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For Spoken Word Audio or Video of Today's Forecast, visit my SoundCloud page or my YouTube channel. With Mars now entering into trines with Saturn and Pluto and Mercury retrograde backing into a square with Jupiter, it's a unique moment in this month's astrology.Here's what to watch for:* Mercury's retrograde toward a square with host Jupiter invites us to evaluate the noble truths we are currently serving and to ask the question as to whether or not those noble truths are worthy of serving, …
Another thing to watch for during Uranus' stay in Taurus...* This morning I drew the 13th hexagram, sometimes called "social mechanism," which refers not only to the joining or gathering of social forces for a higher purpose or cause but also to clans, factions, and factional battles* Uranus' desire for progress at all costs, for the future to be here now, or for liberation from the known, may push us from within the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus to join new groups or it may disrupt our social …
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Check out the Audio/Podcast edition here. …
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It's a Moon/Pluto square kind of day today. With the Moon in Aries and its host, Mars in Taurus, moving into trines with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, the Mood is both productive and fierce.Here's what to watch for:* the Moon/Pluto square today brings correction through for outbursts, temper tantrums, defiance, displays of willful resistance, or other bullying or "strong man" tactics* the Moon/Pluto square purge, releases, heals as it dredges the depths* the hosts of this …
As Mercury is retrograde now for the next few weeks, it's important to keep in mind Mercury's dignity and its exchange with Jupiter.Here's what to consider:* Pisces is the feminine sign of Jupiter, and as such is the place of Mercury's exile and fall. But don't be fooled. This doesn't mean that Mercury is ineffective. It means that Mercury is in the valley of fortune, a place of decline, loss, or diminution, which doesn't mean inactive or ineffective. Just remember that many times in life we …
Continue Reading about A Deeper Look at Mercury’s Current Retrograde
Uranus has now moved into Taurus, where it will stay all the way into 2026.Here's what to watch for:* Remember that Uranus has been aptly compared to the figure of Prometheus for a long time by modern, archetypal astrologers. It's a fitting comparison, but most of the time we don't really understand the shadow side of the comparison.* Prometheus' theft of the fire from the gods, though we often admire it, was also a serious transgression that led to torture and ongoing punishment.* In this …
Happy New Moon Everyone!There is a lot going on today, with a New Moon conjoined with Neptune, as Mercury turns retrograde in its fall/detriment in Pisces, and just as Uranus enters Taurus. Today, I'll focus on the New Moon and tomorrow I'll discuss Uranus into Taurus.Here's what to watch for:* The New Moon's conjunction to Neptune in Pisces, in a close sextile with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, brings to mind themes of sacrifice. Notice the desire to give up what has been gained or …
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The month of March, 2019, presents a variety of interesting transits...check them out!What to watch for:March 1st: Venus squares Uranus, bringing themes of shock, disruption, liberation, and revolution into a tense relationship with the Venusian themes of love, harmony, beauty, and the goddess. March 6th: A New Moon conjunct Neptune while Mercury is also stationing to turn retrograde in Pisces brings a wave of other-worldly, transrational energy. The Moon cycle ahead will bring themes of …
Continue Reading about The Astrology of March 2019 Written Edition
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