The Moon is in Pisces today and Venus is just leaving the heart of the Sun (cazimi).Here's what to watch for...* When Venus is at the heart of the Sun it's as though she has died into a cauldron of fiery flowers.* She is being cleansed, healed, and purified.* She is being rarefied into a new oil, a new medicine.* Watch as relationships are cleansed, renewed, revitalized.* Breathe in the aroma of a new era in the way you love, relate, and create.* Sense and smell the lightest dawning of a new …
Mercury Activating the T-Square
The dark Moon is in Aquarius today...Here's what to watch for:* Mercury is triggering the t-square between Jupiter/Uranus and Pluto, just as Mercury is in the early days of emerging as the evening star.* Information comes to light that makes everything clear or obvious, the real dangers apparent, and the path forward is presented.* Technical issues, breakdowns in communication, unexpected changes in plans or important announcements.* Coercion, forceful communication tactics, aggressive …
Mercury Lighting Up
Venus is combust the Sun, moving through her retrograde into a conjunction with the Sun.What to watch for:* It's fascinating that as Venus is disappearing into the underworld, Mercury is appearing as the evening star. There are a number of images that come to mind.* An appearance dies, a messenger appears* Revelations appear as relationships break down* Speaking the truth, whistle blowing, calling something out, leads to a breakdown in diplomacy, trust, or negotiations* A failed attempt to …
Zero Aries/Spring Equinox!
Happy Spring Equinox!!!Here's what to watch for as the Sun crosses the zero Aries point!* A rush or surge of energy, enthusiasm, forward motion, action, intention, motivation, charisma, power, and zeal.* The sudden feeling that you can do anything, starting now!* A powerful statement, the beginning or initiation of something.* Because Mercury is emerging from under the beams of the Sun just as the Sun is crossing the zero Aries point, we have the theme of messengers, messages, communication, and …
The Messengers of Spring!
It's last quarter Moon time, on the even of the Spring Equinox. Let's check in with the stars!What to watch for:* As Mercury is gradually emerging into the night sky as the evening star, his appearance signals information, communication, messages, and messengers arriving into the commons. The evening sky is the natural domain of the Moon (ruler of the crowd, the people, and the city). When Mercury emerges from under the beams of the Sun into the evening sky it's as though a messenger is …
Moon/Jupiter and Sun/Saturn
The Moon in Libra is moving into a conjunction with Jupiter in the next few hours.Watch for:* The opportunity to revise, fix, or mend something* The temptation to overdo something* A shift of the balance toward the positive and uplifting* An activation of the Jupiter/Uranus dynamic in general which creates sudden, dynamic, shifts or changes in the plot* Someone in a position of authority wants to help* A general feeling of joy and excitement about the future* Meeting challenges and finding …
Celestial Spring On It’s Way!
The Moon is in Libra today.Here's what to watch for:* Mercury is finally leaving Pisces (place of his fall) and moving into Aries. Watch as the cobwebs clear and we suddenly start calling our shots again. Watch as we move from a more sensitive, intuitive, and emotional way of thinking, processing, and navigating to a more direct, forceful, aggressive, and action-oriented mode. Mercury is also beginning to emerge from beneath the rays of the Sun, and will slowly appear as the evening star in …
Mars and Venus, Venus and Mars
The Moon is in Leo today, applying to a sextile with Jupiter and then a trine with Saturn. Mars is about to enter Taurus.What to watch for:* The final degrees of Mars in Aries brings a noticeable intensity and feeling of culmination, like a string of fireworks being ignited simultaneously. Notice for example the rapid fire of political events that began last weekend with Trump's wire tapping claims, followed by the roll out of the new travel ban, the new health care plan, the wikileaks CIA dump, …
Moon in the Lion
The Moon enters Leo today...Here's what to watch for:* Nothing but trines and sextiles from the Moon to Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn for the next two days. It's a good time to take the noble path, to take the lead with dignity, and to move toward friendly resolution wherever an opportunity presents itself. The Moon's trine to Venus retrograde might bring up opportunities to mend a wound from the past, or to revise or reconsider something important. The trines to Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn …
The Rising Tides
The Moon is moving into a trine with the Sun and Mercury and then into an opposition with Pluto and square with Uranus and Jupiter.Here's what to watch for:* The Moon/Sun trine today indicates success, growth, and progress. Not everything that grows is "good," of course, but it's a day where efforts find allies, where doors may open, and where a general feeling of progress and development is in the air. This happens because the Moon is building in light and because it's connecting harmoniously …
Mercury Cazimi: Success in the Open
The Moon is at home in the sign of the Crab today, moving toward a trine with the Sun. Meanwhile, Mercury is cazimi.* We're in a unique little window today within this month's Moon cycle. The planet Mercury is in its depression, invisible behind the beams of the Sun, and yet cazimi...meaning it's empowered to say something, to offer a powerful omen or directive, or to carry the authority of the ruler (the Sun). This is happening as the Moon is waxing and moving into a trine with the Sun from her …
Venus Stationing
Venus is stationing today...What to watch for:* Breakdowns of communication in relationships* Halts to negotiations* Revisions of agreements* Delays or mess ups related to beauty products, art projects, design or creative plans* Stubbornness in relationships* Insistence on my way, one way only, etc* Misunderstandings in romance and love* Confusing something beautiful for something ugly, something ugly is actually beautiful* An issue from the past resurfaces, re-litigating an old fight or …