The waning Moon is exalted in Taurus today, applying to square Jupiter in Leo by this evening. We're moving through a comfortable time of closure and transition. There is perhaps a peace with what's happened, as well as a patience with what's to come. A slow and easy movement helping to mitigate a number of planetary factors that could otherwise be felt as stressful and chaotic. Are we able to tap into the Moon's benefic rays today? Sometimes it takes a little effort....sometimes relaxing and …
Mind Hot and Courage High
The Moon is in Aries today, about to make a rapid string of smooth aspects. First to Jupiter and then to Uranus and then the Sun and then Mars. Meanwhile, Mercury goes direct again this evening.Even though the Moon's light is dying, today is a "get shit done" kind of day. The Moon in Aries highlights the Sun/Mars conjunction, as well as the Jupiter/Mercury trine. Though typically planets conjoined the Sun are considered "combust," and in a weakened state, in my experience the closer a planet …
Darkening Moon in Aries
The Moon is in Aries today, making smooth aspects to Mercury and Venus. Meanwhile, Mercury is stationing and will turn direct again tomorrow evening.What to watch for:* Communication from the heart* True lies* Rapid, smooth success, luck, victory, achievement, breakthroughs, near misses, dominant performances, * Powerful communication, authoritative speech, willful thoughts* Revolutionary ideas, changing minds/hearts* Moving forward, slowly but surely finishing things* Confrontations with …
Asking the Right Questions
The Moon is in Capricorn today, applying to square the nodes of the Moon before making a sextile to Neptune, and then later a conjunction to Pluto and then square to Uranus.There is so much in the air right now about communication. Different styles of communication. Different perceptions that lead to different kinds of conflicts. Beliefs and the nature of truth. Illusion and the victim or poor me state of mind. Excuses and manipulation. Patience, mindfulness, and affection. Compassion and …
Limiting Options and Waiting
The Moon is void of course today, in late Sagittarius and will later enter Capricorn.As Mercury is reaching its station it will be slowing down again, which means delays, setbacks, deep introspection, road blocks, misinformation, unforeseen changes, glitches in the matrix, and revisions to our thinking will be on the menu for the rest of our Moon cycle until Mercury turns direct and picks up speed and the Moon starts waxing again. It's a time to slow down, notice the details, ask the right …
Heavy Climb to Full
The Moon has entered Scorpio this morning and is now slowly applying to trine Neptune in Pisces. Meanwhile Mercury will be cazimi today (at the heart of the Sun), while both are simultaneously square to Neptune.What to watch for:* A sudden rush of communicative ease, accomplishment and success (the cazimi), or an unusual burst of clarity or insight, effective communication or organizing, translating or writing* Channeling or other worldly transmissions, inspiration, communication (Sun/Mercury …
Diplomatic Exchanges
The Moon is in Libra, traveling through the via combusta, and about to square Venus in Cancer (creating a mutual reception) before going void of course later this afternoon.What to watch for:* An unexpectedly smooth or easy exchange of information, dialogue, or ideas leads someone to change their mind or position around something* A reversal of values or change of position theoretically or intellectually* A conflict redirects and becomes a strategic alliance instead* A wound is healed, a broken …
Mars/Mercury Conjunction
Moon is in late Virgo today, void of course. Meanwhile, the Mercury/Mars conjunction and square to Neptune is nearly exact. Mercury told me to apologize to all of you who either couldn't sleep last night or who have been experiencing any of the following:* headaches/migraines* trouble sleeping* fuzzing thinking and poor judgement* psychosomatic fears of nervous system diseases* psychological or emotional breakdowns* the inability to discern between propaganda and interesting ideas* feeling like …
First Quarter Moon Forecast
Just past our first quarter Moon in Virgo today, and now Mercury retrograde, Mars, and the Sun are all squaring Neptune in Pisces while opposing Saturn in Sagittarius. Meanwhile, Venus has just cleared her square to Uranus and Jupiter is approaching his trine to Uranus.What to watch for:* Mental/emotional/nervous agitation* Uppers/caffeine/addiction* Mental/emotional overwhelm* Trouble sleeping* Unclear or foggy communications, perceptions* The desire to empty or completely clear the mind* An …
A Man Asks An Astrologer About a Snake
A great Moon/Venus in Cancer opposite Pluto story from my morning walk.If you're in the DC/Maryland area this morning then you know what a gorgeous day we're experiencing. So this morning I took my two dogs for a walk down Sligo Creek trail, near my house, and as I went along I ran into a family that lives on my street. They were standing with their infant son on the bridge looking down at the creek below. The man stopped me and said, "Hey man, do you know anything about snakes?"He had a worried …
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Annnnd Mercury is Retrograde!
Annnnnnd Mercury is now retrograde! Fitting with the Moon in Gemini, and Mercury in the sign of its rulership today.So let's take a moment to do our 3x yearly reminder of why Mercury retrograde isn't something to freak out about, and let's try to discern what this particular retrograde cycle is all about...First a few reminders about mythic Mercury:* The symbolism of Mercury, Hermes, and the messenger of the gods is inseparable from the pattern of planetary retrogradation. Mercury retrograde …
New Moon Forecast
New Moon late tonight!A new moon in the culminating degrees of Taurus opens our next moon cycle. Today is therefore a very lazy, dark moon kind of day. Here's a few things to watch for in the upcoming days as our cycle opens:* Spring is shifting to summer here in the Northern Hemisphere, which means the weather will be vacillating and first summer storms will be coming through...the changeability in the air will be noticeable as Mercury is retrograde, Mars is in Gemini, and the Sun will be …