Today, we'll take a look at the Full Moon in Gemini and share horoscopes for all 12 signs.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Friday, everybody!
Today, we're going to take a look at the Full Moon in Gemini, and we'll also do horoscopes for all 12 signs. I think this is important because the Full Moon is happening as its host, Mercury, is turning direct, and as Jupiter is heading into a square from Gemini to Saturn in Pisces.
This is a big Full Moon in Gemini, and I think it's worth focusing on through the house location of Gemini in our birth charts. We're going to zone in on that today and give you some ideas for where you might be feeling the energy of the Full Moon.
So, that's our agenda. Before we get into it, remember to like and subscribe. It really helps the channel to grow. If you listen regularly and are not yet subscribed, or if you give us a thumbs up every day, we really appreciate it! You can find transcripts of any of these daily talks on the website, which is
There are two upcoming events I am promoting right now. One is a Winter Solstice gathering here in Minneapolis. If you go to the Events page, go to, click on Events, and then In-Person Events, you'll find the Winter Solstice gathering happening here in Minneapolis from 6 to 8:30 pm on the 21st at the Grapevine Collective. RSVP is free, but we just want to know you're coming so we can make sure to have enough treats for everyone. I hope to see some of you there. I think it's going to be fun! We’re going to do a little movement, a little meditation, and ritualize this important moment of the year.
Also, on the Events page, if you go to Live Talks, you’ll see that next Thursday night, I’m giving a talk on the sixth house. We’re going to look at the essence of the sixth house, what makes it a difficult place, and how to work with it more constructively. Whether you’re a practitioner or someone who just has a loaded sixth house in your birth chart, these difficult houses are always worth looking at in more depth. You can register there, and you’ll get the link to attend the webinar from 7 to 9 pm Eastern next Thursday night. But if you can’t make it, you’ll get the recording so you can watch it later.
Now, as you know, we are also in the midst of Kickstarter season. We have a goal of 19,137 backers by January 1. As of the time I’m recording this, we’re over 400 backers on our way, but that means we still have a little over 1,500 left to go. That’s a long way to go before New Year’s Eve, so we really need your help. If you’ve already donated, thank you so much. We really appreciate it.
If you haven’t yet donated, please consider supporting the channel. If this is a place where you get something good out of every day, week, or part of your year, and you come back to this place regularly for reliable content, please consider supporting me and our team, and all the good things we try to do to make astrology accessible and affordable for people, including the free content we provide year-round.
With that goal in mind, I’m going to take you over to the Kickstarter page really quick. You can find the link to the Kickstarter campaign in the comment section, pinned to the top, in the description of the video, or on the website, When you scroll down, you’ll see you can pledge any amount here—$5, $10, every pledge counts! We’re trying to get to that total backer number of 19,137 by January 1. You can pick up a variety of gifts, including the astrology calendar, my new book, The Astrology of 2025, the Year Ahead Horoscopes (about 8 hours of content for the year ahead), and the entire forecast of 2025 in horoscope form. That’s a great value there!
And of course, there are a lot of our classes. After I sign off today, there’s a little video explaining the rewards, what goes with each tier, and all the different things you can get, including up to 75% off if you bundle some of our classes together. We have four years' worth of curriculum, plus yearly master classes. You can check it all out.
So yeah, lots of good stuff! I’ll tell you more about that at the end of today’s video.
Every day, I like to say a little something about what I think is valuable about the channel that might make it worth supporting. So lately, I’ve been talking about things like this: If you watch this channel and you learn something new about astrology, if you learn something about a sign you never heard of before, or if you learn something about ancient astrology or ancient philosophy, then this channel is serving you as an astrological learner.
If it helps you think about astrology differently, or if it gives you fresh insights and learning opportunities, whether you're an enthusiast, student, or practitioner, there is a lot of thought, care, study, and work that goes into creating content that is fresh, unique, and valuable. If you value that, and if you get something out of it, please consider donating and supporting our channel in the year ahead.
