The Sun is enclosed by the malefics, Mars and Saturn, through a square this week.Here's what to watch for:* The Sun in Aries is an exalted Sun. Youthful, charismatic, determined, action-oriented, brave, and potentially reckless, confrontational, or impulsive. Meanwhile, the Sun is being enclosed by the square rays of Saturn and Mars, god of war and warriors, and god of time, old-age, ignorance, but also discipline and commitment.* The enclosure....* Checks, restrains or blocks enthusiastic or …
Happy Spring Equinox!
Happy Spring Equinox!Today the Sun crosses over the zero Aries point, and we officially enter the light half of the zodiacal year.Here is what to watch for:* The Sun moving across the zero Aries point means the Sun is moving into the place of its exaltation. The Sun is especially powerful in the cardinal fire sign of Spring.* Exalted planets are like honored or revered guests, or you might think of them like the owner of a business as opposed to the domicile lord who is like the everyday manager …
Venus and Mercury Back Together Again!
Venus is conjoining Mercury today as Mercury continues to slow down to its station point this week.What to watch for:* The emphasis on communication dynamics in relationships, as well as beauty, love, harmony, friendship, aesthetics, romance, etc, paired with subjects like the mind, intellect, thoughts, speech, learning, translation, interpretation, ideas, information, gossip, technology, and rhetoric, continues as Mercury is slowing down to stop and Venus is catching Mercury again.* Mercury and …
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Happy New Moon in Pisces!
Happy New Moon Saturday everyone! The New Moon is in late Pisces today, just days away from the Spring Equinox and making a trine to Jupiter in Scorpio. Meanwhile, Venus and Mercury and moving ever closer to a square with Pluto, and Mars is about to change signs into Capricorn this afternoon.Here's what to watch for:* A New Moon means a new beginning, and in the sign of Pisces with a trine to Jupiter, we are talking about a Jupiterian flavored new beginning, which means renewed faith and spirit, …
A New Moon Pileup in Capricorn
The New Moon is in Capricorn today, in a close conjunction with Venus, and with six planets stacked up in Capricorn, overall.Here's what to watch for:* This is a "let's get real" kind of New Moon. Think: sober, serious, mature, disciplined, wise, grounded and committed.* On the other hand, this new Moon says "this is what it is." If you've been telling yourself a story about something and it's just not so, or if you've been imagining something to be other than what it actually is, this is a new …
New Moon Tonight!
Late tonight we have a New Moon in Sagittarius, conjunct the galactic center degree, within just a few days of the Winter Solstice and the transition of an "old Saturn," into Capricorn. Here's what to watch for: * It's the end of an era * You're preparing to start over * You're resolved to make your practices and beliefs more concrete, more practical, more mature, more serious * You're ready to build something from a new foundation * You're seeing the big picture, getting a new vision * You're …
A Few Things to Remember About Retrogrades
Mercury is retrograde for the next week, and Uranus will be slowing down to station over the course of this month, turning direct again in the new year.A few things to remember about retrogrades:* When a planet is retrograde it starts moving along with the primary motion of the sky, rather than moving against the grain of the primary motion, as it usually does. The primary motion of the sky was symbolically related to the "one," by Plato, whereas the secondary motions of the planets were related …
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Saturn Entering Capricorn: Part Two
More today on Saturn's upcoming entrance into Capricorn: * Today we'll look at the elemental status of Capricorn. * Capricorn is a feminine/yin earth sign. The history of elemental theory in astrology is complicated by the fact that the four elements were used differently by different ancient philosophical schools of thought over time. * As a result, we have inherited and sometimes unconsciously assimilated a variety of contradictory ideas about the elements. For example, sometimes we …
Mercury Retrograde Conjoining Saturn
With Mercury flowing backward into a conjunction with Saturn, you might be noticing the following themes: * The need to create more space and time * The need to shorten something * The need to tighten, reduce, or simplify * The feeling of limitation and constraint * Feeling mentally inept * Feeling like you can't communicate clearly or effectively * Feeling like your thoughts or words are either too rigid or not clear enough * Feeling hesitant to commit * Experiencing or expressing extreme …
How to Sum Up the Week Ahead?!
The next week of astrology is pretty nuts. We've got Jupiter moving into a very magical trine with Neptune. Mercury is stationing to turn retrograde in a very close conjunction to Saturn. Mars is going to oppose Uranus. The Full Moon is coming through. Venus is entering Sagittarius and Mars is entering Scorpio. And finally, Saturn is entering Capricorn after several years in Sagittarius. Most of that is happening in the next week!Here are some big themes to watch for, given all that's happening …
The Meaning of the Sun in Sagittarius
The Sun has entered Sagittarius today. * One fascinating way of understanding the popular mythology of any zodiac sign is to examine the Sun's position relative to the equinoxes and solstices. * During Sagittarius season we are in a double-bodied sign, which means the sign is of two natures. It participates in the fixed/solid nature of the previous sign of Scorpio, as well as the tropical/cardinal nature of the next sign, Capricorn. Every double-bodied sign is part of swiveling us around an …
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