person or a good person. It's just something that's nice to do. When someone else gets hurt, we say, You know what? It's okay. I know I'm not a bad person, but I did something that maybe hurt someone, and I didn't mean to. So I can, I can say I'm sorry. Mars trine with Saturn here as a in retrogradation as well, maybe asking us to revisit something that's a little difficult, that requires a greater depth emotionally. It's not easy to look at some things from our past or from within our families and to but to do so with a maturity and a thoughtfulness and a resolution to do the right thing. This is the best of Mars trine to Saturn, I think in these water signs. However, the other thing that will come up is the difficulties of having to look at hard things. It's just that simple Mars trine Saturn will sometimes make us feel stuck, or like we're regressing into an old pattern and we just really. Don't want to go back and have to do something that we've done in the past or fall into an old pattern that we feel like we should have graduated from already, and yet sometimes that that retrograde pull is saying we need to keep looking at something. We need to take a deeper look. And even if it's frustrating or makes us feel emotionally bogged down there, something is calling for our attention. And with the Trine there, there's a promise that if we take the time to look at this, this may actually be beneficial. The hard, difficult thing here, the sticky thing might be a good thing. Yeah,
yeah, that's right. Bunny is pointing out that she's noticed that every year our girls are learning how to play together and be sisters together in better ways. And it's the same thing, you know, what? Bunny, it's the same thing in marriage. You know, mommy and daddy have to learn how to get along in better ways. Every year, that's a part of a relationship. You're always just in a process of loving each other and learning how to handle the difficult things that come up, because we're all just human, you know. Okay, well, this has been fun. Let's circle back around now, first to Venus into Aries, where I want to say that the first thing that is really apparent with this. Let me just go forward here a little bit. Is that with Venus entering Aries, and these major astrological transits coming up in the sign of Aries, the cardinal signs are about to get major activation. So let's visit that really quickly. If you are an Aries rising, you are about to get a complete downpour of astrological energy this month, but even more so next month in the first house, which is identity, health, the initiation of new things, a first house topic. So body, identity, health, psychology, questions about who you are, how you feel in your body, how you physically appear in the world, your psychological characteristics and self development become really important topics as soon as Venus enters. Now, if we continue forward around the wheel the other cardinal signs, let's go to cancer. Next, you're about to get a major downpour of astrological energy, starting with Venus and Aries and then proceeding all the way through the month of March in the career house, in the place where you intersect with the social, public world through your job or through the public, the way in which you engage with the public, social, sort of civic dimension of life. This is the career house, but it's also where you engage with the world. There's a lot of attention coming for cancers on that particular area. Now we go forward to Libras, this huge torrent of astrological energy, Venus retrograde, Mercury Retrograde, solar eclipse in Aries, Neptune entering Aries all February, March, especially, that's going to happen in the house of love and relationships. So Libras are about to go through such a transformational period with respect to interpersonal relationships. And then finally, if we go to Capricorns as Venus enters Aries this week, you're going to start getting a preview of all of those major astrological transits coming in the month of March, in the sign of Aries in the fourth house, home, family, property, ancestry, the past, parents, living environment, such a major focus coming in for Capricorns around that period, around that area right now. So, yeah, that's that is. That's where the focus is. And you're going to see that for all of the cardinal signs. As soon as Venus enters Aries this week, you are starting to get a preview in one of the four major areas of life of this, again, huge wave of astrological energy that's coming, especially in the month of March. So just a little preview there. Try to throw something in for all signs. Now let's close with a little bit of Mercury's trine to Jupiter. And no, yeah, so bunny is asking about summer's horoscope. So summer is an Aquarius not getting it in one of the cardinal houses. So I'm not looking at it so much. But what is interesting is that that cazimi For this week that I was talking about, where you could really learn something, or have some kind of really unique insights or ideas that's happening in summer's first house as an Aquarius, which means that there could be some really important personal moments for summer this week and for all Aquarians, right? So I'll throw that in because I know that. I know that summer will want to hear a little something about about her own horoscope. So all right, well, let's talk about Mercury's trine to Jupiter, because that's happening today. I mentioned this earlier, but let me go you back this up so we come in to the beginning of the week. Here we are. Mercury's trying. Going to Jupiter, airy and communicative. We're seeing this come through today, and the because Jupiter is changing directions, I like to think about this as an idea or an insight or a moment of communication or dialog in your life that is very clearly connected to a shift or a turning point that Jupiter is bringing