Alright, on that note, let's turn our attention now to this Full Moon in Gemini.
All right, let's go ahead and get into it. We're taking a look today at the Full Moon in the sign of Gemini.
Now, this Full Moon has some really interesting little signatures that we're going to unpack as we explore some horoscopes today as well. What I want to do is give you a few thoughts about the Full Moon itself, some things to watch for on a general archetypal level. Then, I'll go through all 12 whole sign horoscopes, focusing briefly on the topics of the whole sign house of Gemini, so you have a little sense of where the spotlight of the Full Moon is shining in your birth chart right now. If you listen for your Sun sign horoscope, that's fine, too.
So, all right, let's put the chart up on the screen.
The first thing to notice is that we have a Full Moon in Gemini, with the host Mercury stationing to turn direct. Remember that this means we're going to see Mercury coming through that opposition to Jupiter with mutual reception by detriment and opposition one last time. That will happen in the next couple of weeks.
Let's see, we speed that up. Let's take a look at when that's going to happen—just a little reminder. It takes a bit because of how slowly Mercury gets moving in direct motion. It starts happening around December 26th to the 27th, when we'll see Mercury and Jupiter come together one last time.
So for now, what we're looking at is a Full Moon in Gemini with Mercury turning direct. Here's what I would watch for. First of all, anything with Gemini may involve things like technology, the mind, communication, speech, learning, and exploration of opposites and dualities. Excuse me, curiosity, and that kind of mercurial, playful, magical, chaotic tension that always exists in Gemini—exploring opposites, you know, all that fun stuff.
More specifically, remember that right now we're in the midst of a moment of paradigmatic change with Jupiter squaring Saturn, and that is bearing down right around Christmas. So as that paradigmatic change is happening, we are in the midst of something that's really hard to perceive. I used the story the other day when we were exploring the previous hard aspects of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle. When I became a parent under one of those Jupiter-Saturn dynamics, I had no way of understanding what I was in the midst of and how deeply it would end up impacting my view of the world, my view of my work life, philosophy, professional approach—so many things.
We have to remember that right now, with Jupiter squaring Saturn, we’re in the midst of another moment of great paradigmatic shifting and changing. This carries over from last August and will repeat again in June of next year. When you're in a time, a season of change like that, it’s not always easy to see the big picture. I forget how the saying goes, but it’s not always easy to see the forest for the trees. We’re working with structures and systems, perceptions of thought, belief, approach, attitude—our assumptions about things are changing, and that’s not easy to grasp all the time.
However, one thing that helps is Mercury. The fact that we have a big Mercury Retrograde during all of this, a Full Moon with Mercury turning direct, and Mercury is much more dynamic. A big paradigmatic shift like this often benefits from having another planetary transit triggering it, because then there’s more to help us grasp what’s happening in the sky.
So, I like this Full Moon because it’s highlighting the Jupiter-Saturn dynamic, and it’s also highlighting the Mercury-Jupiter opposition with mutual reception by detriment. So what could we say about that in terms of Mercury turning direct?
If we’ve been going through a slow but steady process of changing our views, our ideas, or belief systems or structures of any kind in our life, we may find that first, we had to undo, take apart, revise, reconsider things, or maybe even get rid of bad habits. Or perhaps, take out something that isn’t working. You know, before you get a new appliance, you have to take out the old one. They come, and there’s a fee you can pay. Everyone knows this, and you’re like, “Yeah, for 50 bucks, I’ll take your old refrigerator, and I’ve got the new one in the truck.”
So first, they haul out the old refrigerator, then they bring in the new one. With Mercury Retrograde highlighted in this moon cycle, it’s as though we’re ready to install the new thing, after having accomplished a retrogradation that maybe took out an old thing. Now, these old things and new things don’t have to be appliances—they could be ideas, thoughts, or beliefs.
When you’re in a relationship and you’ve been arguing about the same old things and running into the same old tensions, and suddenly, it reaches a breaking point, and you say, “We can’t go on arguing like this,” okay, Full Moon in Gemini with Mercury Retrograde turning direct. Now in Sagittarius, we’ll start looking at ways to compromise, live together, and work together despite these contrasts of view, belief, or our convictions about the best way to do something.
