Mars has finally retrograded out of Sagittarius and is now in the late degrees of Scorpio, its home home sign. The Moon is also in Aquarius today, moving toward a square with Mars.Here are a few things to watch for:* By going back to something from the past we find ourselves empowered* Something from the past has tremendous power over us* Revising or revisiting something has significant consequences* Scrutinizing or carefully cutting something apart or slicing through illusions we find the truth …
This Weekend’s Full Moon Forecast
The Moon is in Scorpio today, moving slowly toward an opposition with Venus and then the Full Moon (which will feature a conjunction between the Moon and Mars).This morning I read the 34th hexagram of the I Ching as part of my ongoing meditation with the book of changes. In the 34th hexagram we see a development of awesome power and momentum, much like the day before the full moon represents a crescendo of energy moving toward a natural peak. The 34th hexagram's decision reads, "Great power …
Cardinals, Codes, and Mercury
Just as Mercury stationed and turned retrograde a Cardinal showed up at our kitchen window and has been either perched on the window sill, singing in the tree directly outside the window, or tapping on the window on and off from dawn until dusk. For the first 24 hours I resisted the urge to google browse through all the random pages filled with people chirping endlessly about things like "empowerment" and "the color red" and "root chakras." Instead I kept thinking of what the late James Hillman …
Today’s Mercury/Jupiter and the Presidential Primaries
Mercury is moving into a trine with Jupiter today, as he moves toward his station by the end of this month. Today let's look at what this might mean for us, using the upcoming presidential primaries and the various candidates speaking styles as an astrological meditation.Here's what to watch for:As Mercury is now strongly in his position as the evening star, moving toward an exact trine (with reception) to Jupiter in Virgo, we are likely to see strong messages, messengers, or voices taking hold …
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Cooling the Flames of a Mars Retrograde
Let's take a deeper look at Mars' retrograde today.Currently Mars is just 18 days away from turning retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. Meanwhile Saturn has also turned retrograde in Sagittarius, and sitting sandwiched between Mars and Saturn is the heart of the Scorpion star, Antares. This line up emphasizes the more extreme, Mars like qualities in the upcoming weeks. Saturn being incredibly slow right now and right there in the mix doesn't exactly lighten the load either. So what should we …
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Tonight’s Solar Eclipse Forecast
Happy New Moon and Solar Eclipse today Everyone!!It's a big one. Today's eclipse takes place in a broad conjunction to Neptune and a tight square to Saturn and a nearly exact opposition to Jupiter. There are a variety of ways to look at eclipses so let's run through some of the different themes that stand out in tonight's event.* The places on earth where eclipses happen at important angles of the sky become potential areas of interest or concern. For example today's eclipse takes place …
Eclipse Predictions and Environmental Warning Signs
The Moon is just entering Aquarius today.For the sake of practice this morning I hand calculated where the upcoming Spring Equinox and Solar eclipse will occur at exactly the MC of a location somewhere on earth. I came up with Hong Kong China as the largest city I could find where the Equinox/Aries Ingress happens at nearly the exact position of the MC (please feel free to check my calculations). However, further south the Sun will be at the MC in various cities throughout Indonesia. My horary …
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Eclipse Season Coming Soon!
The Moon is in Sagittarius today, just past its last quarter phase and now moving toward the waning crescent. The New Moon next week will be a solar eclipse in the sign of Pisces, and it will create a t-square in the mutable signs, between, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Mercury, and the Sun and Moon.One thing to note about this upcoming eclipse is the subject of mutability. Mutable signs, also called bi-corporeal or double bodied, feature constellations with two images. Gemini is the twins, …
Sun in Pisces and King of Kings
The Moon is in late Cancer today, moving toward Leo by later today. Meanwhile the Sun has entered Pisces. Let's reflect again today on the sign of Pisces, but today more specifically on the symbolism of the Sun within the sign of the two fish.This morning during my meditation and quiet time I was led to revisit a passage from the 1st book of Samuel. Samuel is a prophet, as well as one of the last Hebrew judges (like a chieftain or leader) before the implementation of the Kings takes place. The …
Understanding Pisces
The Moon is in Cancer today, and the Sun is just about to enter Pisces, taking us into the last thirty days of winter. Today let's talk about the sign of Pisces.One thing that people constantly say about Pisces is that Pisces is the "mystic" of the zodiac or that somehow the sign of Pisces is more spiritual than other signs. Let's try to let this go for today and take a look at Pisces from a different angle. Pisces is the feminine or nocturnal home of Jupiter, and Pisces is a water sign. In …
Sun/Mars and Venus/Pluto
The Moon is in Scorpio this morning, applying to a sextile of Venus in Capricorn. Meanwhile the Sun is applying to a square with Mars, and Venus is applying to a conjunction with Pluto.As Mars is in an overcoming/superior square with the Sun he holds some power over the Sun in the approaching transit. Watch for outbursts of violence, passionate intensity, accidents or injuries, etc. We might especially look for Sun symbols to receive some form of injury or direct challenge. This might …
Mercury/Pluto Conjunction
The Moon is in Cancer this morning, applying to trines with Neptune and Mars by later tonight. Meanwhile the Sun has entered Aquarius, and Mercury is moving into a conjunction with Pluto through his retrograde.Probably the most important transit to discuss right now is the Mercury/Pluto conjunction. Mercury will be slowing down to station over the weekend and will turn direct by the middle of next week. A few things come to mind...* The death of Mercury symbolized things (electronics, gadgets, …