this week with its turn direct I mean, this is happening as Jupiter is turning directions, and when Mercury and Jupiter come together harmoniously, it is as though the relationship between the parts and the whole are working together. The analytical mind and the sort of holistic mind are working together. They're in harmony. So this usually means that our ability to integrate and understand complex things and make holes out of them is is really special, that, for example, Mercury Jupiter Trine, when you're learning astrology, often occur when you start putting various things together, and all of a sudden you start seeing a bigger picture. Another example of this bunny is reminding me is when we put a puzzle together. So as a family, we like to put puzzles out on our kitchen table, and we all sort of work on it throughout the week. Well, people will just kind of go over and spend a little time summer and I were finishing a puzzle the other night that had cats in it. And while we were finishing the picture of the cats in the puzzle, we got closer and closer to the end. And whereas early on, it was painstaking to find individual pieces that fit together. We put the border together first, and then we were sort of graduating, and then the closer you get to the end, all of a sudden, there's a piece, there's a piece, there's a piece, there's a piece. All of the pieces started coming together. And it was much easier, and it went much faster to put the pieces together and to make the whole picture. That's like Mercury and Jupiter. When Mercury and Jupiter get together, you'll often, especially in a Trine, you will often find that little things, details, organizational, bits and pieces of things, are starting to come together in language. It's like learning to form complete sentences, or at school for for summer, Bunny is mentioning that it could very well be that she's learning to write a full sentence and capitalize the first letter and put a period at the end. Right? You all of the little elements of grammar and punctuation are coming together, and also you go, Oh my god, I did it. I did a whole sentence. So Mercury Jupiter is great for being able to assemble things and put things together and give us a sense of communicative, organizational or mental momentum, which means we feel like we're starting to move. Things are starting to go someplace. We can start to see that big picture forming. The other thing that's really great is just constructive communication, ease or flow in communicating with other people, or even just a sense of building rapport and finding that people are you're getting good news, or people are providing you with various resources. Often those resources are in the form of technology or ideas. There can be a kind of mental and intellectual dimension, because air is related to the mind? Ah, Bunny is asking a really good question, and we'll end with this question for the day. She's saying, I don't understand why air is related to the mind. Isn't air. What we breathe? Yeah. I mean, yeah, so we breathe air. But what's really interesting is that in astrology, things like fire or water or air or earth, can also represent other things. That's called symbolic. So air, yeah, there's the physical air. But then we also think about kind of like, imagine that all of the thoughts moving around in your head bunny are like clouds, and they come and they go, and you can see shapes in them, and all of the thoughts moving through our head are sort of like invisible air currents, because it's hard to think of touching the air and it's hard to think of touching your thoughts. So we think about air like we think about thoughts. Does that make sense? Okay, good, good. See, not that hard. It's just about learning how to think about things symbolically. Well, okay, Bonnie, I'm going to take you out of my shirt because you're little itchy. All right. Hey, thank you, everybody. I really deeply appreciate this. You don't know how much it means to my kids to have just a small point of access to me and what I do every day here, when lovey came on, you just have no idea what a big deal that was in our house. So thank you all of you for allowing me to have a little take my kids to work
videos this month. I really appreciate it. Maybe at some point down the line they'll come back, but I. We filled, we filled that cup for now. So I really, I really do appreciate it, and hopefully this also gives you some ideas about how you can start talking to your kids, if you have them about astrology, because it's really not about making things more kid like as much as it is conveying the same things in ways that kids can find accessible. That's what I found in starting to teach my kids about astrology. Anyway. It's just about talking to them, not talking down to them, but talking with them, on bringing in examples that are relatable. You know, it's that relatability, and because astrology is almost as immediately intuitive to kids as the lessons of fairy tales are. In my experience that it's just, it's like instant and intuitive. We just have to make sure that we're finding things that are relatable for kids to make sense of the symbols by so anyway, maybe some inspiration down the road to do more of this kind of content for kids, I would love to eventually find a way of having a series of lessons that are kid friendly. I've thought about how much I appreciated Jim Henson and the Muppets, Mr. Rogers, things like that when I was a kid that did such an artistic, interesting job of accessing my imagination and also helping me learn and learn things that are not just intellectual, but that are of moral, spiritual value as well. So anyway, hope you're having a great start to your week. We'll be looking at a bunch of good stuff as the week goes on, and I look forward to that soon. Bye. Everyone
OMG!!! Earl has got to come on the show next!!!