With the void of course Moon in Gemini, let's reflect upon how many things we are...how many angles and sides there are to each of the labels and adjectives we use to describe ourselves, to describe each other, and the world we live in...While corresponding with a student recently about this very subject, I used this example...That guy says to me, "You're an ASTROLOGER?! That's so weird. So not normal."I have a choice...I can respond from that overly simplified idea of his...or I can respond …
Sun/Pluto Conjunction
The Moon is in Gemini today, aspecting Uranus, Chiron, and the nodal axis this afternoon. Meanwhile the Sun is almost conjoined with Pluto in Capricorn just as its entered the second, Venus ruled decanate of Capricorn.Success, hard work, determination, public reputation…but not without style, class, pleasure, and beauty. This is the second decanate of Capricorn…where the influence of Venus is working its way into the Capricorn season. Meanwhile Mercury is about to conjoin with …
What is the point?
The waxing Moon is void of course in Taurus and will soon enter Gemini where it will immediately oppose Saturn and then square Neptune in Pisces. With so much mutable energy in the sky today it's going to be one of those "worlds within worlds" or "worlds between worlds" kind of day. Here's a brief list of what to watch for...* Heavy or depressive moods and mental states* Communication breakdowns or standoffs* Argumentation and Debate* Miscommunication or being misunderstood* Questioning …