Now, we’re turning the page. We’re going to let go of an old way of being in relationship, an old way of clashing or disagreeing, and now we’re going to actively seek resolution. But first, we had to get to that breaking point, where the old pattern has been seen, understood, and recognized as not helpful or effective before we can realize, “Okay, it’s time to move forward in a new way.”
Take out the old refrigerator before the new one can come in.
Many times, people have goals of building muscle in their body. This is something I’ve learned, and sometimes, what has to happen first is you go through a recomposition phase. A recomposition phase might mean that you’re working out, doing resistance training, stripping a bunch of fat off your body first, and, as you do that, you might be gradually building muscle. But first, you have to establish new habits of eating, new habits of training, new habits of sleeping, and shedding some water weight, some inflammation, and unhealthy lifestyle elements.
Then, with that new framework, it becomes easier to build muscle, to put it on and keep it, and to build muscle without putting on a ton of fat. Additionally, because you’ve cleaned up your diet and adjusted your lifestyle, many people who have the goal of, “Oh, I want to look bigger and shredded,” it’s like, “Well, you’ve got to go through recomposition first. You’ve got to create a new base, a new foundation to work with.”
Well, that’s kind of what’s happening in the sky right now. A Full Moon in Gemini, while Mercury’s turning direct and the opposite sign of Sagittarius as its host, is sort of like saying something’s been reconstituted, and now we’re ready to initiate this new phase.
Another example I’d use is from when I was in my early 20s. Some of you know that I had some issues with opiate addiction in my early 20s. It’s crazy, because the opiate addiction actually came from being prescribed medications, so that’s a real thing that happens to people. But anyway, when I worked with Ayahuasca, first I had to purge. There’s many ways to detox and get sober, but for me, that process was one of purgation. Vomiting in the Amazon jungle, and then coming home, before I could really enjoy the fruits of being sober.
And I still claim that sobriety is the best drug in the universe, right? As funny as that sounds.
Anyway, there was no enjoyment of sobriety for quite some time because first, it was about eliminating old habits—purging, cleansing, purifying—and then putting in new things that, in time, would lead to better health, better happiness, better mental health, better physical health, etc.
Most of the time, it works like that. We say to ourselves, "I want to be a great piano player." Oh, okay, well, I've been playing piano on my own for a while. You start with an instructor first, and they correct a lot of bad habits. You know, you might have to go back to basic things.
Well, you might say, "I'm past basic things." But you don’t do basic things the right way because you have bad habits with how you hold your hands, or something like that. I don’t play piano, but I’m imagining something like that exists.
So it’s the same thing with this transit. There’s a way in which, in order to move forward, we might be cleaning something up. We might have had to go through something where we had to clean, revise, or rework something. Something had to break down. And now it’s like, "Ah, there’s this moment of fullness where we can start moving forward with something that represents a new understanding." It’s a compromise—a mediation of various tensions that we're ready to hold in a better, more enlightened way.
This is how I would look at it. But now, for fun, let’s look at the whole sign house of Gemini. This might be a really good focal point for how and where that place of revision is taking place.
Now, you could look at Sagittarius. You could look at Pisces. We’ve done those things in some of our monthly horoscopes. But today, I just want to focus on the Full Moon’s house location. I think that’s going to be really fruitful. So, these are going to be just quick, juicy little takes on each sign.
Oh, my God, the funniest stuff comes into my head sometimes, and I don’t say it because I need to spare all of you from the worst of me.
All right, so, let's get started.
Wait—what am I doing with the nodes here? Oh, I’m a mess. Okay, let’s take this around the wheel. Someone recently said, "Hey, it was cool that you started doing Pisces. You know, what I think you should do is start with other signs too." And I was like, "No, don’t press your luck, or there’ll be no horoscopes for you."
