The Moon is in late Virgo today, and Venus is about to enter Scorpio later today. Meanwhile Mars in Libra is moving toward his square of Pluto and opposition to Uranus.With Neptune and Saturn in close square to each other and Mars triggering the Pluto/Uranus square, one theme that comes to mind, one that's been a part of my prayers lately, has to do with the ancient roles of priests within a community. Last week I went to a Catholic Mass because I realized I had never been to one before, at …
Mars/Pluto/Uranus and Remaining Calm
The Moon is in Virgo today, just past its last quarter and square to the Sun.As if we need anymore dark news...the public massacre in California yesterday is yet another in what feels like an endless string, and yet it should at least be noted astrologically that we are watching a series of challenging aspects form in the sky. The Saturn/Neptune square being the first, but now the planet Mars is moving into a square with Pluto and an opposition to Uranus, both of which involve the returning …
The Poetry of Our Ideas
The Moon has just entered Virgo and is immediately applying to an opposition of Neptune and square of Saturn. The day ahead will thus engage or activate the Saturn/Neptune square quite strongly.Since we've been taking time to cover the Saturn/Neptune square in depth, let's turn the dynamic once more and this time look at it from the perspective of Neptune's glamorizing or romanticizing of Saturn.Let's start by asking ourselves a simple there anything in your life right now that is …
Disarming Our Ideas
The Moon is in Leo today, and the Saturn/Neptune square is still very close.Let's discuss another angle of the Saturn/Neptune dynamic today and talk about disarmament. The disarming effects of generosity and grace, or charity and kindness.One thing commonly signified by the Saturn/Neptune square is the softening or weakening of rigid principles or ideas for the sake of love, compassion, and forgiveness.Have you ever had an experience where someone you were holding something against, or someone …
Why the New Star Wars Has To Deliver the Goods!
The Moon is in Leo. I had a lucid dream a week ago that my daughter would come under the Virgo Moon. Tick tock, tick tock!In kickstarter news, we're at $11,298 raised toward our stretch goal of $15,000 which will help me and my wife hire a part-time baby-sitter from our yoga studio community to help us out with our daughter around the studio and at home while we manage the studio, see our clients, and teach our herbal and astrology programs online. If you read my horoscopes or share my …
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The Centaur’s Take on Archetypes
The Moon is in Cancer today, and the Sun and Saturn are conjoined in an exact square to Neptune in Pisces.In kickstarter news we are just $27 from crossing the $10,000 mark, on our way to our stretch goal of $15,000 raised in support of my daily horoscopes. The stretch goal is to help offset the costs of part-time child care from within our yoga studio community in the year ahead. Since my wife and I both have to work full time to keep the yoga studio and all our programs and client offerings …
My Visit with a Medical Intuitive Part Two
The Moon is in Cancer this morning, moving toward an opposition with Pluto and then square with Uranus. Today I'll continue to reflect on the Saturn/Neptune square in relationship to my visit with a medical intuitive yesterday. I have many thoughts to share as yesterday was a very powerful and astrologically themed experience. So be forewarned, this is a long essay today.If you're new to my horoscopes, yesterday's horoscope about the medical intuitive was a great example of the spirit of my work …
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My Visit with a Medical Intuitive
I know that some of you were interested to hear about my experience with the medical intuitive I visited with today. While some of it will remain personal, I've decided that I'd like to share a few elements of the experience because it was so entirely Saturn/Neptune that I wouldn't feel right not sharing it with others who are eager to learn more about Saturn/Neptune, like myself.First, the woman described the source of some of my reoccurring physical problems within a spiritual/psychological …
Astrology and the Body
The Moon will shortly enter Cancer and move toward a trine of Neptune and square to Mars. Today I'm reflecting on the mind/body connection in relationship to the Saturn/Neptune square.Throughout the history of astrology a perennial debate has taken place among astrologers as to how much of what is depicted in the symbols of a chart might be changed through various spiritual interventions. The Saturn/Neptune brings to mind the idea that certain limits (Saturn) might be overcome through …
Thanksgiving and the Fear of Foreigners
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! And a Full Moonish Thanksgiving. The Moon is still in Gemini today, and meanwhile the Sun/Mercury and Saturn are in square to Neptune.Let's talk about another Saturn/Neptune theme today, one that actually goes back to some of the early American themes that surround thanksgiving, and that's the "fear of evil or bad spirits."The Saturn/Neptune combination sometimes brings to mind the idea of security against or from the unknown, unseen, or spiritual realms. Whereas …
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Full Moon in Gemini Today!
Happy Full Moon everyone! The moon will be full in the sign of Gemini by this evening, just in time for holiday fun (or family drama, depending on your situation!). First a kickstarter update, then today's horoscope.In great news we've crossed the $5,200 mark on our way to the $7,500 goal. This means we have $2,300 left to raise to meet our goal. As a result of getting so close I'm offering a few extra special reward tiers. The first is a more than 50% discount on the 2016 6 month immersion …
Mercury and the Magician
The Moon is in Taurus today, a favorite sign for the light of the night, and in the meantime the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn are all coming together in Sagittarius in a square to Neptune.Last night I was woken up by a strange telephone call. On the other end of the line was an intoxicated man saying he was returning my call. It was disturbing so I said "you have the wrong number," and I hung up. Then he called back, so I answered it, and he said, "Your number is on a craigslist ad, just so you …