Venus is on the eclipse point today. Meanwhile, it's dark Moon time and Jupiter is nearing its opposition to Uranus.Here's what to watch for:* Anytime that any planet conjoins with eclipse degrees within the first few months of a powerful eclipse, it's normal to see destined events cropping up in different areas of our lives, usually relative to the themes of the particular planet who is making the eclipse.* Today, Venus is conjoining the eclipse degree, so it's possible that we see events …
Jupiter/Uranus: Waiting on a Breakthrough
As the Jupiter/Uranus opposition closes in, here are a few more things to consider:* I've heard more than a few people comment that they feel like they are on the brink of a significant change in their lives, but that they feel, for the moment, stuck in a holding pattern. If this is something you're experiencing, then you may find this helpful. Although Jupiter and Uranus opposed to one another signify things like growth, expansion, breadth of vision, opportunity, revolution, inventiveness, and …
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Venus Trine Saturn Today
Venus is moving into a trine with Saturn today. Mercury is with Mars (both as morning stars rising), and Jupiter is moving into an opposition with Uranus.Here's what to watch for:Venus/Saturn* Saying no to something we want or desire* Being told that we should limit ourselves* Productivity and success, vanity and appearances* Setting an example that is attractive to follow* Maturity and love* Age, time, wisdom, and beauty* Jealousy and attraction to what we don't have* Heartache, longing, and …
Jupiter/Uranus Strengthening, along with Mars and Mercury
Jupiter is inching closer to its opposition with Uranus at the end of this month. Meanwhile, Mercury and Mars are now together in the sign of Virgo.Here's what to watch for:* As Jupiter and Uranus oppose one another we will see a period of revolution and disruption coupled with themes of liberation, growth, expansion and the restoral or renewal of our faith.* Jupiter and Uranus together, in dynamic opposition, ask us to consider that the contractions we are seeing around us in the world right …
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Jupiter/Uranus, but also Mars and Venus
Jupiter is approaching the opposition to Uranus and will be exact on September 27th and 28th.Here's what to watch for:* It's always important to watch rulers of the signs involved in big transits like these.* As Jupiter and Uranus oppose, they will be in the signs of Mars and Venus. Mars, in particular, will be opposing Neptune right as the opposition perfects.* Mars opposite Neptune could certainly indicate that we have more turbulent water-based weather to come, but it could also indicate more …
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Jupiter/Uranus and The Forces of “Nature”
Jupiter is closing in on its opposition to Uranus.An I Ching Meditation for this upcoming historic transit:* The 27th hexagram of the I Ching is called "Providing Nourishment," and it shows the picture of an open mouth.* The instructions of the 27th hexagram involve what we put into our body, what we put into our mind, and what comes out of our body, especially the mouth, as a reflection of what is flowing through the mind.* Various commentators on the 27th hexagram have mentioned that the …
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Full Moon with Neptune
It's full Moon time!Here's what to watch for:* With the full Moon engaging Neptune the themes of rising waters comes to mind. The rising of the waters is of course not only literal but metaphorical. The rising of the waters represents the feeling of overwhelm, of futility or exhaustion, of limits being eroded or deteriorating, of fullness and excess, of neediness and weeping or leaking, of wounds and healing, of thirst and the unquenchable. The Sun opposite to Neptune is the picture of the …
Sun Opposite Neptune Today
The Sun is opposite Neptune today, while Mercury is slowing down and will station on the eclipse point over the next few days.Here's what to watch for:* Neptune and the Sun opposite to one reflect the drowning, dissolution, surrender, weakening, or obscuring of light, leaders, men, truth, clarity, direction, and purpose. It is normal to feel lost, overwhelmed, depressed, weak, uncertain, foggy, and without a clear sense of purpose or direction under the transit.* Neptune and the Sun can also put …
Mercury/Mars and the Prayers of a Nuclear Heart
Mercury Retrograde and Mars in the sign of the Lion...Prayers:* May we see the everlasting heart in the heart that aches, in the heart that hurts. May we see the unbroken, unborn, and undying heart.* May we see the eternal yes, the eternal hope, the eternal song, the eternal promise, the eternal night made visible by the eternal stars.* May we learn to see every misfortune as the opportunity for a more radical, more profound, deeper, rarer "yes."* May we have the eyes of poets, the hearts …
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Mercury and Mars Conjunct Today
As the Moon waxes towards full, Mercury and Mars are conjoined on the eclipse degree in Leo.What to watch for:* The war of words* Things escalate quickly* Standoffs between stubborn positions* Strength, boldness, courage, conviction* Training our minds to be warriors, rather than getting into fights* Military technology (this is something we've mentioned all week, but see recent today's news about N. Korea for the reflection of this one in the current news)* Cyber, tech, or travel announcements, …
Mercury/Mars and Jupiter/Uranus
Mercury will conjoin Mars on the eclipse point this Sunday morning. Meanwhile, Jupiter is just over six degrees of separation from its last opposition to Uranus on September 28th.Here's what to watch for:Mercury/Mars on the Solar Eclipse Point* Bold new plans and visions * Executive decisions* Consulting with someone important, drawing famous or important people or people with authority, clout, or reputation to weigh in on something* Militaristic, aggressive, declarations or proclamations* …
Mercury/Mars on the Eclipse Point
Mercury will retrograde out of Virgo and into Leo today, moving toward its weekend conjunction with Mars on the eclipse point. Both planets will also be in a trine to Uranus in Aries.What to watch for:* Wars of words* Aggression, hostility, and conflict in communication* Cyber and tech breakdowns, problems, theft, or attack* Declarations of war or open announcements or proclamations of an intense, aggressive, or confrontational nature* You're fired, you're done, you're out, I quit* …