Okay, I’m just playing. Let’s look at Aries, and we’ll go all the way through Pisces.
First of all, if you’re an Aries, the Full Moon is landing in your third house. Now, to me, that’s about the environment that we live in, and it’s a really hard house to grasp. You know, I say this a lot, but like 2000 years ago, the third house would have been the village that you live in, along with your siblings and family members who still live in the same village but no longer with their parents—just like you don’t live with your parents anymore.
It’s anything that is connected to the same root system, the fourth house being the root system. But now, it has moved out and sort of orbits around a common root. Your house is a feature of the neighborhood, and the neighborhood, in a sense, from your perspective, orbits around your home.
So family, environment, village, neighbors, siblings, local, short journeys—these all pertain to the immediate world that you inhabit: your very earthly, immediate, communal reality. A lot of us don’t have that reality as a felt instinctual one anymore, because of how online we are, because we work in corporate offices. The third house becomes difficult because we’re disconnected from it.
Anyway, the point of a Full Moon in the third house for Aries folks out there is going to be about some kind of process of change, remaking, revision, or reconsideration happening with respect to the local environment that you inhabit. This could be the culture, siblings, village, neighborhood—anything that connects to the "fish tank" you live in.
Interestingly, the moon is also associated with the third house, so we can think about the environment as the body, mind, and emotional environment as well. What is changing with respect to psychology, body, and the biomatrix environment of the soul within your body? There’s an opportunity to reconstitute things around you with respect to atmosphere and environment. Maybe some events are tied to things like siblings, neighbors, neighborhood, and also the emphasis on local journeys or visiting family.
Now, let’s move along. If you’re a Taurus, this is going to be in your second house. What is the process of revision, change, remaking, reconstituting, and reconsideration happening around things like money and resources? Around wealth, assets, possessions, time, and energy—what are you developing? What are you building? What are you growing in your garden? These are second house questions.
What are you in possession of? What do you build? How are things being reconstituted with respect to resources of any kind—time, money, or energy? This is a big focus for Tauruses right now.
For Geminis, the process is so personal. It’s so existential, because it’s landing in your first house. Who am I? Why am I here? What am I doing? What is my purpose? What is my nature? What is my makeup? What is my constitution? How am I wired physically, mentally, and emotionally? How’s my health doing? How’s my vitality?
Then, there are things as superficial but important as my appearance, my aesthetic, my style, the way I show up in the world. There is a process of reconstitution taking place for Geminis. If you’re Gemini rising, this is very personal.
For Cancers, it’s fascinating that the reconstitution, remaking, reordering, and revising is happening in the unconscious domain of the 12th house. A place of solitude, a place of separation or distance from the world. There could be reconstitution happening with respect to health and body—things you are just starting to become aware of, that may become more important as the year wears on.
For example, Mars will retrograde into your first house for a long period of time. The next moon cycle will have the Full Moon in your first house while Mars is retrograde in your first house. Could this be a process of gradually understanding and making conscious things that have been impacting you emotionally, mentally, and physically? Things that undermine you versus things that support you?
You may undergo a slow paradigmatic change with respect to self-understanding from an unconscious domain. And I suspect that by the next moon cycle, that will really pop for you, especially with Mars also retrograde in your first house. Also, unconscious material related to family may be a really big deal with the next Full Moon in your first house and Mars retrograde in your first house in the new year.
Moving on to Leo. If you’re a Leo rising, this is happening in your 11th house. What is the paradigm shift taking place in your life with respect to friends, groups, communities, organizations, colleagues, and allies—the 11th house? Are you changing teams? Are you finding new or better environments and communities of people? Are there changes taking place within groups or organizations?
Are different kinds of resources becoming available to you through different kinds of social or communal containers with the Full Moon in the 11th house? I also wonder about some process of reconstituting your sense of social or professional belonging. What’s my contribution? Where do I stand out as unique? Where do I fit in? How much should I conform? How much should I stand out?
Questions like these may be undergoing transformation.
