The Moon is in Scorpio today, moving toward sextiles with Mercury and Jupiter before entering Sagittarius by later this evening.What to watch for:* Sometimes between a solar eclipse and lunar eclipse there is a tangible feeling of loss, heaviness, or intensity in the air. I've heard people describe it like jumping from a moving vehicle and trying to hit the ground running so you don't wipe out, and I've heard people describe it as a sense of foreboding or anxiety. Sometimes people describe …
Jupiter Moving into Libra
The Moon is in Scorpio today, applying to a sextile with the Sun. Meanwhile, Jupiter is in the last degree of Virgo and will enter Libra by early Friday morning, where it will stay until October of 2017.Here's what to expect from Jupiter in the sign of the scales:* First of all, Jupiter is moving from the sign of Mercury into the sign of Venus. This shift represents a major change in the tone and symbolism of Jupiter in the year to come, from Mercury ruled things to Venus ruled things. Jupiter's …
The Light is Slowly Gathering
The waxing crescent Moon is in Scorpio this morning, moving slowly toward a sextile with the Sun in Virgo. Meanwhile Mercury is retrograde and applying to a square with Mars.A few things to watch for:* Whenever the Moon is waxing in its opening stages and makes its first harmonious aspect to the Sun (the sextile), we might look for positive connections being made, allegiances being formed or friends or colleagues stepping in to help, interesting opportunities opening up, and general progress …
Mercury and the Forward in the Backward
Today the Mercury/Jupiter conjunction, via Mercury's retrograde, is still within about one degree of exact.Keep your eye out for:* Positive resolutions to things from the past...* An important transition marked by beneficial news or events that help to make the transition smooth* Reorganizing or reconsidering a plan or course of action* Delays, setbacks, interruptions that serve a larger purpose* The feeling that something was divinely timed* An exciting piece of news that comes along with …
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An Exciting Mercury/Jupiter Conjunction
Mercury retrograde is conjoining with Jupiter today.Earlier in the week I wrote about seeing some return on an old agreement or investment...yesterday I went looking for a specific item at REI for an upcoming backpacking trip and it turned out that my membership dividends were enough to pay for it! A great example of the Mercury rx conjunction to Jupiter.Here are some other things watch for in the meantime:* As above, something returning to you positively or fortunately...* A person from the …
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Solar Eclipse Today
Happy Solar Eclipse day everyone!A few things to think about for today's eclipse:* Gentleness is not the same as indifference...taking care of small things under a Mercury retrograde in Virgo is a good idea...losing the plot isn't.* Persistence toward a goal, even during a transitional period of time, is wise. Taking small steps toward where you want to go is better than just sitting around thinking about where you want to go.* When the Sun is eclipsed by the Moon sometimes it means something is …
Mercury Retrograde and Solar Eclipse
Annnnnd Mercury is retrograde! Solar Eclipse tomorrow morning.Here's what to watch for:* Sometimes right before a solar eclipse, in the dark moon time preceding, there is an ominous feeling in the air. It might be heavy, dark, sad, or foreboding, or it might be anticipatory like the calm before a heavy rainstorm. Either way, it's normal if you're feeling some of this today. In fact, if there is one thing I've learned covering eclipses over the course of my career thus far it's that many people …
Eclipse Prep for this Week!
The dark Moon is in Leo, moving toward a solar eclipse on Thursday morning.Here is what to watch for with this upcoming eclipse:* Look back to September 2006 and 2007 for the last solar eclipses in Virgo. Then look back to September of 1997. These eclipses may share something in common in terms of the kinds of doors that were opening in your life around those times. For example, in 1997 I was starting high school in a new city and because I was the new kid and didn't know anyone I turned …
Mercury Retrograde this Week!
Mercury is stationing to turn retrograde by Wednesday morning...Things to remember about Mercury retrogrades and what to watch for:* Mercury retrogrades are common. They happen several times each year. In fact the very meaning of the planet Mercury, as an astrological symbol, cannot be separated from its regular retrogrades. Mercury's swift speed and back and forth motion were classically what related Mercury to contests and athletics. Some astrologers in fact say that one of Mercury's core …
The Imagination of Power and Purpose
Mars and Saturn are conjunct within minutes this morning, both within about one degree from a perfect square to Neptune.Here's a few things to watch for given this dynamic:* A new initiative or new incentive motivates us on the level of our imagination and helps us commit to a course of action* The experience of disillusionment brings about a new and clearer, more grounded, understanding of something or someone* The illusion of great strength and/or disillusionment with someone or something that …
Breaking Bread with the Strong Man
Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury are all close together in the sign of Virgo, and meanwhile Mars is exactly conjunct Saturn in the next 24 hours.Here's what to watch for with these two configurations:* Discipline, obedience, duty, respect, and honoring your personal code or ethics leads to success, confirmation, support, greater clarity or efficiency, and victory (Mars/Saturn with a dominating square from Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury)* An important turning point, a relieving transition or a return …
The Sun Enters the Sign of the Virgin
Today the Sun enters the sign of Virgo.Things you may not know about Virgo...* Virgo precedes the Harvest season introduced by Libra at the Fall Equinox. At this time of year in the northern hemisphere the light is waning and we are rapidly approaching the turning point at which the darkness will take over and the daylight will be shorter than longer each day. Many of the core archetypes of the Virgin or Harvest Maiden stem from the anticipation of this solar transition.* For example, take the …
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