Happy 2017 everyone! Our final numbers are in for this year's kickstarter, and we raised $51,023 from 368 backers. We also accomplished two major stretch goals in addition to supporting my daily horoscopes for the year ahead: the building a community/teaching herbal medicine garden, and the relocation of our yoga studio in 2017.We can't say thank you enough for this tremendous showing of support from my readers, from our friends and family, and from the Sky House Yoga community in general. We …
Happy 2017: Now Let’s Feed Fear a Suck It Sandwich!
Ten astrological reasons to be excited for 2017, even if 2016 was challenging (and make sure you listen to the attached sound track!).1. Every planet teaches us how to feed fear a suck it sandwich if we pay attention to them carefully.2. All death is dazzling beauty and faith to the soul eternal. Say yes like Jupiter.3. All death and even murder is made into light for those who see the limits of darkness and ignorance, who see their impermanence. Say yes like Saturn.4. Every ounce of pain is the …
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Mars/Neptune and the Drive to Oblivion
Happy Belated New Moon Everyone!Today Mars is moving closer to a conjunction with Neptune. Here are a few things to watch for:* The drive to oblivion (reckless, indulgent, or driven to dissolve ourselves in our desires).* The passion, drive, and intensity of an other-worldly vision or feeling* The desire to transcend overwhelms, consumes, inspires* The subjects of violence and water, or disaster and water* Competition and fluidity* Martyrs, victims, saviors, and the causes we would die or …
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Mercury Cazimi: An Astrological Tribute to Tricia McCauley
Today Mercury is Cazimi...A meditation on the meaning of cazimi, dedicated to my fallen astrological and herbal colleague Tricia McCauley, who was brutally murdered on Christmas this past weekend.My favorite writer and thinker, James Hillman loved to say that "we are lived by powers we pretend to understand." Hillman, an archetypal psychologist like Jung before him, recognized the life of the soul or psyche as a kind of middle ground between the everyday stuff of human life and the …
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Jupiter/Uranus and Cosmic Popcorn
Jupiter and Uranus are exactly opposed this afternoon.* Remember that over the past few months we've seen this opposition building and it has reflected the unexpected changes, rebelliousness, and polarization within the political establishment in the USA.* Our political turmoil is intimately linked to cultural polarizations, between the rich and the poor, the establishment and those who are frequently marginalized, etc. These polarizations will continue to build and will continue to be in the …
The Simplest Astrology of Christmas Eve
Christmas eve astrological thought...People have spent far too much time pontificating as to whether or not the Star of Bethlehem was an "astrological" event and whether or not the Magi were natal astrologers or just a group of wise dudes who received an other worldly vision. Just step back from all of these arguments and consider the simplest elements of this particular Gospel account (whether we consider it as something literal or mythological):* A great teacher/prophet/messiah was heralded to …
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The Temple of Capricorn
We think we know Capricorn, but do we really understand the most enigmatic sign of the zodiac?* Capricorn was referred to by ancient Hellenistic astrologers as "the goat horned one," but Robert Schmidt has pointed out that the title included the notion of being enigmatic. The goat horned "??" might be another way of putting it. This should give us reason to pause. The constellation image of Capricorn is a strange looking goat with the tail of a fish. Let's just leave that puzzling image there, …
Jupiter/Uranus Perfecting
The Moon and Jupiter are coming together today in opposition to Uranus in Aries. BAM. That could be the interpretation. But here is what to watch for:* We're closing in on the exact opposition from Jupiter to Uranus and so far we've seen a few decisive expressions of the Jupiter/Uranus opposition: the assassination of a Russian diplomat in Turkey, the terrorist attack in Berlin, the continued political drama and polarization in US politics, and a fireworks factory explosion in Mexico (among …
The Astrology of the Winter Solstice
Happy Winter Solstice Everyone!Some solstice notes...* Imagine yourself inside of a completely trashed house. You're having one of those moments where you come to grips with the amount of work it will take to get this house back in shape. Before you start in, you sit down on some random piece of the rubble, maybe a box full of old books whose time is up. As you sit, you crack open a beer, or maybe pour yourself a glass of wine, and you toast to the humor of the situation...the despair and …
10 Signs Mercury is in Your Midst Today
Ten signs Mercury is in your midst today:1. You are dealing with technical issues, misunderstandings, blockages, or delays.2. You at some point this morning have said, "this is so totally Mercury retrograde."3. Your words have been misunderstood...maybe the fact that they've been misunderstood creates another kind of misunderstanding.4. Your environment feels messy, dirty, unorganized, or generally all over the place.5. You are tempted to undo, redo, or totally change course.6. You are trying …
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The Messenger, the Underworld, and the Revolution
The Moon is in Virgo today, applying to Mercury (who is stationing) in Capricorn. Mercury is nearly conjunct to Pluto. From here, the Moon applies to a square with Saturn and then enters into the last quarter Moon just as we move into the solstice.Keep your eyes peeled for...* Delays, setbacks, and all manner of Mercury matters reaching a halt, standstill, or temporary shutdown.* However, the Moon making a trine to this stationing Mercury could also represent the return on something you've been …
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Mercury Stationing
The Moon is just separating from Mars and about to enter Virgo where it will begin applying to Mercury, who is stationing next to Pluto in Capricorn.Things to watch for:* This is a moment astrologers have been writing about for a long while now, perhaps lacking objectivity, perhaps not, we'll see! Regardless, when Mercury stations in a close conjunction with Pluto we might expect to see the kinds of revelations, disclosures, delays, setbacks, or breakdowns in communication, technology, …