For Virgos, the Full Moon is in the 10th house, the place of your career, the workplace, and public reputation. There is a process of reconstitution, revision, remaking, and paradigmatic change that may be tied intimately to the space of your career, public reputation, or what you practice or profess in the world. Think about it vocationally.
We could also think of it as the intersection point between yourself and the greater society in which you live. How do you show up there? What’s your reputation, your status, your service, your contribution? Or calling?
There may be a remaking, revising, or reconstitution taking place in that very social hemisphere of the 10th house.
For those of you who don’t know the background, that’s a kind of inside joke on my channel. I apologize if you’re new to the channel.
Okay, now for Libra rising, we see this process in the 9th house. The Full Moon with Mercury turning direct suggests a process of implementing new belief systems, ideals, convictions, or philosophical approaches. You might also be reaching a place of culmination or transformation with respect to philosophy, religion, spirituality, learning, education, teaching, and teachers.
Journeys abroad are also covered by the 9th house. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some Libras coming into contact with something international at this time. The pursuit of truth with respect to things like ancestry, home, and origins could also be a part of the Full Moon in the 9th house. Watch for that kind of philosophical, spiritual, and educational transformation.
For Scorpios, it’s in the 8th house, which is fascinating. This means Mercury is turning direct in the 2nd, and we’re thinking about the reworking of soul contracts. Who do you rely on? Who do you depend on? Who depends on you? What are the exchanges of things like time, money, energy, and resources—emotionally or financially—in your relationships?
How are some of those relationships changing? Are the scales being leveled? Maybe there’s a payout
or payoff of some kind. There’s also potential here to get out of soul contracts that are no longer working. Revising or reconstituting existing soul contracts with other people is possible.
The 8th house involves looking at what we fear or are anxious about—attachments and the need to relinquish attachments, especially attachments to other people. That’s why the 8th house is associated with death, because the greatest attachment we all have—the attachment of the soul to the body—will eventually be released.
So, what kinds of values are being exchanged? How are the nature of your soul bonds with other people transforming right now?
That’s Scorpio.
Now, for Sagittarius, we’re looking at the quintessential 7th house of relationships. So, it’s about reconstitution within partnerships or relationships.
The full moon here with the mercury in your first house, turning direct could mean that there's a process of both personal and relational transformation that are playing off one another. I change because of the mirror you provide me with and you change based on the person that I'm becoming or the way in which I'm evolving, forces or asks or requires that a relationship or a partner grow or change in some way. So changes that are both personal and maybe a change in a partner's life, changes that are about the two dovetailing off from one another. These are the kinds of things that I would watch for, primarily for Sagittarians.
Now for Capricorns, we see the full moon in the sixth house. And this is a place, an artha house, meaning it's connected to the philosophical concept of artha, which has to do in Indian astrology with the broad topic of our power and commitment and responsibilities in the world, our wealth, power, prestige, notoriety, mastery over subjects, our vocation, our job. The sixth house is the work of the world. It is the grind, the sweat, the practice, the discipline. It's the chop wood, carry water, and it is also the place of suffering.
Many people in the world have to labor and work not for things that they love, but for things that they feel trapped or enslaved by. They have to do it if they don't want to. A lot of us feel that way, even doing things we love. What to speak of people who you know may have to do things they hate. So how is there a reconstitution, a remaking or a transformation of that daily work, that daily grind, that daily level of sacrifice, grit, termination, hard work? If you're working hard, and it's not doing anything for you, this may be a time of remaking or reworking how you work.
So maybe you work smarter, not harder. Could it be that you are looking at things that are worth sacrificing for versus those that are not? Could you be looking at various conflicts or turmoil that's coming up? The sixth house is not only the place of hard work, but also the place of conflict. Hard work is conflict if we don't have passion for what we're doing, and a lot of us need that. If we don't have that, it really is not the most common thing in the world to be working hard and burning out and to be passionate about what we're burning for. This is why the house, though, is also connected with conflict. Because any kind of conflict that is a kind of karmic debt, a work that we have to pay off, that hurts or is hard, might involve conflicts with other people, or conflicts that have to do with health or impediments or difficulties or obstacles that we have to somehow face and cope with.
