Today the dark Moon is moving into and invisibly reflecting the perfecting conjunction between Mercury and Uranus in Aries.Here's some patterns to watch for:* A surprise situation or turn of events* Being vocal and virtuous at once leads to quiet results* A discovery* Breaking the mold* A fast or rapid change due to a powerful realization or insight* A liberated perspective* A normal review turns up something unexpected * The ideal and the actions we take toward realizing it* Genius and the …
Mercury/Uranus and Live Wires
The dark Moon is in Aries today and Mercury is moving retrograde toward a conjunction with Uranus.You might notice any of the following...* I've COMPLETELY changed my mind about that...* You know what, no, I'm not going to take it...* I don't care what happens, at least I'll go down swinging* A surprising turn of events, making you a believer* Enlisting help, sounding the trumpet, banging the drum* An eccentric man with a plan is knocking on your door* A complete revision of strategy or vision …
Weekend Astrology Update
A weekend astrology update...* In the next week Mercury will move into a conjunction with Uranus in Aries and then station in that conjunction before turning direct again.* Meanwhile, Mars is in Gemini, which means Mercury and Mars are in mutual reception with each other.* Meanwhile, Venus in Pisces is separating from a square to Saturn and is in mutual reception with Jupiter in Libra.* What does it all mean?!* The Mercury/Uranus/Mars combination bodes well for advocating, fighting, defying, or …
Venus and Saturn Might Say…
Venus is perfecting its square to Saturn today, and from here it will finally start separating and moving forward.Things we might hear ourselves thinking, saying, or seeing when it comes to relationships...* That person won't take "no" for an answer...* I'm in love with someone who never shows me affection* I'm bored in this relationship* This relationship is ending* What a joy killer* There needs to be mutual respect, it goes both ways* This relationship is getting more serious* This person has …
Mercury and Mars in Mutual Reception
The Sun has entered Taurus, Mercury is about to retrograde back into Aries, and Mars is at the "anaretic" degree of Taurus. Meanwhile Venus and Saturn are square.Here's what to watch for:* As Mercury begins to separate from the Sun it's as though something ill, weak, or invisible will start to gain light, power, health, and visibility again.* As Mercury comes out of the underworld and emerges as the morning star, we should watch for important announcements, or the emergence of important …
Venus/Saturn and Gentle Restraint
Venus is moving into a square with Saturn...Another I Ching Reading this morning, this time focusing on the question of how to handle challenges in friendships, partnerships, romance, or among colleagues, community members, in alliances, etc.* Hexagram 9 is sometimes called "gentle restraint."* The hexagram depicts a single yin line in the midst of all yang lines.* The single yin line is "correct," or it's place is right (it's at a yin place in the hexagram), which means that despite the fact …
Mercury Combust the Sun
It's last quarter Moon time...Here's what to watch for:* Mercury is badly combust at this point in its retrograde, which means that Mercury signified things may be weak or even in crisis mode for the next day or so. Look at the house Mercury is currently transiting in your natal chart, as well as the houses ruled by Mercury in your natal chart to see how the combustion might be showing up for you. As it's in my own first house, for example, I got a strange rash on my arm this morning and …
Venus/Saturn and an I Ching Lesson
Venus has turned direct and is now moving back into a square with Saturn.An I Ching Meditation for this Venus/Saturn Square:* The 58th hexagram of the I Ching is sometimes called "Cheerfulness" or "Joy," and it depicts two lakes conjoined with one another. The teachings of the 58th hexagram include the notion of joining together with other like-minded friends or colleagues in order to discuss, converse, and enjoy one another's company. Implicit in the image of joining together with others it the …
The Sun, the Moon, and Resurrection
The Moon is trine to the Sun on this sacred Christian holiday, and Venus has turned direct with a sextile to Mars. Happy Easter if you celebrate!A special meditation on the Sun and the Moon and the importance of the theme of resurrection.The very first night that I drank ayahuasca, about twelve years ago right now, the Christian faith I was brought up with died and in its place was resurrected something that I still can't name or define. In the middle of this profoundly terrifying night of …
Venus Turning Direct
Venus is stationed today and will begin moving direct again tomorrow. Here's what to watch for:* When Venus stations, whether direct or retrograde, it's normal to see breakdowns, delays, or standstills in relationships, negotiations, diplomacy, and love. The difference between a station to retrograde versus a station to turn direct is that usually a station to turn direct will bring an improvement in relations or a turn for the better, especially after a period of delay or after a period of …
Sun/Uranus and Moon/Mars Part Two
The Moon is opposite Mars today. Meanwhile, the Sun is moving into a conjunction with Uranus.Today, like yesterday, the same two major planetary configurations are taking center stage.* The Sun and Uranus combine to bring the hero and the rebel together, or the hero and the iconoclast, the leader and the eccentric. The Sun and Uranus in Aries are bold, boundary-breaking, compelling, impulsive, possibly reckless, but also innovative, daring, pioneering, and wild.* With the Sun and Uranus …
Sun/Uranus and Moon/Mars
The Moon is in Scorpio today, moving slowly into an opposition with Mars. Meanwhile, the Sun is moving into a conjunction with Uranus.Here's what to watch for:With the Sun and Uranus...* Sudden or unexpected acts of bravery, courage, or aggression* The impulse to move, act, plow forward, or make a snap choice or judgment * Breakthroughs, insight and moments of clarity, enthusiasm, the start of a revolutionary event or moment * The illumination of an idea or concept* The erratic, …