The Moon is in Virgo this morning, moving toward a square with Saturn in Sagittarius and then a trine with Pluto and conjunction with Jupiter.For anyone interested, tomorrow night I will be hosting a public/donation-based talk on the planetary symbolism of the Narnia Chronicles. The talk begins at 7pm eastern time, via online webinar, and you can find the live login information in the comments section below today's horoscope!Meanwhile, here is a list of archetypal themes to watch for based on …
The Music of the Full Moon
Happy Full Moon this morning everyone!Today the Moon in Virgo is opposite the Sun in Pisces.This full moon highlights the signs of Jupiter and Mercury and may emphasize learning and faith, the rational mind and the building of systems or methods of knowledge, art, or information, or even the relationship between the student and the teacher or the two sides of the brain, or the use of our technical intellect versus spiritual insight, or a broader comprehension through dreams, oracles, and …
Sun in Pisces and King of Kings
The Moon is in late Cancer today, moving toward Leo by later today. Meanwhile the Sun has entered Pisces. Let's reflect again today on the sign of Pisces, but today more specifically on the symbolism of the Sun within the sign of the two fish.This morning during my meditation and quiet time I was led to revisit a passage from the 1st book of Samuel. Samuel is a prophet, as well as one of the last Hebrew judges (like a chieftain or leader) before the implementation of the Kings takes place. The …
Understanding Pisces
The Moon is in Cancer today, and the Sun is just about to enter Pisces, taking us into the last thirty days of winter. Today let's talk about the sign of Pisces.One thing that people constantly say about Pisces is that Pisces is the "mystic" of the zodiac or that somehow the sign of Pisces is more spiritual than other signs. Let's try to let this go for today and take a look at Pisces from a different angle. Pisces is the feminine or nocturnal home of Jupiter, and Pisces is a water sign. In …
Moon/Saturn and Liturgical Living
The Moon is in Gemini today, approaching an opposition to Saturn and then moving toward a square of Jupiter. This puts the Saturn/Jupiter dynamic at play in today's astrology, potentially highlighting things like generational tensions, the old versus the new, worship of the future versus worship of the past, parents or fathers vs their offspring, authorities and oppressors, changes of order and organization with an eye for the past and future coming together for debate or dialogue, etc.The Moon …
Why Use Only 7 Planets?
The Moon is in Gemini this morning, applying to a trine of Mercury and then square with Neptune.Today I'll field another question from a reader that has popped up several times recently, also from several of my students. The question is simple, "Why do some astrologers only use seven planets rather than including all the modern and newly discovered planets and asteroids, etc?"As someone who used to be perplexed by the same question I feel like I can speak to this question very personally. It …
Valentine’s Day Astrology
The Moon is in Taurus today nearing first quarter and moving toward a trine with Jupiter and an opposition with Mars by this evening.Here is a list of what to watch for this Valentine's day:* As the Moon moves closer to an opposition with Mars today might unfortunately involve the subjects of over heated discussions or debates, power struggles and stubbornness, agitation, violence, and aggressiveness, control, inflammation, and hostility...or at the very least there may be a distinct struggle …
The Prayer of Gravitational Waves
The Moon is in her exaltation in Taurus today, and meanwhile Mars is entering into a sextile with Jupiter and Mercury is entering Aquarius.A follow up note about the gravitational waves post from yesterday. The discovery was made on September 14th, while Jupiter was moving to within a degree of an exact opposition to Neptune. My daily horoscope's prediction about an important scientific discovery being made around this transit took place on September 11th, just a few days earlier. I fell in love …
The Astrological Symbolism of Gravitational Waves
The Moon is in Aries today, applying to a sextile with the Sun and a square with Venus.Back in September I wrote a daily horoscope that said over the next year, as Jupiter is in opposition to Neptune, we should expect exciting leaps and bounds in our scientific understanding. I mentioned several important scientific achievements that took place under previous Jupiter/Neptune dynamics, including the launching of the Hubble telescope, discoveries that expanded our imaginative vision of the cosmos. …
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Jupiter/Saturn and a Challenging Spring Ahead
The Moon is in Aries this morning, not making any aspects until tomorrow.Today is a good day to revisit the Jupiter/Saturn square, which is coming back this Spring for the first time since August.A few things to point out. Right as Jupiter makes his square to Saturn, via retrograde, Saturn will be slowing down to station and turn retrograde himself, in late March, just after the Equinox. Mars will be right behind Saturn and slowing to station shortly after for his own retrograde. This means that …
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Making Friends and Losing Enemies
The Moon is in Pisces this morning, heading toward a trine of Mars and then sextiles with Jupiter and Venus, Venus having just separated from her trine with Jupiter.What important allies, friendships, or networking connections have you recently made, or what opportunities sprung up in the past few days that could provide an avenue for growth or future success? The Venus/Jupiter connection has likely opened up some interesting connections in the past few days and may still have more to offer as …
Venus/Jupiter Trine
Today the Moon is in Pisces, applying to conjoin with Neptune by later this afternoon. Meanwhile Venus in Capricorn is applying to a trine with Jupiter in Virgo.With Venus applying to Jupiter and the Sun just separating from its square to Mars, the idea of clarifying our bonds and relationships comes to mind today. Who is a friend and who is an enemy, or put less dramatically who do we ally ourselves with socially, philosophically, spiritually, and even aesthetically...remembering that one of …