The Moon is at home in the sign of the Crab today, moving toward a trine with the Sun. Meanwhile, Mercury is cazimi.* We're in a unique little window today within this month's Moon cycle. The planet Mercury is in its depression, invisible behind the beams of the Sun, and yet cazimi...meaning it's empowered to say something, to offer a powerful omen or directive, or to carry the authority of the ruler (the Sun). This is happening as the Moon is waxing and moving into a trine with the Sun from her …
Venus Stationing
Venus is stationing today...What to watch for:* Breakdowns of communication in relationships* Halts to negotiations* Revisions of agreements* Delays or mess ups related to beauty products, art projects, design or creative plans* Stubbornness in relationships* Insistence on my way, one way only, etc* Misunderstandings in romance and love* Confusing something beautiful for something ugly, something ugly is actually beautiful* An issue from the past resurfaces, re-litigating an old fight or …
Jupiter and Uranus: Crack, crack, crack…
Jupiter and Uranus are exactly opposite today. Meanwhile Mercury, Neptune and the Sun are getting together in Pisces.Here's what to watch for:* Can I get away with it? Should I get away with it? Is it ever okay to get away with it?* I can't hold it in or hold it together any longer.* Leaks, leaking, leakage...* Disinformation, manipulation, trickery, and deception* Saying too much, motor mouth, losing boundaries in speech/communication/thought* Eating your feelings, medicating, overdosing, binge …
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Use Our Illusions
The Moon is Aries approaching conjunctions to Uranus and Mars and opposing Jupiter.Here's what to watch for:* Jupiter and Uranus will perfect their opposition over the next two days. As they separate we're going to see another wave of revolution and resistance, oppression and the fight for liberation.* Van Jones will become an official doofus if he keeps performing the way he did last night. Period! (Haha sorry, I couldn't help myself!). :-)* Venus stationing will bring revisions, …
Sun/Neptune Conjoining
The Sun is moving into a conjunction with Neptune, Venus is slowing down to station, and Mars and Uranus are opposite Jupiter.What to watch for:* The Sun and Neptune together may bring exhaustion, soul tiredness, depletion, or the feeling of being totally overwhelmed. On the other hand you might experience an infusion of romantic, imaginative, and other-worldly longing, desperation, and desire. Be on the look out for martyrs, sinners, and saints, new age glam bombs, and close encounters with the …
Solar Eclipse Today!
Happy Solar Eclipse!What to watch for:* Solar eclipses open doors and bring powerful new beginnings. Sometimes these beginnings are felt right away and other times they take a while to appear. Look specifically at the first 10 degrees of Pisces in your birth chart, or to the house that Pisces rules for a more specific sense of where this new energy might be appearing.* This solar eclipse is aligned with Neptune, which brings along with it a powerful imaginative, romantic, and otherworldly thrust …
The Spirit of the Law
Mars is now closing in on a conjunction with Uranus and both are within a week of the next exact opposition to Jupiter. The ride got intense the past few days, but it's not stopping anytime soon. The solar eclipse on Sunday turns the page on a new chapter in this revolutionary season...What to watch for:* Mars and Uranus together are sending a surge of paradigm breaking energy. Look at your life and ask yourself where have you lived by the letter of the law? Where do you tend to play by the …
The Inevitability of this Moment
Mars is separating from Pluto but now applying quickly to a conjunction with Uranus and opposition with Jupiter, just as we're approaching a solar eclipse on Sunday and the Jupiter/Uranus opposition is exact again.Here's a deeper look at some of the powers symbolized by the current planetary configurations and some thoughts on how we might work with what's here:* With Jupiter retrograde in Libra as a powerful planetary player right now, it's possible that we are being called to task for previous …
Mars/Pluto Peaking Today
Mars is square to Pluto today. Here's yet another attempt to identify the powers of these planets in our lives...* Today is the deadline for the Standing Rock protesters to evacuate...a confrontation is at hand that might potentially trigger or provoke a reaction or series of events that is far reaching, cathartic, and explosive.* A new travel ban is supposed to be announced...another display of power and force that will likely create a vigorous response.* All drivers have road rage right now, …
Mars/Pluto Today and Tomorrow
Finally...some thoughts on today's astrology...Mars/Pluto in particular. Not surprisingly, I was leveled today by a number of fast developments. One in particular made me laugh out wife was sitting at her desk in the yoga studio and the entire building started shaking so loudly and powerfully that she thought there was an earthquake happening. Nope...that's just the demolition TNT being used on all sides of the studio!! Hello there, Mars/Pluto!Here are some things worth mentioning or …
A Huge Astrological Week Ahead!
A big week astrologically...Here's what to what to watch for:* Today the waning Moon is conjoining Saturn in Sagittarius. It's a good day for finishing things, for endings, resolution, purging, or letting go of something. Be careful of rigidity, harshness, or severity. But note that discipline, focus, hard work, and commitment to a plan or goal pays off. It's a good day to get serious and push toward the finish line!* This week Mars in Aries is applying to square Pluto in Capricorn. This is an …
The Sun is in Pisces!
The Sun has entered Pisces!! Hooray for the fishes!!Stereotypes about Pisces, where they come from, why they aren't the full story:Stereotypes--* Pisces is psychic* Pisces is a dreamer* Pisces is a whiner/complainer* Pisces is a victim* Pisces is a saint, or maybe Jesus, or maybe a schizophrenic* Pisces doesn't like being in reality, they prefer dreams, moods, and romance* Pisces is the most likely to off themselves* Pisces is the mystic of the zodiacWhere they come from...* Pisces is a …