Happy New Moon everyone!Today the Moon and Sun synch up in Sagittarius and we begin the last lunar cycle of 2015. What a year it's been, and what a year we have to look forward to in 2016.Today's cycle begins with a superior/dominant square from Jupiter to the Sun and Moon, and since Jupiter is the ruler of the Sun and Moon, this means our cycle begins with a very powerful Jupiterian theme. Whether that means good luck, positivity, and faith, or unexpected benefits and support showing up to …
Jupiter Guiding the End of the Year
The balsamic Moon is in Sagittarius this morning, conjunct Saturn. Meanwhile Mars is opposing Uranus and will perfect this evening, and Venus is almost exactly trine to Neptune. New Moon tomorrow!Here's a list of what themes watch for:* The end of a cycle (Dark Moon)* A sudden accident, confrontation, or unexpected/shocking encounter (Mars/Uranus)* A surge of fast moving energy, aggression, competition (Mars/Uranus)* Innovation, excitement, unexpected outcomes (Mars/Uranus)* Philosophical or …
The Centaur and Holiday Cheer
The Moon is in late Scorpio today. It's dark moon time and we're nearing the winter solstice! Still no baby, but any day now. And in Kickstarter news, we met our second stretch goal yesterday and thanks to all of your support.I couldn't be more thankful for your patronage and generosity. It's amazing that we've met two stretch goals and still have 22 days remaining. With any funds we receive from this point forward my wife and I will be building an herbal medicine teaching garden and …
Mars/Uranus Opposition this Week
The Moon is in Scorpio today, applying to a sextile of Pluto in Capricorn and then moving toward a sextile of Jupiter by later tonight. Kickstarter update and then horoscope for today.Kickstarter update: With 23 days left to go, we're just $476 away from our next stretch goal, which will allow the astrology school to invest in new curriculum/learning and research materials for the year ahead. Since we are a donation-based program and over 50% of our students receive some form of financial …
Mystery Not an Empty Word
As the Moon and Venus move closer to a trine of Neptune, we might recognize the growing feeling of mystery, allure, depth, and sensuality.CS Lewis once wrote, "It is the chief duty of the interpreter to begin analyses and leave them unfinished."Heraclitus wrote, "Nature loves to hide."Lao Tzu wrote, "The way that can be named is not the way."And James Hillman wrote, "The soul is undiscovered, though explored forever, to a depth beyond report."In the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the children meet …
Considering What Influences
The Moon is in Scorpio this morning, just moving into a conjunction with Venus and both applying to a trine of Neptune.Someone recently mentioned that astrologers were typically supported by patrons, and then yesterday I signed up to be a patron for a colleague's podcast at $1 per episode. This helped me to conceptualize or add a different understanding to the nature of my fund raising efforts. Astrologers like myself, who write daily horoscopes, need patrons. Just like the various national …
Mars/Pluto and Sunday Overview
The Moon is in Libra today, moving toward a sextile with Mercury. Meanwhile Mars is moving into his exact square with Pluto (simultaneously moving toward an opposition of Uranus).The kickstarter has slowed down a bit, though we still have about 24 days of fund raising left. We're currently at $16,342 raised toward our next goal of $17,500, which will help me purchase new astrological learning resources for the sake of developing our school's programs. If you haven't yet donated and you enjoy my …
An Intense Planetary Wave
The Moon is in Libra this morning, applying to Mars in Libra. Meanwhile Mars in Libra is applying to a square of Pluto and an opposition of Uranus in Aries.Last night I asked the posted a question asking if anyone else was feeling the intensity of the planets lately. The response was overwhelming and a number of people asked me to write my horoscope today about what might be going on astrologically. The most obvious answer seems to be that there is a combination of intense planetary dynamics …
The Lament of Civil Service
The Moon is in late Virgo today, and Venus is about to enter Scorpio later today. Meanwhile Mars in Libra is moving toward his square of Pluto and opposition to Uranus.With Neptune and Saturn in close square to each other and Mars triggering the Pluto/Uranus square, one theme that comes to mind, one that's been a part of my prayers lately, has to do with the ancient roles of priests within a community. Last week I went to a Catholic Mass because I realized I had never been to one before, at …
Mars/Pluto/Uranus and Remaining Calm
The Moon is in Virgo today, just past its last quarter and square to the Sun.As if we need anymore dark news...the public massacre in California yesterday is yet another in what feels like an endless string, and yet it should at least be noted astrologically that we are watching a series of challenging aspects form in the sky. The Saturn/Neptune square being the first, but now the planet Mars is moving into a square with Pluto and an opposition to Uranus, both of which involve the returning …
The Poetry of Our Ideas
The Moon has just entered Virgo and is immediately applying to an opposition of Neptune and square of Saturn. The day ahead will thus engage or activate the Saturn/Neptune square quite strongly.Since we've been taking time to cover the Saturn/Neptune square in depth, let's turn the dynamic once more and this time look at it from the perspective of Neptune's glamorizing or romanticizing of Saturn.Let's start by asking ourselves a simple question...is there anything in your life right now that is …
Disarming Our Ideas
The Moon is in Leo today, and the Saturn/Neptune square is still very close.Let's discuss another angle of the Saturn/Neptune dynamic today and talk about disarmament. The disarming effects of generosity and grace, or charity and kindness.One thing commonly signified by the Saturn/Neptune square is the softening or weakening of rigid principles or ideas for the sake of love, compassion, and forgiveness.Have you ever had an experience where someone you were holding something against, or someone …