Mercury is heading for Saturn and then Mercury will slow down, stop, and start moving backward through the sky, meeting Saturn again for a while before moving backward past Saturn. Then, later on, Mercury will slow down, stop, and move forward until it passes Saturn again. This process will not be complete until the middle of January. The subtler teachings of Mercury/Saturn in Sagittarius you may stumble across somewhere in the ether:* When you walk a spiritual path there will be many times …
Thanksgiving Astrology Outlook
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Mars is now applying to an opposition with Uranus, Jupiter to a trine with Neptune, and Mercury to a conjunction with Saturn before turning retrograde. Watch for: Mercury/Saturn * Issues with technology, cars, and travel * Issues related to communication and truth telling * Harsh or severe speech * Committed ideas and beliefs, how to hold them * Revising beliefs, philosophies, best practices * A meeting of the minds * Regulated speech * Issues related to the …
The Meaning of the Sun in Sagittarius
The Sun has entered Sagittarius today. * One fascinating way of understanding the popular mythology of any zodiac sign is to examine the Sun's position relative to the equinoxes and solstices. * During Sagittarius season we are in a double-bodied sign, which means the sign is of two natures. It participates in the fixed/solid nature of the previous sign of Scorpio, as well as the tropical/cardinal nature of the next sign, Capricorn. Every double-bodied sign is part of swiveling us around an …
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Post Mars/Pluto Hangover?
As Mars is separating from Pluto and now applying to Uranus you might feel... * The bomb has dropped and oddly you're thinking about what you might build from the amazing shapes left in the ruin * You've just visited your shadow side and you're actually thankful for getting to see it... * You're ready to take brave new steps, to reform, to be brave * You're exhausted and that's all * You feel beat up by life or you feel as though your center of meaning has been questioned, challenged, or knocked …
A New Moon Cycle and What to Expect From It
A few exciting announcements today, and then the daily horoscope.My next online astrology immersion course, "Ancient Astrology for Modern Times" begins next Tuesday night. If you'd like to check out a Nightlight class for free, join me tonight for the second of a two-part series on the topic of essential dignities. Just private message me for the login information. We begin at 7:00 pm eastern time.Next, my annual daily horoscope kickstarter begins shortly. I will be raising money to support the …
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Thoughts from a Mars/Pluto Weekend
Well, it's been quite the Mars/Pluto weekend.Some thoughts...* Mars and Pluto together (among many other things) reflect both desire and anger, as well as the relationship between desire and anger.* When we desire something we are driven to make the choices that we believe will result in getting what we want.* We are not always aware of what we desire, or we are not always aware of why we desire what we desire.* As a result, we are often making choices based on desires that we do not …
Mars/Pluto: Let’s Be Edgy and See What Happens!
Alright. Let's go for it. Let's throw a big Mars/Pluto rock into the water today.When Mars and Pluto come into a square with each other, and Mars is in the sign of the balance, there is an opportunity to embrace what appear to be contradictions and allow the tension of these apparent contradictions to work on the's never easy to do this, but it is always good for the soul, who is turned off by pat answers and overly simplistic notions of right and wrong...what is soulful is complex, …
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Cosmic Humor for the Cosmic Punches
Things that come to your mind when Mars is squaring Pluto but Venus and Jupiter are trine to Neptune:* I might actually really love this person I also hate right now* This is awful...and, maybe exactly what I needed?* not. mess. with. the. ladies. right. now....RISEEEE UP!* I'm a horrible human being...god, I'm relieved to know for sure, feels like I can turn over a new leaf now that it's official* People are really out to get others right now, I might want someone to get me, …
Pluto/Mars and Life Under the Moon
Mars in Libra is approaching its square to Pluto in Capricorn. Meanwhile, Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio are both moving into a trine with Neptune in Pisces.As Venus trines Neptune and Jupiter also moves into a trine with Neptune the themes of redemption, faith, renewal, and restoration are in the air, even as Mars bears down on its square to Pluto and penetrates into even deeper layers of unconscious material, both personal and collective. It's an interesting combination of planetary aspects …
The Sacred Teaching of Venus and Jupiter
Venus and Jupiter are conjunct today.An I Ching Reading:* The 36th hexagram of the I Ching is called "Eclipsing the Light."* The hexagram tells the story of a mad king who will not listen to any of his advisors. In fact, the mad king threatens, kills, or imprisons those who disagree with him or question his motives or decisions.* The hexagram includes several different lessons. Simply summarized: don't be the person who is blinded by your own ambitions, don't be the person who doesn't listen, …
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Best Signs Venus and Jupiter are Conjoining in Scorpio
The most important signs you have that Venus and Jupiter are coming together in Scorpio...* You are feeling horny and destructive and yet yoga or sacred chanting might feel good right about now...* You are getting everything you wanted, and it's making you paranoid* Being realistic feels naughty* You are digging into your own stuff and getting excited about it* You are completely overwhelmed, emotionally, and loving it* You want to mate with or maybe kill the object of your desire, could go …
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A Brief History of Mars/Pluto
Today, a history of the Mars/Pluto transits since the last square from Mars in Libra, which happened in December of 2015.* November 13th, just as Mars enters Libra and begins its square to Pluto, a coordinated series of terrorist attacks are carried out in Paris.* December 2nd, 14 people are killed in a terrorist attack at a facility for the mentally disabled in San Bernadino, California. Trump calls for a complete ban on Muslims entering the United States.* During the period of the square a …