As the Sun approaches its opposition to Saturn...An I Ching Meditation:* Hexagram 47 is sometimes called "Exhausting," and it depicts two sources of water pouring one on top of the other until the water has run out.* Hexagram 47 is also related to the idea of confinement.* So what do we do when we're deplete, exhausted, out of steam, or reaching an edge? What do we do when someone tries to kill or steal our joy, or when someone's need to be the expert acts as a force of suppression to whatever …
Mercury, Venus, and the Sun
Venus has entered Taurus and Mercury will shortly enter Gemini. Meanwhile, the Sun is entering a long and slow opposition with Saturn.Here's what to watch for:* Mercury entering Gemini means that Mercury will be in its own home sign, and despite moving under the beams of the Sun will be in its own chariot (sign) protecting it from the worst effects of combustion.* Meanwhile, Venus entering Taurus is also now in her own sign, which means the very long back and forth through her exile in Aries is …
Mars in Cancer
Mars has entered Cancer and has a long and powerful road ahead of it this summer.What to watch for:* Mars entering Cancer means that Mars has entered the sign of its fall. It is exalted in the opposite sign of Capricorn, the sign of the winter solstice and place where the light starts slowly returning through the darkness. I like to think of Mars' exaltation in Capricorn like the ideal conditions for Mars' tenacious and willful qualities. The long, hard, battle upward, against the odds...this …
Sun Trine Jupiter and Square Neptune
Venus is separating from Uranus and the Sun and Jupiter are trine today, with the Moon conjoining Jupiter. Here's what to watch for:* The Sun and Jupiter trine to one another brings wisdom, growth, expansion, good luck, green lights, and the cosmic "thumbs up."* The Sun/Jupiter trine with the Moon conjoining in Libra is about receiving the blessing you've been waiting for, perhaps after some unexpected and positive breakthroughs the past few days.* The Sun/Jupiter trine with Jupiter retrograde …
Venus Conjoining Uranus Today
Venus is perfecting its conjunction to Uranus today after making her trine to Saturn yesterday, but as this is happening the Moon is making simultaneous squares to Saturn and Mars.Here is what to watch for:* Make overs* Redefining our look, style, or the appearance of something* Stripping back the layers* Adorning ourselves with something new* Beauty vs superficiality * Modesty vs flaunting* The feminine empowered* You can paint over rust, but it's still rust* Separations, departures, …
Venus Trine Saturn Today
Venus is trine to Saturn today and also moving into a conjunction with Uranus.Here's what to watch for:* What I want isn't available* What I desire isn't healthy for me* I'm learning how to refine, shape, and structure my life so that I'm happier* I'm aggravated, stern, harsh, severe* I'm refining my look, appearance, aesthetic* I'm running hot and fiery* I'm overwhelmed and/or I feel blocked* I'm learning how to say no to myself* I'm asking for a firm commitment, one way or another* I'm letting …
Venus to Saturn and Uranus
Venus is heading toward a trine with Saturn and then a conjunction with Uranus.An I Ching Meditation illuminating the light of these upcoming transits...* The 22nd hexagram of the I Ching is sometimes called "Adornment," but also "Persona," or "Grace." It depicts fire at the foot of the mountain.* The teaching of hexagram 22 suggests that adornment is secondary to the inner quality of something. What we cover or adorn something with should simply accent or bring forth the essential quality of …
Mars Flowing Back Home
Mars has just passed beyond its opposition to Saturn and is now flowing away.* In the ancient Thema Mundi, the chart of the world, the signs of the Sun and the Moon, Cancer and Leo, were opposed to the temples of Saturn, Capricorn and Aquarius.* Saturn was the archetypal "significator" of the opposition itself.* The opposition depicts two planets looking at each other, facing a moment of maximal tension, the faster planet shifting from a position of separating to one of conjoining, just as the …
Facing Opposition
Mars and Saturn are perfecting their opposition today....The opening scene of the sacred Indian text, the Bhagavad Gita, reads, "On the field of dharma, on the field of Kuru, assembled together desiring to fight, Were my armies and indeed those of the sons of Pandu--how did they act, O Sanjaya?"As anyone knows who has read the Gita, the rest of the Gita summarizes a conversation between Arjuna, the military leader of the Pandavas, and Krishna. The content of the conversation revolves around …
Peace and Pressure
Mars is perfecting its opposition to Saturn through Monday.* The 28th hexagram of the I Ching is called "Critical Mass," and it's a hexagram I've received in my morning astro-meditations several times in the past few weeks while focusing on the Mars/Saturn transit.* The hexagram generally points to a situation where the burdens, pressures, and creative tensions of a situation are moving toward but have not yet reached a breakthrough moment. The breakthrough can be a breakdown, a collapse, …
Mars and Saturn Opposing
As Mars approaches its opposition to Saturn, you may feel like...* Nothing is moving quite the way you want it to* Blockages are causing pain, fear, anxiety* The worst case scenario is unfoldingOr, you may feel:* Laser sharp, focused, concentrated* Disciplined, militant, conservative* Frugal, content in the chaos, self-restrainedBe careful of:* Tears, strains, separations* Pushing too hard results in injury, accident, or misfortune* Bursting or ripping apart or openIt's a good time for:* A …
New Moon in Gemini
Happy New Moon Everyone!This New Moon in Gemini beholds Saturn by opposition, while Mars moves into a degree-based opposition with Saturn. Let's imagine the image of the wind working slowly to shape massive pieces of land, like mountains.* The mountain (Saturn) is an image of a long-standing principle, or the crystallization of an idea, or the solidification of our understanding of something.* The mountain (Saturn) is an image of non-action, of an obstacle, of a "no," of a difficulty, or …