Happy New Moon today!The Sun and Moon have just conjoined in the sign of Aquarius and our second moon cycle of the new year is now underway. Meanwhile the Sun and Mars are separating from their square, and Venus is past the conjunction to Pluto..that's two more stressful and dynamic aspects that are now fading. So what do we have to look forward to in the coming weeks?1. Venus is applying to a trine with Jupiter, who is still very close to the north node of the Moon (true node)2. Through …
Astrology, Choice, and Fortune’s Wheel
The Moon is in Capricorn today, just now void of course. Meanwhile Venus is finally beyond her conjunction to Pluto but the Sun is moving toward his exact square with Mars by tomorrow morning. Watch for headaches, conflicts with authority, issues with men and/or fathers, the subject of paternity, aggression, irritability, inflammation, bosses and orders or commands and the resistance to authority.Meanwhile, today I field a question that I've received lately from several different readers. This …
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Careful Near Tigers
The Moon is in Capricorn today, moving toward the Venus/Pluto conjunction which perfects today. Meanwhile the Sun continues toward its exact square of Mars by Sunday morning.As we've been looking at these challenging transits for the past week, they have grown more intense as they've come closer to perfection. Here's a short list summarizing the themes again:* Conflicts with authority, bosses, managers (Sun/Mars)* Arrogance and conflict with people stuck on their own way (Sun/Mars)* Having to …
New Deals, Noble Callings, and Not Dropping the Tea Cup
The Moon is void of course in Sagittarius today. Meanwhile Venus is almost exactly conjoined with Pluto and the Sun is almost exactly square to Mars.As the Sun and Mars approach their square the issues of oversight or condescension might be in the air right now. The Sun is an authority and Mars is an executive force. As a combination we might see things like orders, commands, oversight, and management coming to the forefront right now. Who is making the commands and who is doing the leading, …
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A Lovers Quarrel
The Moon is in Sagittarius this morning, applying to a conjunction with Saturn and a simultaneous sextile with the Sun in Aquarius. Meanwhile Venus/Pluto is almost exact and Sun/Mars is almost exact.What to watch for today and as the week continues..Moon/Saturn in Sagittarius today:* The difference between a law or rule and the spirit of the law or rule* Sternness and legalism* Self righteousness and inflexibility* Dogma and philosophical conviction* Argumentation and debate surrounding higher …
Remodeling the Cosmic Imagination
The Moon is just about to enter Sagittarius this morning and will slowly apply to a square with Neptune and then a conjunction with Saturn, highlighting the Saturn/Neptune dynamic over the next day. Meanwhile Venus/Pluto and Sun/Mars are still approaching exact.But let's take a break from Venus/Pluto and Sun/Mars for the day and step back into the Saturn/Neptune dynamic, which I haven't visited in my dailies for a while now (since the exact square started passing). The subject for today has to …
Winter’s Lovers
The Moon is in Scorpio today, just now making a sextile to Mercury in Capricorn and then another sextile to Jupiter in Virgo later today.Meanwhile the Sun and Mars are closer to an exact square, and Venus and Pluto to a conjunction.A few additional themes to consider today for the approaching Venus/Pluto conjunction.I was inspired this morning to revisit a passage from Song of Songs in the Old Testament, which is pretty steamy, if you've never read it before! In one passage I was struck by the …
Sun/Mars and Venus/Pluto
The Moon is in Scorpio this morning, applying to a sextile of Venus in Capricorn. Meanwhile the Sun is applying to a square with Mars, and Venus is applying to a conjunction with Pluto.As Mars is in an overcoming/superior square with the Sun he holds some power over the Sun in the approaching transit. Watch for outbursts of violence, passionate intensity, accidents or injuries, etc. We might especially look for Sun symbols to receive some form of injury or direct challenge. This might …
Good Judgment?
The Moon is in Libra this morning, moving toward a sextile of Saturn in Sagittarius and then squares to Mercury and Pluto and then an opposition with Uranus.Moon in Libra topic for today...Where does good judgment come from? Upon what experience or philosophical or intellectual or spiritual ground do we base difficult decisions in our lives? The Moon in Libra today is negotiating a small planetary mine field with a series of hard aspects all in a row. I ask this question as I've lately been …
Who Owes What to Who?
The Moon is in Libra today, applying with reception to a square of Venus and then a trine to the Sun. Watch today for the subject of fairness in relationships, or the harmonizing of different practical goals or needs in various working partnerships or projects, with bosses or in the workplace. As Venus approaches Pluto the shadows of our relationships might come up in different ways in the week ahead:* Affairs, betrayal, dishonesty* Lust, desire, powerful sexual connection* Manipulation, malice, …
Finding Our Pole Star
The Moon is in Virgo today, applying to a conjunction with Jupiter and then crossing the north node.In 2010 I read the entire Bible, cover to cover, over the course of 6 months. It was one of the most interesting studies I ever had because I was simultaneously drinking in ayahuasca ceremonies several times each month and studying astrology, which provided an incredible visionary backdrop for reflection. Among many other realizations I had during that time about the good old book, one of the most …
Mercury Moves Direct
The Moon is in Virgo today, moving toward a sextile with Mars and then a square with Saturn by tomorrow. Meanwhile Mercury has stationed and is about to move direct again by this evening. After which point he will move slowly across his conjunction with Pluto again over the rest of the week.A few sneak previews: Venus is heading toward a conjunction with Pluto, and the Sun is heading toward a conjunction with Mars. Both transits we'll be keeping our eye on in the upcoming week or two.Here's what …