The Jupiter/Saturn square is nearly exact!Watch for these cartoon characters to twirl through your life in the next week or so:* Someone calling you a millennial because the word has become a lazy concept used by anyone and everyone to complain about someone younger than themselves* Older people acting like teenagers and younger adults acting like grumpy old men* Liberal people acting rigidly and conservative people acting fast and loose* An important promotion or increase in …
Venus and Mars Opposed
The Moon is in Capricorn today, applying to create a grand earth trine with Jupiter and Mercury in Virgo and Taurus. Meanwhile Venus has entered Gemini and is opposite Mars retrograde in Sagittarius. Here's what to watch for today:* While one person is moving forward, the other is moving back...these contrary motions in a relationship or negotiation of some kind are intensifying or about to face off* Overreaching or overextending in order to try to make something work that has broken down or is …
A Mutable Grand Cross in the Making
The Moon is in Sagittarius today. Meanwhile the Sun/Mars conjunction has passed and Mars will soon retrograde back into the sign of Scorpio (one of Mars' home signs). Venus is also just about to leave the sign of Taurus and enter Gemini. Finally, Mercury has turned direct in Taurus, and Jupiter and Saturn are nearly exact in their square while being tightly configured to Neptune! Whoa people...that's a lot of astrology!Here's some themes to watch for...Sun separating from Mars and slowly …
May’s Planetary Grand Finale
The Sun is opposite Mars retrograde today while the Moon is in Sagittarius, applying to a conjunction with Saturn, who is very close to a degree based square to the planet Jupiter. Meanwhile Mercury in Taurus is stationing to turn direct within less than one degree of a perfect trine to Jupiter in Virgo, however the trine will not perfect as Mercury will speed up and move forward again before Jupiter can catch it.So what does all of this mean?Here's what to watch for...Mercury/Jupiter trine not …
The Cauldron of the Full Moon
The Full Moon is just a few hours away, and it will conjoin with Mars retrograde in Sagittarius. Meanwhile, Mercury is stationing to turn direct by Monday, and the Sun has just entered the sign of Gemini.Here is what to watch for..With Mercury stationing to turn direct you might see:* Something lost, weak, or sick will slowly start to recover its strength or make a turnabout * Something that has been in the dark, unexplained, or unclear will be illuminated* CNN Image: The Egypt Air wreckage …
This Weekend’s Full Moon Forecast
The Moon is in Scorpio today, moving slowly toward an opposition with Venus and then the Full Moon (which will feature a conjunction between the Moon and Mars).This morning I read the 34th hexagram of the I Ching as part of my ongoing meditation with the book of changes. In the 34th hexagram we see a development of awesome power and momentum, much like the day before the full moon represents a crescendo of energy moving toward a natural peak. The 34th hexagram's decision reads, "Great power …
Mercury and a Bird Too High?
The Moon is in Scorpio today, applying slowly to an opposition with Mercury, who will be stationing over the Full Moon weekend. This small aspect makes a great focal point for today's astrological meditation.In the 62nd hexagram of the I Ching there is a teaching about not overdoing things. The hexagram is called "little exceeding," and it pertains to one of the simplest lessons that we all deal with from time to time. When power or momentum or success or support of any kind is growing in our …
Uprisings and Wind Over Water
The Moon is in Libra today, opposite Uranus in Aries to start the day!During my meditation this morning I visited the the 59th hexagram of the I Ching. There is a fascinating message in the 59th hexagram that is fitting for both today's Moon opposite Uranus as well as this weekend's Full Moon, which features a Moon/Mars conjunction opposite the Sun.Let's take a look...First of all today's simple Moon/Uranus opposition points to the increasing sense of division between ourselves and someone or …
The Secret Command Prayer of Tolerance
The Moon is in Virgo today, applying to trines of Mercury, Venus, and the Sun in Taurus.This morning the subject of organization was on my mind while looking at the astrology of the day. A Virgo moon, ruled by a retrograde Mercury in Venus' sign. The Sun/Moon trine symbolizing a harmonious master/emissary type relationship. I started getting the picture in my head of an aesthetically meaningful organizational process, guided by a benevolent authority figure or due to the generosity of someone …
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A Waxing Moon Weekend
The Moon is in Virgo today.This morning I meditated with the 42nd hexagram of the I Ching, which is translated as "Increase." The hexagram is fitting for a weekend where the waxing Moon is making all kinds of aspects and last of all a trine to the Sun. In this particular hexagram the decision says something like, "Go for it!" It's good to have a goal or a big project or a big undertaking. Sometimes the I Ching says, "It furthers one to cross the great river," which is understood to mean …
A Noble Calling
The Moon is in Leo today, applying to a trine with Saturn.A theme that comes to mind for this simple transit is the idea of what the I Ching calls a "noble calling." The Moon in Leo applying to trine Saturn in Sagittarius may show the picture of someone methodically working toward a positive resolution, someone sticking with something for the virtue of doing a good job rather than focusing on the results it will bring, or even someone set on helping others or gradually building an inner …
Remembering the Small
Today the Moon is in late Cancer, moving into Leo by this evening. Meanwhile Jupiter is just starting to move forward again and Mercury is retrograding backward into a conjunction with Venus and a trine with Jupiter.Here's what to watch for:* An increased need to focus on what is directly in front of us * Keeping still, quiet, meditative, productive but mindful* Letting distractions pass away* Detail orientation* Redesigning something but paying close attention to the substance, message, or …