The Moon is in Taurus today, a favorite sign for the light of the night, and in the meantime the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn are all coming together in Sagittarius in a square to Neptune.Last night I was woken up by a strange telephone call. On the other end of the line was an intoxicated man saying he was returning my call. It was disturbing so I said "you have the wrong number," and I hung up. Then he called back, so I answered it, and he said, "Your number is on a craigslist ad, just so you …
Wise Old Centaurs
With Mercury, the Sun, and Saturn coming together in Sagittarius right now one good question that comes to mind has to do with the acquisition of truth or knowledge. How do we know something to be true, philosophically or even just practically? How much do we lean on traditional figures of authority, doctrines, scriptures, institutions, disciplines or practices versus our own internal sense of authority, prophecy, or truth?Last night I was finishing CS Lewis' "The Horse and His Boy" to our …
We’ve Crossed the $3,000 Mark!
The Moon is in Aries this morning, about to enter her exaltation in Taurus. First a kickstarter update, then today's horoscope.We've just crossed the $3,000 mark on our way to the $7,500 I'm trying to raise in order to support another year of daily astrology writing. If you have read my horoscopes in the past year and they have been meaningful or important to you...if one of my horoscopes accurately reflected something happening your life and gave you some extra reassurance or deeper …
Sagittarius: Celestial Home of Jupiter
The Moon is in Aries this morning, and the Sun has just entered the sign of Sagittarius.First a thank you to everyone who contributed yesterday to a fast start to my kickstarter. In the first day of raising funds we've crossed the $2,000 mark on the way toward our $7500 goal. If you read my horoscopes or if they have made an impact on your life in the past year, please consider contributing to another year of daily horoscopes in 2016! You can visit the kickstarter link here: …
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My Prayer for the Year Ahead
The Moon is in late Pisces this morning, about to enter Aries and make a trine to Mercury. So it's a good morning for an announcement. For the past two years I've written more than 300+ daily horoscopes and shared them with thousands of people, each and every day, through several social media platforms. If you've read my horoscopes or if you read them regularly, then you know what to expect from them. Each day I write about what's happening in the sky, and I explore the symbolism both in …
2016 Daily Horoscope Fundraiser, Please Contribute! …
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Saturn/Neptune All Things Great and Small
The Moon is in Pisces today, applying to an opposition of Jupiter in the next few hours. I'm excited because very shortly I will be launching my kickstarter to raise funds for another full year of horoscope writing. The kickstarter will last 40 days and will occur during the birth of my first child! So it's a very special time right now, and a time that I plan to use for reflection before endeavoring to write another 300+ daily horoscopes in 2016. Watch for that announcement soon, and please …
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Moon/Saturn and Feminine Wisdom
The Moon is in Pisces, moving toward a square of Saturn in Sagittarius this evening. The image of the wise woman sage comes to mind, and so it's fitting that both Susan Weed and Demetra George are visiting our herbal and astrological programs tonight!But in all seriousness, Saturn and the Moon are so frequently discussed in the negative that it seems like a good day to discuss the most positive archetypal symbolism involved in Moon/Saturn contacts. The first that comes to mind is the …
Sun in Scorpio/Moon in Aquarius
It's first quarter Moon time! The seed of a new cycle emerges and now again a new story is taking hold. The Sun and Mercury are preparing to enter Sagittarius by the end of the week and Autumn will give way to winter.Let's discuss for a moment the archetypal tension between Aquarius and Scorpio. Let's think about the commonality of the two signs first. Both signs come during the middle of two dark, cold seasons. Scorpio as the firm sign of Autumn is most identified with decline, descent, loss of …
Mercury into the Heart of the Sun Today
The Moon is in Capricorn, about to sextile Mercury and then the Sun in Scorpio.Right now Mercury is combust the Sun, but as the Moon, Mercury and Sun all make aspect, something that looks bad might turn out okay by the end of the day.The combustion of Mercury turns into cazimi by the evening. For example, one of my students wrote to me today saying that a friend just spilled tea on her laptop and it's currently at the Apple store getting looked at. She'll have the verdict by the end of the day. …
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Paris Attacks and the Saturn/Neptune Square
The Moon is in Sagittarius this morning, void of course. Meanwhile Saturn in Sagittarius is within less than two degrees of an exact square of Neptune, and yesterday the "western world" was shocked by a series of mass murders by Islamic terrorists in Paris.One of my astrology students aptly pointed out the words from my post on the Centaur yesterday, "So today, let's see if we can spot the solemn, sometimes angry or zealous, figure of the sage and his arrows."One of the most unfortunate images …
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The Importance of Symbolic Thinking
As I am preparing to teach another round of astrology courses to another group of eager students, the question I've been meditating on is "why do I do this?" Or even more directly, "What is the value of learning astrology?" Especially considering the fact that the majority of students who have completed the courses I teach are not becoming full time astrologers. In fact, maybe 1 in 10 I've taught are now practicing full time, and yet the response to the experience of the course has been …