The Moon is in the sign of Libra today, and the mutable Grand Cross is slowly being activated again by Mercury in Gemini.Here's what to watch for:*Open mindedness and anger* Increased intellectual tension (Mercury/Saturn)* Relativism vs absolutism (Mercury/Saturn)* Rigidity vs open mindedness (Mercury/Saturn)* Discipline vs slack practices (Mercury/Saturn)* Problem solving and mental focus (Mercury/Saturn)* Confrontations with authority figures in speech, writing, learning, etc (Mercury/Saturn)* …
The Moon is in Libra today. Meanwhile, Mercury has just entered Gemini and is now moving from the opposition to Mars into a gradual opposition with Saturn and the activation of the grand cross again in the weeks to come.What an awful few days in the ongoing saga of these public attacks.Here are a few things that we astrologers like to do during moments like these:* Look at the shooters chart to explain exactly how or why we see the symbolism of the violence or radical beliefs or ignorance or …
The Saturn/Neptune Square
The Moon is in Virgo this morning, moving into the t-square with Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune.Let's revisit Saturn/Neptune today. Here are some themes to watch for in the midst of our mutable madness this month:* Saturn and Neptune brings up sharp distinctions between what is "real," limiting, concrete, and depressive on the one hand and surreal, transcendental, ideal, blissful, or illusory on the other.* Saturn and Neptune can highlight paranormal experiences, non-ordinary states of …
Ayahuasca and Astrology
Check out this recent conversation I had about ayahuasca and astrology, hosted by Adam Sommer and the Exploring Astrology podcast! …
Mercury/Mars Opposite Today
The Moon is in Leo today, making a sextile with the Sun and Venus and then moving straight to the squares with Mercury and Mars, who are opposite today.Here's what to watch for:* Standoffs, debates, heated discussions, * Irritation, exacerbation, exaggeration* Driving a hard bargain, establishing an ambitious new project or agreement* Lack of grace, forgiveness, and mercy in conflicts* Self righteousness, advocacy, and courage* Standing up for something you believe in* Negotiation and …
Venus at the Heart of the Sun, Day Two!
Venus at the heart of the Sun, take two.Whether you like Hillary Clinton or not, whether you like the DNC or super delegates or the media or not, it's a beautiful symbol to see Venus at the heart of the Sun and the Moon in Cancer on the day that a woman is going to be widely celebrated by masses of people as the first ever presumptive female nominee for a major political party in the USA.Meanwhile, Mercury is closing in on an opposition to Mars! Haha! This too shall be mired in …
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Venus is Cazimi: At the Heart of the Sun
Venus is cazimi today, at the heart of the Sun and finally ready to begin her rebirthing process!What does this mean?* Go back to roughly the end of October, 2014 for the last time Venus was beginning her rebirthing phase and starting a new cycle. For example, my wife and I were just returning from our honeymoon and starting our married life together. For many people the start of a new Venus cycle has to do with the endings and beginnings of relationships, lifestyle choices, artistic periods, …
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New Moon, Mutable Grand Cross
Happy New Moon! The new Moon is later this evening and will coincide with a mutable grand cross. It's a big day in astrology town.Here's what to watch for in this mutable grand new moon:* Incompatibilities becoming less and less tolerable* Make or break decisions in relationships, jobs, projects, etc.* The ending of an era, start of a new* Coldness, distance, deception, betrayal, dishonesty, in relationships* Divine discontent in relationships* Imbalances of duty, responsibility, work, in …
One Big Mutable Thing
The mutable grand cross is about as exact as it's going to get during this dark moon to new moon period.Major themes to watch for:* A major transitional phase that could be related to differing beliefs or opinions, rivalries or ideologies within romantic relationships, friendships, or larger cultural/group allegiances* A major transitional phase or challenging period that could have something to do with physical health or lifestyle habits, sex life, values or money, image or appearance* A major …
Evaluating Our Relationships
The Moon is in Taurus today, applying to a trine with Jupiter in Virgo. Meanwhile, the Sun and Venus are now almost exactly opposite Saturn and square to Jupiter and Neptune.Here's what to watch for:* An overly restrictive attitude held for too long within a relationship leads to misfortune* Reconciliation in relationships becomes possible after an amplification of our differences* Father/Son dynamics, an older/younger generational confrontation, passing of the torch, rite of passage* …
The Meaning of Mars’ Retrograde Into Scorpio
The Moon is in Aries today, and Mars is retrograde in Scorpio.During my morning meditation I sat again with the 40th hexagram of the I Ching, called "liberation," and thought about the return of Mars to its home sign through its retrograde motion. The 40th hexagram of the I Ching has to do with eliminating obstacles, finishing things that need completing, or untangling things that have somehow gotten knotted up. The image of the hexagram shows a thunderstorm clearing the air of a heaviness …
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A Mutable Week Ahead
The waning Moon is in Aries today, moving toward sextiles with Venus and the Sun and then a trine with Saturn. Meanwhile, Venus and the Sun are opposite Saturn in Sagittarius and Mercury is applying to an opposition with Mars.Here's what to watch for both today and this week:* Venus is at the final stages of her's like those last weeks of a relationship that you know is about to end, it's like those final days of persisting in a habit that you know has got to go, its those last …