A few more important notes about Scorpio today...* More than perhaps any other sign, people love to try and "rebirth" Scorpio into something "nice." Whenever a conversation comes up about Scorpio someone is always bound to say that Scorpio is really about rebirth. First, let's be clear that traditional astrologers didn't discuss the signs of the zodiac in the same way that we do and so we're already having a conversation that reflects the establishment of a new way of thinking about signs in …
Welcome to Scorpio Season
It's last quarter Moon today and the Sun will enter Scorpio this evening.A few quick things to remember about Scorpio:* When the Sun moves into the sign of deep Autumn it brings intense clarity to things like death, loss, and depth...these normally "dark" subjects become ironically clear and transparent.* The way each person handles the reality of death, loss, and depth reflects the spectrum of common Scorpio characteristics. For example, some people try to fight and defend against these things, …
Moon Opposite Mars Today
The Moon is in Cancer today, moving into an opposition with Mars in Capricorn.Watch for these difficult themes today, but also toward the end I've added some constructive themes as well...* The sale or purchase of weapons, security, or defense against something* Harm or violence in the home or toward women* Athletes and domestic violence* Hostility in public places or being hurt where we are vulnerable* Agitation, irritation, aggression, inflammation* Problems with women's health, childbirth, …
A Venus/Jupiter Mutual Reception
The Moon is entering Cancer this morning and is applying to a square with Jupiter in Libra. Meanwhile, Venus is in mutual reception with Jupiter and heading toward an exact sextile in the next week.Here's what to watch for:* Consulting with people in authority (Moon/Jupiter)* Receiving the green light from an authority figure (Moon/Jupiter)* Marketing or developing an idea or concept (Moon/Jupiter)* Receiving popular praise or recognition (Moon/Jupiter)* Making good and constructive use of …
Mars/Pluto Culminating Today
The Moon is applying to a trine with Mercury and the Sun. Meanwhile Mars and Pluto are exactly conjoined this morning, and Venus is now in Sagittarius.Here's what to watch for:* With the Moon in Mercury's sign it's a good day to multi-task, to work with tech issues or organizational restructuring. It's a good day to converse with others or think through problems cooperatively.* With the Moon in Mercury's sign applying to Mercury in Venus' sign it's going to be a good day for working out …
The Moon with Venus and Jupiter Today
The Moon is in Gemini this morning, opposite Venus in Sagittarius. As the day progresses, the Moon will make a trine to Jupiter. Meanwhile, Mars is applying to a conjunction with Pluto by tomorrow morning.Here's what to watch for:* The Moon opposite Venus helps the deal to get done with some challenges or revisions* The Moon opposite Venus ornaments, decorates, and enjoys its surroundings* The Moon opposite Venus creates some competition between women, or between opposing tastes, styles, or …
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Mars/Pluto and the Dark Warrior
The Moon is in Taurus today, not making any further aspects until she changes signs to Gemini tomorrow. Meanwhile, Mars is moving into a conjunction with Pluto in the next few days.Here's what to watch for:* A small irritation leads to an eruption of emotion, anger, and hostility (Mars/Pluto)* An adventure into the underworld (Mars/Pluto)* Coercion, betrayal, covert tactics (Mars/Pluto)* A powerful drive to work, compete, achieve, and win (Mars/Pluto)* Hunger, desire, and appetite surging …
Full Moon Revelations and Revolutions
Happy Full Moon everyone!Late tonight the Moon will conjoin Uranus as it becomes full. Meanwhile, at nearly the exact same time Mercury will be square to Pluto. Here's what to watch for...* Truth and disclosure (Mercury/Pluto)* Revelations and propaganda (Mercury/Pluto)* Disinformation, spin, and manipulation of facts (Mercury/Pluto)* Media meltdowns (Mercury/Pluto)* Empowered speech (Mercury/Pluto)* A big announcement (Mercury/Pluto)* Important information received (Mercury/Pluto)* Secrets and …
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A Revolutionary Moment Approaching
The Moon is moving into Aries this morning and will immediately enter into an opposition with Jupiter. Meanwhile, Mercury is separating from its square to Mars but now applying to a square with Pluto, and the Full Moon is taking place late tomorrow night with a conjunction from the Moon to Uranus.Here's what to watch for:* A productive day ahead with the Moon applying to Jupiter. It's a good day for making formal requests or seeing them approved, for giving or receiving help from friends or …
A Big Full Moon Weekend on the Horizon
The Moon is nearly full. Mercury will square Mars today and then apply to a square with Pluto. The Full Moon will include a conjunction to Uranus from the Moon. Get ready for a big astrological weekend.Things to watch for:* If you look back at my earlier horoscopes this week, we've been predicting more "media bombs" in the US election, and sure enough yesterday as the Mercury/Mars/Pluto square is tightening we saw numerous women step forward alleging sexual assault from Donald Trump of the exact …
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Mercury Square Mars and Pluto
The Moon is in Pisces today. Meanwhile Mercury is applying to a square with Mars and Pluto and the Sun is moving into an opposition with Uranus.Here's what to watch for:* Accident prone.When Mercury squares Mars we often become rather cavalier in our thoughts, words, and actions. We may become demanding or coercive, we may try to strong arm or bully our way to what we want, or what we think we deserve. We might also act rashly or impulsively and end up harming ourselves or someone else. So be …
A Big Week for Mercury
The waxing gibbous Moon is in Aquarius this morning, making a trine to the Sun in Libra. Meanwhile, Mercury has separated from Jupiter and is applying to a square with Mars and Pluto, and the Sun is moving into an opposition with Uranus. Some bigger transits moving through again...What to watch for this week:* Watch today for doors to open, support gained, or the green light given...anytime the Moon trines the Sun you will often see the universe saying "yes" to something...* Powerful …