Happy New Moon everyone!Today the Moon and Sun synch up in Sagittarius and we begin the last lunar cycle of 2015. What a year it's been, and what a year we have to look forward to in 2016.Today's cycle begins with a superior/dominant square from Jupiter to the Sun and Moon, and since Jupiter is the ruler of the Sun and Moon, this means our cycle begins with a very powerful Jupiterian theme. Whether that means good luck, positivity, and faith, or unexpected benefits and support showing up to …
Jupiter Guiding the End of the Year
The balsamic Moon is in Sagittarius this morning, conjunct Saturn. Meanwhile Mars is opposing Uranus and will perfect this evening, and Venus is almost exactly trine to Neptune. New Moon tomorrow!Here's a list of what themes watch for:* The end of a cycle (Dark Moon)* A sudden accident, confrontation, or unexpected/shocking encounter (Mars/Uranus)* A surge of fast moving energy, aggression, competition (Mars/Uranus)* Innovation, excitement, unexpected outcomes (Mars/Uranus)* Philosophical or …
Mars/Uranus Opposition this Week
The Moon is in Scorpio today, applying to a sextile of Pluto in Capricorn and then moving toward a sextile of Jupiter by later tonight. Kickstarter update and then horoscope for today.Kickstarter update: With 23 days left to go, we're just $476 away from our next stretch goal, which will allow the astrology school to invest in new curriculum/learning and research materials for the year ahead. Since we are a donation-based program and over 50% of our students receive some form of financial …
Mystery Not an Empty Word
As the Moon and Venus move closer to a trine of Neptune, we might recognize the growing feeling of mystery, allure, depth, and sensuality.CS Lewis once wrote, "It is the chief duty of the interpreter to begin analyses and leave them unfinished."Heraclitus wrote, "Nature loves to hide."Lao Tzu wrote, "The way that can be named is not the way."And James Hillman wrote, "The soul is undiscovered, though explored forever, to a depth beyond report."In the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the children meet …
Considering What Influences
The Moon is in Scorpio this morning, just moving into a conjunction with Venus and both applying to a trine of Neptune.Someone recently mentioned that astrologers were typically supported by patrons, and then yesterday I signed up to be a patron for a colleague's podcast at $1 per episode. This helped me to conceptualize or add a different understanding to the nature of my fund raising efforts. Astrologers like myself, who write daily horoscopes, need patrons. Just like the various national …
Full Moon in Gemini Today!
Happy Full Moon everyone! The moon will be full in the sign of Gemini by this evening, just in time for holiday fun (or family drama, depending on your situation!). First a kickstarter update, then today's horoscope.In great news we've crossed the $5,200 mark on our way to the $7,500 goal. This means we have $2,300 left to raise to meet our goal. As a result of getting so close I'm offering a few extra special reward tiers. The first is a more than 50% discount on the 2016 6 month immersion …
We’ve Crossed the $3,000 Mark!
The Moon is in Aries this morning, about to enter her exaltation in Taurus. First a kickstarter update, then today's horoscope.We've just crossed the $3,000 mark on our way to the $7,500 I'm trying to raise in order to support another year of daily astrology writing. If you have read my horoscopes in the past year and they have been meaningful or important to you...if one of my horoscopes accurately reflected something happening your life and gave you some extra reassurance or deeper …
Sagittarius: Celestial Home of Jupiter
The Moon is in Aries this morning, and the Sun has just entered the sign of Sagittarius.First a thank you to everyone who contributed yesterday to a fast start to my kickstarter. In the first day of raising funds we've crossed the $2,000 mark on the way toward our $7500 goal. If you read my horoscopes or if they have made an impact on your life in the past year, please consider contributing to another year of daily horoscopes in 2016! You can visit the kickstarter link here: …
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All Things Without Complaining or Arguing
The Moon has just entered Sagittarius and is applying to Venus, Saturn, and Neptune through this evening.With Mercury diving more deeply into the Sun in Scorpio, let's continue examining the symbolism of Mercury combust the Sun.In the past week I've been revisiting the Psalms, or what was called the "Tehillim" in Hebrew. The word means something like "songs of praise" or "praising," and the book of Psalms is part of both the Hebrew Bible and also the Christian "Old" testament. The study was …
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The Well Spring of a New Moon in Scorpio
It's New Moon today!! Yay!!!This new moon takes place with sextile to Jupiter in Virgo and features the detriment of Jupiter and the depression of the Moon.What does that mean? Quite simply...it's one of those cycles that starts with the excitement of what we might call "negative joy." It's the kind of joy where you feel like you've come home to yourself, or you've opened your eyes to something you've been avoiding, or you simply see now what's been hidden, or you remember, down to your bones, …
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It’s a Mercury Kind of Day
The Moon is in Gemini today, just separating from an opposition to Saturn and now applying to squares of Neptune, Jupiter, Venus, and Mars.Again Mercury is highlighted by both the Moon in Gemini and her approaching aspects to several planets in Virgo. With Mercury in the sign of the scales (Libra), and separating from an opposition to Uranus in Aries, the following themes might be showing up right now:* Receiving a difficult message, being confronted, an intervention* Learning that politeness …
Let’s Not Make Nice About Scorpio
The Moon is in Pisces today, void of course. Meanwhile the Sun has just entered Scorpio, taking us here in the northern hemisphere into the middle of Autumn.Let's discuss the symbolism of the Sun's entrance into Scorpio. Scorpio is one of the most seductive, powerful, and subversive signs of the zodiac. It's hard to talk about Scorpio without suspicion. It's hard to talk about Scorpio without power in your voice, and it's hard to talk about Scorpio without making somebody, somewhere, …