The Moon is in Cancer today, sign of her rulership, and now applying to trine Saturn in Scorpio. The interaction between these two planets today is challenging. Saturn is in the sign of the Moon's fall, and the Moon in the sign of Saturn's detriment. Saturn is in his own term, but the Moon is in her rulership. What does this mean?As the Moon is rapidly darkening and eclipse season is on its way again (Solar Eclipse/New Moon on Sunday) and Saturn is preparing to leave Scorpio for good, we …
Venus Turning Direct Again!
The Moon is void of course this morning in Gemini, about to enter her rulership in Cancer in a few hours. Meanwhile Venus is stationing and will turn direct tomorrow after a long 40+ days retrograde.Traditionally Venus turning direct was an auspicious symbol, akin to something like the image of a man or woman rising out of bed for the first time after a fever passed through. Any planet turning direct usually signifies the return of its power, a change of circumstances for the better, or the …
Before Completion
The last quarter Moon is in Gemini today, applying to square Jupiter and Neptune while also making a trine to Mercury before squaring the Sun by this evening.A day where both of the lights are pointing us toward Mercury. Meanwhile Mercury is in an applying sextile to stationing Venus in Leo (about to turn direct over the weekend).Translation: Something is being summarized, finalized, integrated, revised, or finishing touches are being added to a process of some kind. We're making sure we've …
Last Work of Summer
The Moon is waning in exalted Taurus today, just finishing a square to Venus and Mars in Leo and now applying to an opposition of Saturn by tomorrow morning.Waning moon times, between full Moon and last quarter, generally signify integration, dissemination, and the transition from what's been learned to how that knowledge is actualized into the larger social worlds we inhabit. In terms of a larger life cycle some astrologers say that it's about the integration of things learned into the society …
Imaginal Pisces, Imaginal Virgo
The Full Moon is still in Pisces today, just starting to wane. Meanwhile the Venus/Mars conjunction is tightening up, the Sun is traveling closely with Jupiter, and Mercury is with the north node.Yesterday one of my former students sent me a video of her five year old son tranced out, knitting, and humming sounds from what felt like another planet. She said, "How Virgo/Pisces is this?!" His hands were carefully at work while he simultaneously looked to be in a state of shamanic ecstasy.Yesterday …
Full Moon in Pisces
Happy Full Moon Everyone!Today the full Moon falls across the Pisces/Virgo axis, also engaging Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces. An overall very positive, faithful, inspired, romantic, visionary, imaginative, and religious feeling full Moon at this otherwise very "down to earth" time of year.The Jupiter/Neptune opposition often enhances everything from colors and sounds, to feelings and the five senses. With Jupiter in Virgo we have something like the image of a very careful and meticulous …
The Moon is in Aquarius today, moving toward a sextile of Uranus in Aries and then a square of Saturn in Scorpio by tonight. Meanwhile Mercury conjoins the north node of the Moon in Libra today and tomorrow, and Venus retrograde and Mars are conjoining in Leo.Something that was lost, delayed, set back, avoided, or prolonged may now be coming to resolution. A deal is made, a bargain struck, an arrangement agreed upon, terms come to, and affection or trust restored.The Mercury north node …
Venus and Mars Together Again
The waxing gibbous moon is nearly full and in the sign of Aquarius today, applying to oppositions of Mars and Venus in Leo by tonight.Meanwhile, Venus and Mars are coming together right now in the sky by way of Venus' retrograde in Leo. The Sun and Jupiter are just separating from a conjunction, and Mercury is just separating from his sextile to Saturn and will be shortly entering Libra where he will eventually make his next retrograde later next month.So what does it mean when Venus and …
Virgo and Rare Birds
The Moon is in Capricorn today, about to square Uranus in Aries, and then moving eventually into a trine of Mercury and sextile of Saturn by tonight.Meanwhile today Mercury's exact sextile to Saturn and the Sun is exactly conjunct Jupiter...What to watch for:* Contracts, negotiations, bonds, integrity (Mercury/Saturn)* Keeping one's word, doubt, and trust (Mercury/Saturn)* Reliable versus unreliable sources or data (Mercury/Saturn)* Fear mongering, worried or paranoid thinking (Mercury/Saturn)* …
Prophecies, Prediction, and Anticlimax
The Moon is in Capricorn today, just leaving trines with the Sun and Jupiter and now heading toward aspects of the outer planets: sextile to Neptune, conjunction to Pluto, and then square to Uranus (all by tomorrow). Meanwhile Mercury is approaching its exact sextile to Saturn.Shortly after Y2K failed to live up to the hype, James Hillman spoke to a group of people about psychology in the new millennium. He began his talk, in reference to the anticlimax of Y2K, saying, "Can we not snatch some …
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Mercury/Saturn and Integrity
The waxing gibbous moon is in late Sagittarius this morning, moving toward a square of Mercury and then going void of course.Mercury and Saturn are getting together right now to create contracts and commitments that bind things together for the long haul. They are bringing up integrity, commitment, discipline, organization, focus, and maturity. Mercury is very strong now in the sign of his rulership and exaltation in Virgo, but the Moon squaring Mercury in Jupiter's sign suggests some kind of …
Sun Entering Virgo
The Sun has entered Virgo today, and the Moon is just past first quarter in Sagittarius, applying to square Neptune and trine Mars in Leo and then Venus retrograde in Leo by late tonight.What to watch for:* Increased attention to detail, planning, organization, craft, purity, service, chores, sensual attentiveness and worrisome obsessing (Sun/Jupiter conjunct in Virgo)* The marriage of opposites, the sexual attraction of greatness to greatness, the king and the queen turning the lights down low …