This is also the sixth house, but when there's a full moon and we've got mercury turning direct in the 12th house, I wonder if you're starting to reach a deeper understanding about the things that you have been afflicted by, or that you have had conflict with, the people or the topics, and that there's not a point of illumination taking place. And now you know what to do, or you're going to come into some better understanding so that you can work differently with the problems of your life. We all have problems, but how are you handling yours? And what's the best way that might be coming up right now?
All right, that's caps. Go to Aquarians, and we see the fifth house. I like this for Aquarians because with Pluto having just come into your first house, and Uranus about to enter your fifth next July, there is a lot of emphasis right now on who you're becoming, how you're transforming on a very personal level, what feels enriching and empowering, looking at your own shadows and processing them, and maybe purification and transformation as themes of Pluto in the first house, around identity, body, health, and Dharma.
Then the fifth house, the joy derived from one's dharma. Asking you, are you creatively fulfilled as you are changing? What are the creative requirements of the person that you're becoming? What does this new version of yourself ask of you creatively? One way that we measure the success of our individuation is in terms of what we create. There's a sense that we are only as authentically transformed as we have been able to create something, and it doesn't have to be, you know, an art gallery product in someone else's fancy museum.
It can be something so humble and so precious to only us. It doesn't have to be a big deal. But where do you feel creatively called? Where do you feel like you can make something, and it might be something really mundane? It could be about your relationships, your family. It could be about your work, your job. It could be about how you take care of yourself. The question is, what do I do to feel a little bit happier and a little bit more creatively fulfilled?
Now, the topic of parents, children, pregnancy can also always come up in the fifth house, but right now I'm looking at this and wondering what kind of creative reconstitution is taking place in what way am I utilizing my gifts, my strengths, my personality, a transformation of character, to accomplish something that gives me more fulfillment or that allows me to feel creative flow? I would look at that for Aquarians.
Okay, last but not least, Pisces, your full moon is in the fourth house of home and family, of roots and living environment. We think about a reconstitution taking place with respect to family karma, with respect to things like parents, grandparents, family members, or if you have your own family, it could be you, your kids, your spouse, where you live, how you live, the environment in which you live, all being reconstituted or going through some kind of revision or a new understanding, a better understanding, a clearer understanding, might be emerging with respect to things like where you came from, or how you were raised, or what the blessings and curses of your background have been.
You may also be looking at the need to transform something about the way your family is organized, the way you all spend your time or your money, the way you support and create a foundation like a nest for yourself. The fourth house is really the resting place. And so how do you create a space for rest, recovery, safety, security, and what changes do you need to make so that you feel more of those things? There's going to be a radical reconstitution at your roots starting next July through November, when Uranus enters your fourth house. So this is a full moon that is in many ways foreshadowing deeper, more substantive changes around home and family that are coming in the year ahead.
All right, that takes us through all 12 signs. I thought this would be a fun thing to do today because we've spent a lot of time talking about this T-square taking place with the Jupiter-Saturn dynamic. And I think it can help to anchor whatever a big paradigmatic change might mean within some specific areas, and get a feel for that with this full moon. So that is it for today. Stick around this weekend. I'm going to be doing a repost of an old episode that I did on Aliens back in, I think it was 2020, when Jupiter and Saturn were coming together, and I talked about the relationship between Aquarius and aliens.
This is a throwback episode that I thought you might like to go back and look at to see how striking it is that we were, you know, we were talking about this four years ago, and this topic has become so important again, as Pluto's entered Aquarius. So anyway, that'll be fun. Don't forget to contribute to the Kickstarter—links in the comments and in the description. We have a long way to go. We really need a bunch of people to step up and pitch in five bucks, 10 bucks. Anything helps the channel. We really deeply appreciate it.
And after I sign off, you can learn more about the rewards we offer, including all of the biggest sales of the year on our classes. All right, take it easy.
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