Today the Moon is in Leo, void of course. Meanwhile Mercury is stationing to turn direct, within a degree of an exact conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn.Let's visit one particular Mercury/Pluto issue today, and that's the spirit of anger. Especially in speech, thought, or the mind.This morning during my meditation and prayer I spent time reflecting on a struggle I've been having with being a parent, and that's the issue of exasperation. This specific word came to me this morning from an inspired …
Moving Through the First Full Moon of the Year
Happy Sunday everyone! It's just past full moon, and the Moon is in Leo about to square Mars and then trine Saturn and Uranus.The first aspect of today is difficult. The Moon/Mars connections generally involve themes of aggravation, contention, hostility, inflammation, competition, or hard work. Watch your temper, watch reactiveness, pride and ego struggles, vindictiveness or "I told you so." This aspect will move through quickly, but it can also involve small injuries or accidents, or a certain …
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Full Moon Tonight!
Happy Full Moon today everyone! The Moon will be full by this evening in the sign of Leo. Meanwhile Mercury is slowing down to station in Capricorn in a conjunction with Pluto.The Full Moon is intensifying the effects of the Mercury/Pluto conjunction as everything is felt a little more powerfully during the full moon periods. Here's a short list of what you might be noticing based on the combination of these planets and the full Moon tonight:* Intensified communication dynamics* Coming to …
Mercury Pluto Detonations
The Moon is in Cancer this morning, moving to oppose Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn and then a square to Uranus in Aries. The Moon will be full by tomorrow morning.Let's take a deeper look at the Mercury/Pluto conjunction. As if on cue, last night my daughter had maybe her most epic meltdown of her 6 weeks on planet earth. As both my wife and I lost our minds for about five hours we also had the opportunity to contemplate a lot of "deep shit." The experience wasn't unlike a mushroom trip. …
Mercury/Pluto Conjunction
The Moon is in Cancer this morning, applying to trines with Neptune and Mars by later tonight. Meanwhile the Sun has entered Aquarius, and Mercury is moving into a conjunction with Pluto through his retrograde.Probably the most important transit to discuss right now is the Mercury/Pluto conjunction. Mercury will be slowing down to station over the weekend and will turn direct by the middle of next week. A few things come to mind...* The death of Mercury symbolized things (electronics, gadgets, …
Two Minds One Way
The Moon is in Gemini today, applying to a square of Neptune in Pisces and then an opposition of Saturn in Sagittarius.What does it mean to be of two minds about something? Are you one of those people who adjusts your take on anything and everything depending on who you're with or how the situation might benefit yourself or others? Is this charity or trickery, flexibility or deception? With the Moon in Gemini applying to Neptune one thing that comes to mind for today's astrology is the idea of …
Moon Trine Sun and Jupiter
The Moon is waxing and exalted in Taurus, applying to a trine of Jupiter in Virgo and then the Sun.With the Moon in a good sign and making a few good aspects in a row today, we should see some generally positive symbolic results. Not to mention the Venus/Jupiter square!Look for...* Positive news regarding resources, assets, costs, or finances...maybe we see a reduced bill, an unexpected windfall, or some better than anticipated result that will end up costing us less in the long run* A …
The Gentle Sword
The Moon is exalted in Taurus this morning, applying to an opposition of Mars by early this afternoon. Meanwhile Venus is almost exactly square to Jupiter, who is conjoined the north node of the Moon.The Moon/Mars opposition to start the day doesn't look great. Moon/Mars oppositions often involve heightened tension, conflict, and irritability. Since both planets are dignified they are each strong in their own right today, which might mitigate the transit's harshness, but look for an edginess …
Lovers Toward the Far Shore
It's first quarter moon today. The Moon is in Aries and will square the Sun by later this afternoon. Meanwhile Jupiter and the north node are conjunct and Venus is moving into a square with Jupiter.Just after I was so flooded with love and affection for my wife yesterday that I posted an online profession of my love for her I smiled because I remembered that Venus is moving closer to her square of Jupiter. As the ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter is playing host to Venus right now, and from the …
A Planetary Test of Patience
The Moon is in Aries today, moving toward a trine of Saturn by later this afternoon into early evening.I'm always fascinated by the way Moon trine Saturn days play out symbolically. I almost always find myself getting things done, coming to terms with basic truths that I might normally feel resistant to, implementing some form of organizational structure, or completing an important stage of a process.Other times I will feel lazy and without motivation but the overall effect will help me to slow …
Mercury Cazimi Today
The Moon is in Pisces this morning, about to sextile the Sun and Mercury in Capricorn and then oppose Jupiter. Meanwhile Mercury is cazimi today--at the heart of the Sun, and both planets are exactly trine to Jupiter. Whatta sweet looking day!I sometimes wish I could insert live action images into my writing. For example, right now I would be wearing a cone shaped paper birthday hat, and I would open one of those small popper bottles of confetti. That's kind of how the planets look and feel this …
Moon to Saturn and Venus in Sagittarius
The waxing crescent Moon is in Pisces today, moving toward a square of Saturn in Sagittarius and then Venus.Watch for the increase of emotional tension this afternoon as the Moon and Saturn interact. Specifically the issues of duties and responsibilities and how they override or interact with other our expectations of each other. Conflicts today can easily blow out into full scale debates about values or moral codes of conduct. The Moon in Pisces can also emphasize a non verbal or instinctive …
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