Venus has just moved out of the enclosure between Mars and Saturn, and now Mercury is cazimi with the Sun. Meanwhile, Jupiter is just a few days away from entering Scorpio.Here's what to watch for:* A little technical astrology. Yesterday's brief enclosure for Venus may have been challenging, depending on where it fell in your chart. For example, using annual profections I'm in a first house (house of health) year ruled by Venus. Just as Venus entered the enclosure between Mars and Saturn I …
Venus Enclosed by Mars and Saturn
Both the Moon and the Sun are in Venus' sign this weekend as Venus moves into a square with Saturn.Here's what to watch for:* Challenges to women and women's health* Younger women approaching older men* Intergenerational love affairs* Ideological conflicts within relationships* Intergenerational dialogue, debate* The subject of beliefs and how they spark or dampen the flame of love, romance, friendship, etc.* Deepening commitment, fear of commitment, betrayal of commitments* Refining …
Venus and Mars Square Saturn and Sun Square Pluto
Venus and Mars are both moving into a square with Saturn over the next few days and the Sun is moving into a square with Pluto.Here's what to watch for:Venus/Saturn* Refining your taste* Commitment phobias* Deepening our commitment* Boredom in love* Sexual frustration* Sexuality and ideology* Sexuality and confinement* Sex and harshness* Lust and restraint* Desire and the word "no"* Teasing, tempting down the walls or barriers to love, affection, sex, either appropriately or inappropriately* …
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The Joining of Venus and Mars
Happy Full Moon Everyone!Venus and Mars are exactly conjunct today as the planetary rulers of the Jupiter/Uranus opposition.Here's what to watch for:* The battle of the sexes. Notice for example that yesterday one of the NFL's leading athletes, Cam Newton, demeaned a female reporter for being a woman covering football, just days after raising his fist after a touchdown and speaking publicly about his support for black lives matter. When initially approached about it afterward he denied that he …
The Tragedy of Astrology
Some astrological thoughts I've had over the past few days...Sometimes we rush to look at the charts involved in tragedies. We look at what planet was rising when the hurricane hit, or we look at what was going on in the chart of the shooter, or what planet was on the midheaven over Las Vegas, or we look at what was happening in the chart of the country singer who was on stage when the shots rang out. We should ask ourselves where the impulse comes from before we do this. Maybe it's a good …
Venus and Mars Conjunction
The Moon is moving into an opposition with Venus and Mars today as Venus and Mars move into a conjunction by the end of the week.* Whenever Venus and Mars come together in the sky there is an erotic or creative tension in the air.* In the sign of Virgo it's possible that we see images of desire pitted against images of purity, images of service, skill, and cleanliness set against images of secret agendas, selfishness, and guilty pleasure.* Venus and Mars are natural planetary opposites. They …
Prayers for Difficult Times
Jupiter opposite Uranus is just past its perfection...* Again, we can't help but notice the presence of Pluto and Saturn in the mix of this configuration. Right now in the collective we're seeing revolution mixed together with violence, karmic reckoning, destruction, and's honestly hard to write anything after waking up to this morning's news from Las Vegas, let alone everything else going on in the world right now...from the political revolutions and wars and violence abroad …
Saturn, Speed, and Time
Saturn has been hanging out at roughly the same degree of Sagittarius since all the way back in July. What does it mean now that Saturn is starting to pick up speed again?* Today Saturn is at 22 degrees Sagittarius and some change. Saturn first entered the 22nd degree of Sagittarius around July 7th, via retrograde. Saturn always turns retrograde or direct when the Sun approaches a trine to it. So, as the Sun entered Leo Saturn started slowing down and finally stationed around August 25th, just …
Jupiter Entering Scorpio
Jupiter is completing its opposition to Uranus, and will soon enter Scorpio.Here's an interesting preview of what you might expect from a year of Jupiter in the sign of the Scorpion:* Jupiter entering the sign of Mars means that growth, expansion, wisdom, faith, and renewal will come alongside martial themes: aggression, courage, strength, militarism, muscle, drive, intensity, challenge, confrontation, etc.* Jupiter entering a feminine, water sign means we may also see the empowerment of women …
Venus Opposite Neptune and the I Ching
Venus is opposite Neptune.* The 50th hexagram of the I Ching is sometimes referred to as "Establishing the New," and it depicts an ancient Chinese sacrificial vessel with two handles and four legs.* The vessels were called "ding," and they were made whenever a new dynasty began or a new ruler took the throne. They signified the idea of a new beginning or a new era, dedicated to the virtues of heaven.* The ding was also sometimes used to fill with food at memorial ceremonies. The food was offered …
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Venus Opposes Neptune
Jupiter is just separating from its opposition to Uranus, and meanwhile, Venus is opposite Neptune.* Although Jupiter/Uranus is front and center right now in the sky, it's interesting to note the passing of the iconic Playboy founder, Hugh Hefner, right as Venus is coming into an opposition with Neptune. I know next to nothing about Hugh Hefner, but I always find it interesting when the planetary transits seem to reflect the archetypal qualities that a famous celebrity was most known for, just …
Jupiter and Uranus Finally Perfect Their Opposition
It's first quarter Moon time. Jupiter and Uranus are exactly opposite by late tonight.Here's what to watch for:* Jupiter and Uranus' first opposition occurred right around Christmas time last year. The next opposition occurred in mid-March of 2017, and today marks the final exact opposition.* Right before, during, and just after planets perfect their aspects, it is common to see events in our personal lives or in the collective that mirror the combinations of planetary archetypes.* Jupiter is …
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