The Moon has finally entered Leo after a very long void of course in moody Cancer. The day begins with a trine to Saturn and simultaneous opposition to Mercury and Venus in Aquarius. This early on and then a bit of a lull while the Moon gradually applies to trine Uranus by later tonight.Images and Archetypal Themes of the day:* A mother looks over her messy, excited children, wonders how she will keep everyone happy, wonders how she will ever get anything done* Mother/daughter rivalry, jealousy, …
Full Moon today!
This first full moon of the new year falls across the Cancer/Capricorn axis, while it simultaneously engages the Uranus/Pluto square and the nodal axis of the Moon: a cardinal grand cross.This grand cross may not be quite as strong given that the 4th point in the cross is a node rather than a planet, but the argument should still be made that we are passing through an incredibly powerful porthole to start the new year.Images:* A mother exhausted by her child, breastfeeding, stares at her framed …
What is the point?
The waxing Moon is void of course in Taurus and will soon enter Gemini where it will immediately oppose Saturn and then square Neptune in Pisces. With so much mutable energy in the sky today it's going to be one of those "worlds within worlds" or "worlds between worlds" kind of day. Here's a brief list of what to watch for...* Heavy or depressive moods and mental states* Communication breakdowns or standoffs* Argumentation and Debate* Miscommunication or being misunderstood* Questioning …