The Moon is in Libra this morning, just about to enter Scorpio. Meanwhile Venus is opposite Jupiter and entering into a square with a stationed Saturn in Sagittarius, and the Sun is trine with Mars.What to watch for:* Design work (Venus/Saturn)* Designs/decoration/artwork meant to teach, instruct, or express the power of belief or idea (Venus/Saturn in Sagittarius)* The desire to create something but having limited knowledge, resources, or ability (Venus/Saturn)* The modest beginnings of a big …
Smoking the Outer Planetary Pipe
The Moon is in Libra today, making a sextile to Saturn and then moving into the Uranus/Pluto square. Meanwhile Saturn has stationed and will turn retrograde by Saturday.Every time the Moon passes through a cardinal sign and activates the Uranus/Pluto square I notice similar things happening. Often there is the feeling of getting overwhelmed by something, dark thoughts, a particularly chaotic day that seems chok full of deeper meaning or symbolism, synchronicities, freudian slips that hang in the …
Saturn Stationing to Turn Retrograde
Happy Lunar Eclipse day everyone!The Moon is just past full, and Mercury is currently at the heart of the Sun (cazimi). Meanwhile Saturn is slowing down to station and will turn retrograde by this weekend, the Jupiter/Saturn square is nearly exact, and Venus is moving into a square and opposition with Saturn and Jupiter in the next few days.I woke up this morning feeling as though the eclipse had already happened yesterday. Nonetheless the eclipse will be lingering for the rest of this week as …
Tomorrow’s Eclipse Already Intensifying
Tomorrow's lunar eclipse is almost here. Today the Moon is in late Virgo. Meanwhile the Sun is moving into a trine with Mars in Sagittarius, Venus is creating a t-square with Jupiter and Saturn, and Saturn is preparing to station and turn retrograde. It's a big week, and not surprisingly we are seeing the evidence of these transits in the news this morning as the president of the US speaks to the Cuban people and during his speech CNN is simultaneously airing footage of a terrorist attack in …
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Eclipse Week Forecast
The Moon is in Virgo today, moving toward an opposition with Venus and then a conjunction with Jupiter which will activate the Jupiter/Saturn square (which is nearly exact!).Here's what to watch for:* Culmination, completion, or closure. As we reach the full moon/lunar eclipse this week and we've just crossed the zero Aries point something should be reaching a natural peak or climax of some kind. Sometimes astrologers say that lunar eclipses are about doors closing or event's conspiring to bring …
A Spring Equinox Prayer
The Sun is at zero Aries. Happy Spring Equinox. Here is the prayer I'm praying at this special moment: a creative translation of the 16th chapter of the Book of Proverbs. This is easily one of my favorite traditional wisdom books and (at least in my opinion) one of the most inspiring passages from the wisdom texts of the Bible overall!Proverbs 16:We humans have plans in our heartsbut the voice that articulatesthe hand that accomplishes, is not our own.We don't easily see the true nature of our …
Happy Spring Equinox!
Happy Spring Equinox Everyone! Tonight/early tomorrow morning the Sun will enter Aries and we will officially enter the light half of the year.Here are a few things to note or remember:* The Spring Equinox marks a time of initiation.* Things that have been lying dormant will suddenly come to life.* Things that have been gaining momentum will surge forward.* It's time to sweep, clean, purge, or reorganize so that we make room for new life.* Next week there will be a lunar eclipse, which may …
Spring Equinox and Lunar Eclipse Approaching
The Moon is in Leo today, trine to Mars. Meanwhile the Spring Equinox is less than two days away!The Spring Equinox is also referred to as the zero Aries point, or the first day of the zodiac. So whether you're looking at this event from the perspective of the northern hemisphere's spring season, or as the start of the zodiacal year, it's an important celestial event. From a seasonal standpoint, the Aries moment refers to the time when the light takes over and we have more daylight than …
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Jupiter/Saturn Square Reflects the Collective Mood
The Moon is in Cancer today, moving toward a trine with the Sun in Pisces.Here's a list of what to watch for based on a number of the planetary themes right now:* The Jupiter/Saturn square is almost exact. You find yourself unfriending or unfollowing people left and right on facebook, twitter, and instagram for the incessant anger and self righteous negativity being directed toward everyone and anything they don't agree with or find "corrupt."* The Jupiter/Saturn square is almost exact. You find …
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Why We Love the Moon in Cancer
The Moon is in Cancer today. I think we need some Cancerian sweetness this morning...* Cancer is the sign of the Moon, and the Moon is the great reflector in the sky. Memory is also a form of reflecting upon past experiences. It is never the experience of the past itself. And so the past is something we relive as we recall it from multiple perspectives which are themselves moving, never static. This fluid recalling...this living reliving, is the foundation of memory. One of the reasons Cancer is …
Twisting the Facts to Fit Our Faith: A First Quarter Moon
The 1st quarter Moon is in Gemini today. Here's a quick list of teachings that first quarter moons bring to mind, and this Moon in particular:* 1st quarter Moons reflect the transition from "more darkness" to " more light" on the surface of the Moon. They therefore represent one of the cardinal pivot points of each monthly lunar cycle. As such they often signify events that move something from darkness to light, from weakness to strength, from unseen to visible, from wondering to known, from …
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A Mutable Grand Cross Today!
The Moon is in Gemini today. Here's what to watch for!* Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, and the Moon are in a mutable grand cross today, and the Moon and Jupiter are both in Mercury's sign. Watch for media and communication debacles, philosophical squabbles, and ideological short circuiting. The Jupiter/Saturn square reflects the generational tensions and the "insider/outsider" conflicts happening all over the world right now. As Mercury is in his depression it might be one of those days where you …