The waxing gibbous Moon is in Aquarius this morning, making a trine to the Sun in Libra. Meanwhile, Mercury has separated from Jupiter and is applying to a square with Mars and Pluto, and the Sun is moving into an opposition with Uranus. Some bigger transits moving through again...What to watch for this week:* Watch today for doors to open, support gained, or the green light given...anytime the Moon trines the Sun you will often see the universe saying "yes" to something...* Powerful …
The Blind Justice of Libra
The Moon is in Aquarius today making trines to Mercury and Jupiter in Libra.As the Mercury/Jupiter conjunction perfects here a few simple ideas to keep in mind:* Lao Tzu once wrote that, "The great Tao flows everywhere. It fills everything to the left and to the right. All things owe their existence to it and it cannot deny any one of them."Isn't it tempting to look at the state of the world sometimes and wonder why corrupt people succeed or why evil or darkness is allowed to flourish? More than …
Mercury/Jupiter and Peaceful Resolutions
The Mercury/Jupiter conjunction will be exact in the next two days.Here are a few things to watch for:* Coming to an agreement or resolution.In ancient astrology Jupiter and Mercury were planetary contraries that ruled opposite signs (Gemini/Sagittarius and Virgo/Pisces). While Mercury was said to rule the intellect and argumentation, Jupiter was said to rule possessions and abundance. Whereas Mercury tends to analyze, debate, contest, and deconstruct, Jupiter tends to say "yes," tends to build …
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Mercury, Jupiter, and Mars Aligning
The first quarter Moon is in Capricorn today. Meanwhile Mercury is applying to a conjunction with Jupiter and square with Mars.Here's what to watch for:* As Mercury just moved into the sign of the scales and entered into a conjunction with Jupiter and square with Mars we are seeing major pieces of information, news, and media being used as political weapons before the upcoming election in the US. Perhaps the safest thing we can about these Mercurial disclosures, leaks, and carefully timed …
Previewing the Solstice Revolution
A long journey concludes for me tomorrow and then my horoscopes will resume as I recover and reintegrate back at home. :-) Then over the next month and a half I will begin to prepare for my annual kickstarter campaign and 40 days of fundraising and prayer for 2017's daily horoscopes. I can't thank all of my readers enough for your patience and support as I've done some important personal and family healing work these past few weeks.Meanwhile, today let's take a brief look at the …
Moon/Venus and the Desire Body
Today the Moon and Venus conjoin in Scorpio. Meanwhile Mars is heading toward a square with Jupiter in Libra.What to watch for:* The Moon's application to Venus fixes our body, mind, and soul on the objects of our desire. We might be asking ourselves how we can get something we want but can't have, or how we might get our needs met within various relationships or partnerships where something is lacking. There is a temptation with the Moon and Venus in Scorpio to coerce and manipulate, to be …
No, Your Zodiac Sign Has Not Changed…
While I was gone I received way, way too many emails asking me if the zodiac has changed or the signs are different, or even if there is a 13th sign. No. Nothing has changed because the zodiac we use is not based upon the movement of the constellations over long periods of time. The tropical zodiac's starting point, zero Aries, is aligned with the spring equinox each year, so even though the equinox moves with respect to the constellations, the tropical zodiac does not move in relationship to …
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Mercury Direct and Fall Equinox
The Moon is in Taurus today, applying to a trine with the Sun in Virgo.Meanwhile Mercury will begin its station to direct movement again by early tomorrow morning.Here's what to watch for:* Mercury ruled things starting to recover or make an appearance again after a time of obscurity, silence, slowness, or invisibility. This might mean that a deal or negotiation, a contract or communication, or a missing piece of news or information starts working itself out after a period of delays, setbacks, …
Preparing for the Balancing of the Scales
The Moon is in Taurus today, Mercury turns direct this week, and we're just days away from the Fall Equinox.Here's what to watch for:* Just as the Sun reaches the turning point of the Equinox, it will conjoin with Jupiter in Libra and Mercury will simultaneously turn direct. Something that has been regressing will start progressing again. A time of closure will bring renewed faith and hope, and a long period of transition will begin solidifying itself into the next chapter.* As Mercury stations …
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Lunar Eclipse Today!
Happy Lunar Eclipse everyone!Here's what to watch for today:* The culmination, closure, or resolution of something.* The end of an era and the transition involved with its conclusion.* Look to the Pisces ruled area of your birth chart, notice the topics and themes highlighted and see what's coming to the surface, what's being eclipsed, or what kinds of transitions or changes are taking place there.* As today's eclipse takes place the eclipse will involve a square from the planet Mars. Watch for …
Eclipse Tomorrow and the End of an Aura
The Moon is in Pisces, moving toward the Saturn/Neptune square. Tomorrow afternoon is the full Moon, which is a lunar eclipse.It's fascinating that this eclipse falls in the midst of a historic Saturn/Neptune square and during a closely configured Mercury retrograde. Let's take a look at what this might mean...* Since all of the planets and celestial events above fall in mutable signs, and since we've dealt with a mutable grand cross this year and mutable t-square for most of the year while …
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Lunar Eclipse Preparation
The Moon is in Aquarius today, almost full, and we're just two days out from a lunar eclipse.Here are some eclipse tips:* Look at the houses occupied or ruled by Virgo and Pisces, for this full Moon especially Pisces.* Remember that lunar eclipses are a little bit like super full moons..they symbolize culmination and fullness. Lunar eclipses often bring things to an end or serve to resolve or bring closure to different relationships, projects, or places in our lives where we've been focused on …