This morning the Sun enters its own sign of Leo. Sunday morning a new Moon with Mars in Leo, ushering in a powerful, martial, and transformative next Moon cycle.Here's a preview of what we will see in August as eclipse season begins.New Moon with Mars:The new Moon cycle that kicks off another eclipse season starts with the Sun in its own sign, swallowing Mars. Mars is being born again right now, and so there is a certain aura of rebirth in the air. The next cycle will be toned by the final …
Venus/Saturn, Jupiter/Pluto and the Dark Moon
The dark Moon is in Cancer today. It will be new by Sunday morning. Meanwhile, Venus is moving closer to its opposition with Saturn and Jupiter to its square with Pluto.Here's what to watch for:Venus/Saturn* Being frugal* Relationship challenges coming to a head* Loneliness or isolation* Deeper commitments/maturity in love* The young in love with the old or vice versa* Conflicts of belief, ideology, faith in relationships* Issues from the past barring us from moving forward in negotiations, …
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Venus Opposite Saturn
Venus is closing in on an opposition to Saturn, and Mars is about to enter Leo.Here is what to watch for:Venus opposite Saturn:* Conflicts in love* Conflicts in friendship* Separation or isolation* Deepening commitments, devotion to something greater* Conflicting ideologies* Dogma vs open-mindedness in relationships* Conflicts of faith and belief in partnerships* Training the mind to keep its commitments* Diversity vs consistency* Loneliness on a spiritual path* Hard differences on the best …
Mercury Trine Saturn Today
Now that Venus and Jupiter have separated from their trine, and Mars and Uranus their square, we move into a new series of aspects. Mercury will trine Saturn today, Venus will oppose Saturn in the next week, and the Sun will finally conjoin with Mars next week.Here is what to watch for:Mercury/Saturn:* Coming to serious terms* Commitment* Serious communication* Gaining the praise or permission of an elder or authority* Formalizing an agreement or relationship* Technology changes * …
Venus Trine Jupiter Today
Mars is just separating from its square to Uranus but very much still active today, and meanwhile, Venus is trine to Jupiter.Here's what to watch for:With Venus/Jupiter be careful of...* Expensive taste* Spending too much* Overindulging * Saying too much* Overpromising * Over committing * Gossip or overstating somethingOn the other hand, Venus/Jupiter brings..* Good news* New relationships * Opportunities for business* Growth and blessings* Support and green lights* The …
Mars/Uranus Perfecting Today
Happy Monday everyone! Today Mars in Cancer perfects its square to Uranus in Aries.Here's what to watch for:* Healthy conflicts vs unhealthy or unnecessary conflicts* Breakdown, frustration, and accidents caused by lack of patience or impulsiveness* Anything toxic that spills over or through due to a break in containment* Anything related to water, technology and water, accidents or violence and water, or outbursts of emotion* Authority and the breakdown of executive power* An aggressive attempt …
Mars/Uranus and the Wisdom of Frustration
The last quarter Moon is in Aries over the weekend, emphasizing the Mars/Uranus square as it perfects.Another I Ching meditation today:* Hexagram #26 is called "Controlled Power," and it depicts heaven kept safely, invisibly, powerfully, within the stoic, solid image of a mountain.* Because Mars is dying right now, falling into the Sun, there is a sense of having reached the finish line with something. Saying, "I'm done with this," or "I'm over it," or "I'm exhausted by this pattern," though …
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Mars/Uranus and the Wisdom of Retreat
As Mars moves into a square with Uranus, it's easy to lose our cool.An I Ching Meditation today...* The 33rd hexagram of the I Ching is called "retreat," and it discusses the wisdom of knowing how and when to retreat.* For many people retreat is about giving up, and giving up is about failure, and failure is undesirable, and so retreat isn't an option.* But the 33rd hexagram speaks to the wisdom of retreat. When we are overwhelmed by inferior forces, internally or externally, when we are …
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Refreshing on July’s Upcoming Astrology
A number of important astrological transits are all in the midst of perfecting right now. Let's refresh...Sun/Mars combustion:* July 26th and 27th the Sun and Mars will be conjunct, finally, in the sign of Leo.* The frustration, the battle of wills, the exhaustion of effort, ends* For some this transit has been all about dealing with the limits of what we can and cannot do, how we should and should not use our strength, and what constitutes power and authority versus domination or abuse of …
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Venus Square Neptune and Trine Jupiter
Today Mars continues applying closer to its square with Uranus while the Sun draws closer to Mars. Meanwhile, Venus is moving into a square with Neptune and a trine with Jupiter.Today an I Ching Meditation on the planetary transits:* The 8th hexagram is called "Bonding," or "Holding Together," and it depicts the organization and/or administration of the military or a group of people into a cohesive and functional whole, usually with a particular goal or ambition in mind.* The 8th hexagram …
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Mars/Uranus Square
Mars is approaching a square to Uranus, along with the Sun, and meanwhile, Jupiter is slowly approaching a square to Pluto, and Venus is approaching a trine to Jupiter.Here's what to watch for:* The Sun conjoining Mars has been a long, slow burn. As Mars is consumed by the Sun there is an opportunity for frustration, agitation, anger, and inflammation to get the better of us. A dying Mars is like a wounded predator. It is quicker to lash out, quicker to defend, quicker to attack, and quicker to …
Big Transits Over the Next 10 Days!
The Sun is just past its opposition to Pluto and now beginning its square to Uranus, along with Mars. Meanwhile, Venus is applying to a trine with Jupiter in Libra and Mercury will eventually trine Saturn.* In the next week we have an interesting combination of planetary dynamics perfecting simultaneously.* First, Mars will square Uranus.* Then, Venus will trine Jupiter.* Then the Sun will square Uranus just as Mercury makes a trine to Saturn.* The Mars/Uranus and Sun/Uranus dynamic …