The dark Moon is in Leo, moving toward a solar eclipse on Thursday morning.Here is what to watch for with this upcoming eclipse:* Look back to September 2006 and 2007 for the last solar eclipses in Virgo. Then look back to September of 1997. These eclipses may share something in common in terms of the kinds of doors that were opening in your life around those times. For example, in 1997 I was starting high school in a new city and because I was the new kid and didn't know anyone I turned …
Mercury Retrograde this Week!
Mercury is stationing to turn retrograde by Wednesday morning...Things to remember about Mercury retrogrades and what to watch for:* Mercury retrogrades are common. They happen several times each year. In fact the very meaning of the planet Mercury, as an astrological symbol, cannot be separated from its regular retrogrades. Mercury's swift speed and back and forth motion were classically what related Mercury to contests and athletics. Some astrologers in fact say that one of Mercury's core …
The Imagination of Power and Purpose
Mars and Saturn are conjunct within minutes this morning, both within about one degree from a perfect square to Neptune.Here's a few things to watch for given this dynamic:* A new initiative or new incentive motivates us on the level of our imagination and helps us commit to a course of action* The experience of disillusionment brings about a new and clearer, more grounded, understanding of something or someone* The illusion of great strength and/or disillusionment with someone or something that …
Breaking Bread with the Strong Man
Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury are all close together in the sign of Virgo, and meanwhile Mars is exactly conjunct Saturn in the next 24 hours.Here's what to watch for with these two configurations:* Discipline, obedience, duty, respect, and honoring your personal code or ethics leads to success, confirmation, support, greater clarity or efficiency, and victory (Mars/Saturn with a dominating square from Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury)* An important turning point, a relieving transition or a return …
The Sun Enters the Sign of the Virgin
Today the Sun enters the sign of Virgo.Things you may not know about Virgo...* Virgo precedes the Harvest season introduced by Libra at the Fall Equinox. At this time of year in the northern hemisphere the light is waning and we are rapidly approaching the turning point at which the darkness will take over and the daylight will be shorter than longer each day. Many of the core archetypes of the Virgin or Harvest Maiden stem from the anticipation of this solar transition.* For example, take the …
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A Good Strong Wind
The Moon is in Aries today, moving toward a square with Pluto this afternoon.This morning I studied the I Ching in relationship to the upcoming Mars/Saturn conjunction, which has been building up slowly for the past few weeks. The hexagram I received offer several fascinating insights that I'll share today...Hexagram #57: The Penetrating WindIn this hexagram we see wind following upon wind. Sometimes the hexagram is spoken of as a favorable wind, other times a strong and mighty wind. In both …
Mercury/Jupiter and the Big Message
The Moon is in Pisces today, moving toward an opposition with Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter.A few things to watch for given the Moon's configurations today and tomorrow...* The Moon opposite Venus, with Venus in her fall, may signify missteps in relationships or being misunderstood.* Innocent or good intentions may lead to unintended results or consequences...sincerity, honesty, and humility will help to clear the air and avoid any accusations or blame.* Tension between women, or …
Full Moon Maybe Eclipse
Happy Full Moon and an "almost/maybe" lunar eclipse. According to national geographic's sky watch, "only 2% of the Moon's disk will be slipping through the northern edge of Earth's faint outer shadow cone." This lunar eclipse is also not listed on Nasa's official list of 2016 lunar eclipses, probably for the same reason.But let's face it, any chance we can get to say the word "eclipse" as astrologers is exciting. That 2% isn't lost on sir...and we will predictably write our columns about …
Mars/Saturn at the Full Moon
The Full Moon will be exact early tomorrow morning.Meanwhile, Mars and Saturn are almost conjunct, and Venus, Mercury and Jupiter are co-present in Virgo, opposite to Neptune in Pisces.Here's what to watch for:* The glamour of the "strong man" (Mars/Saturn square to Neptune)* Discipline, focus, maturity, strength, and commitment (Mars/Saturn)* The illusion or appearance of discipline, focus, maturity, strength, and commitment, and how easily it slips away or becomes something else (Mars/Saturn …
Venus/Saturn, First Quarter Moon, and More!
The first quarter Moon is in Scorpio today.Meanwhile, Venus is moving into a square with Saturn and Mars is applying to a conjunction with Saturn.Here is what to watch for:* Love and old age (Venus/Saturn)* Love and maturity (Venus/Saturn)* Commitment in relationships (Venus/Saturn)* Young and Old in Love or generational issues in relationships (Venus/Saturn)* Criticism, coldness, and deprivation of love or warmth in relationships (Venus/Saturn)* Contesting the terms of an agreement …
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Venus/Mars in the News!
Identifying transits in the top headlines...Venus/Mars square:* Gymnast snaps leg on landing (violence or injuries at ceremonious/athletic events)* Large group of festival goers OD on drugged candy (accidents at festivals or public ceremonies)* Tandem skydivers die after parachute doesn't open (Venus in her fall in the sign of Mercury...a sporting event leads to death after a technical malfunction in the parachute)* Pistorius injured in prison (a famous athlete who killed his girlfriend is …
Venus/Mars Square Today!
Venus and Mars are square today...Watch for:* The battle of the sexes* Sexual tension* Creative breakthroughs* Conflict and mediation in friendships* Differences of style or taste* Brought together by what we don't like* Different styles of relating * Scathing criticism or reviews* Philosophical, theological, or spiritual differences in relationships* Getting blindsided by someone you love or care unexpected attack or harsh words/criticism* Religious divisions or sects* Ceremonies …