Mercury is moving backward now to repeat its conjunction with Saturn, which will occur over the next few days. Today, a meditation from the I Ching in light of this transit: * The 37th hexagram of the I Ching is called "Family Duties," or sometimes "Clan" or "Family Life." * The judgment reads "Women's persistence brings reward." * The image is that of wind rising out of a hearth fire. * The image commentary says, "There is factuality in the speech of superior people, and consistency in …
Mercury/Saturn: Awakening to the Sounds of an Old Bell
Mercury is stationing in a close conjunction with Saturn, about to turn retrograde. Last night, out of nowhere, one day after the Mars/Uranus opposition and an earthquake shook my house, an old antique clock started working again, perhaps shaken to life by the tremors of the earth. It actually woke me from sleep, and I puzzled over it for an hour or so before going back to bed. The winding key for the clock is missing, and it literally hasn't worked for years.During the night I had a dream that …
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What Mercury Stationing with Saturn Feels Like
When Mercury is stationing in a close conjunction with Saturn in the sign of the Centaur, in a close trine to Uranus in the Ram, who is being opposed by Mars in the sign of the Scales, you could be feeling... * Like you can't say anything that doesn't echo back to you filled with all kinds of shadow material * Like you can't really speak very well at all * Like you want to become a more effective, more successful, more popular, more provocative speaker, writer, communicator * Like you really …
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How to Sum Up the Week Ahead?!
The next week of astrology is pretty nuts. We've got Jupiter moving into a very magical trine with Neptune. Mercury is stationing to turn retrograde in a very close conjunction to Saturn. Mars is going to oppose Uranus. The Full Moon is coming through. Venus is entering Sagittarius and Mars is entering Scorpio. And finally, Saturn is entering Capricorn after several years in Sagittarius. Most of that is happening in the next week!Here are some big themes to watch for, given all that's happening …
Mercury/Saturn and Mars/Uranus
Mercury is just separating from a conjunction to Saturn in Sagittarius but will station and turn retrograde and move back to Saturn in Sagittarius shortly. Meanwhile, Mars is moving into an opposition with Uranus. You might be feeling: * Back and forth about whether your love or hate technology * Back and forth about what you believe or hold true * Fiesty, fiery, argumentative * Committed to your ideas and beliefs, G'd it! * Having a hard time staying organized * Driving yourself to catch up or …
How I Came to Write Horoscopes
As Mercury and Saturn are conjunct today, I'd like to take a moment to share the story of how I came to the practice of daily horoscope writing... * The practice of daily writing began for me when I was sixteen years old. I carried a pad of paper with me to school and because I was a new kid, and typically Cancerian, I hid out in my shell longing to return to the town I grew up in. The Sun in Cancer is like this. The season of Cancer begins with the descent from the highest light, and just like …
Mercury and Saturn: What to Watch For
Mercury is coming into a conjunction with Saturn in Sagittarius prior to stationing to turn retrograde. Here's what to watch for: * Removing unnecessary technology * Tuning out * Shutting down * Zipping the lip * Stoic, serious, mature, wise, growing up * Breakdowns or malfunctions of technology * Limitation, joy kill, caution * Thinking conservatively * A time of limited mental real estate * Confinement and deadlines * Being concise * Talking less * Dogmatic or fundamentalist …
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More Mercury and Saturn Philosophy
More on Mercury and Saturn in Sagittarius... Let's explore some Mercury/Saturn in Sagittarius philosophy... * One of the classic generational complaints we hear is that these younger generations have such short attention spans. Older generations had more focus, more interest in the world, etc. * As I watch my daughter each day I don't see any lack of attention. I don't see any lack of focus, or any lack of interest in the world around her. * What if attention, focus, and interest aren't …
A Mercury and Saturn Nocturne
Mercury is heading for Saturn and then Mercury will slow down, stop, and start moving backward through the sky, meeting Saturn again for a while before moving backward past Saturn. Then, later on, Mercury will slow down, stop, and move forward until it passes Saturn again. This process will not be complete until the middle of January. The subtler teachings of Mercury/Saturn in Sagittarius you may stumble across somewhere in the ether:* When you walk a spiritual path there will be many times …
Thanksgiving Astrology Outlook
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Mars is now applying to an opposition with Uranus, Jupiter to a trine with Neptune, and Mercury to a conjunction with Saturn before turning retrograde. Watch for: Mercury/Saturn * Issues with technology, cars, and travel * Issues related to communication and truth telling * Harsh or severe speech * Committed ideas and beliefs, how to hold them * Revising beliefs, philosophies, best practices * A meeting of the minds * Regulated speech * Issues related to the …
The Meaning of the Sun in Sagittarius
The Sun has entered Sagittarius today. * One fascinating way of understanding the popular mythology of any zodiac sign is to examine the Sun's position relative to the equinoxes and solstices. * During Sagittarius season we are in a double-bodied sign, which means the sign is of two natures. It participates in the fixed/solid nature of the previous sign of Scorpio, as well as the tropical/cardinal nature of the next sign, Capricorn. Every double-bodied sign is part of swiveling us around an …
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Post Mars/Pluto Hangover?
As Mars is separating from Pluto and now applying to Uranus you might feel... * The bomb has dropped and oddly you're thinking about what you might build from the amazing shapes left in the ruin * You've just visited your shadow side and you're actually thankful for getting to see it... * You're ready to take brave new steps, to reform, to be brave * You're exhausted and that's all * You feel beat up by life or you feel as though your center of meaning has been questioned, challenged, or knocked …